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How To: Draw Disney's Winnie the Pooh

This is a video tutorial that is showing its audience how to draw Winnie the Pooh from Disney. The first step in drawing Winnie the Pooh is to draw a light circle that will end up being Winnie's head. Then draw construction lines through the circle for the mouth, eyes, and nose. Next you should draw the eye line off of the construction line that you made earlier. Next lightly sketch his other facial details such as his mouth and nose. Then you should draw his ears on and detail his facial str...

How To: Update your contact information on Xbox 360 (Xbox 101)

Learn how to update your contact information on your XBox 360 in simple steps. First to update your information through the XBox website go to My XBox and select 'Manage profile'. Now click 'Contact information' and update you information and details. To do it from your XBox 360 console go to My XBox and select 'Manage account'. Now click on 'Contact information' and then update your details. Do not give fake details because if you are selected for any offers you cannot be contacted.

How To: Draw Tony Montana (Al Pacino) from Scarface

"Okay. You wanna play rough? Okay. Say hello to my little friend!" That's a famous quote from none other than Tony Montana, otherwise known as Scarface, played by Al Pacino, near the end of the film, when he starts blasting everyone away. If you by chance want to learn how to draw Mr. Scarface, it's fairly easy. This tutorial is full of pointers that makes it easy for beginners and experts alike.

Raspberry Pi: Hacking Platform

First of all, I would like to apologize for a week long absents for the tutorials of this newly series, Raspberry Pi. But obviously I'm back and I present all you guys a article on turning your Raspberry Pi into a hacking platform. I'm gonna use the platform Kali Linux for the Raspberry Pi. I should note that I'm not gonna go into detail on how to install Kali Linux since OTW already has done a tutorial on how to turn your Raspberry Pi into a Hacking Pi. The point of this particular tutorial ...

How To: Draw Stitchpunk

In this tutorial, we learn how to draw Stitchpunk. Start out by drawing the outline of the entire body. After you do this, draw in the details of the feet and the hand. Next, start to draw in further details of the hands so you can clearly see the claws and the hand area. Once finished with this, draw in the details of the face. After you do this, you can erase any reference lines that you drew and fill in further details. Draw in any other details needed throughout the character, then erase ...

How To: Create a master-detail view of data with Silverlight's DataGrid control

In this clip, you'll learn how to create a master-detail overview of data with the Silverlight DataGrid control. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular web application framework or a seasoned web developer merely looking to improve your chops, you're sure to find benefit in this free MS Silverlight programming lesson. For more information, including a complete demonstration and detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Create a detailed 3D model of a 608 bearing in Blender

This six-part tutorial series offers detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to create a precision 3D model of a 608 skateboard bearing. Whether you're new to the Blender Foundation's popular 3D modeling program or a seasoned graphic artist just interested in better acquainting yourself with the application, you're sure to be well served by this free video tutorial. For more information, and to get started modeling your own 608 bearing, take a look!

How To: Draw a hand in detail

For some, including myself, drawing realistically detailed hands are almost the hardest part of a drawing. This video will demonstrate how to draw a human hand in detail (or maybe some other species, its up to you). The overall shaping is very important but make sure your dimensions are in tact, that can be the hardest part. After you have your shape you can start with the detailing work. Shadowing is always the best way to get the most realistic look. Pay attention to detail and you there yo...

How To: Draw a Victorian house

Michael Weisner demonstrates his method of drawing a Victorian house. He uses a pencil or Sharpie marker, paper, and a T-square to get perfectly straight lines. First he draws the base of the house, and then marks the roof lines. He draws double lines to create the look of crown moldings. He details the first floor first with different widths of markers to show the architectural details. He then adds details to the roofs and crown moldings, and adds a tower with more details. This demonstrati...

How To: Create realistic texturing & detailing in Photoshop

Photoshop can be a daunting program with so many tools to use and details to adjust. This simple guide shows you how to create realistic textures and details on anything or everything you could ever think of by teaching you a few easy steps. He shows you how to take an existing texture and adjust the angles so that it fits perfectly on the surface you want. Then he displays how to add a bit of detail to make the object seem even more realistic by adding what looks like wear and tear on your f...

How To: Explore the crossover game content in World of Keflings, Ilomilo, and Raskulls

The achievement system and hard drives of modern video game consoles present an as-yet-underutilized potential for crossover content between games. Microsoft has finally taken advantage, and recent Xbox 360 releases World of Keflings, Ilomilo, and Raskulls contain some really awesome crossover content. Watch this video for a guide to accessing and using all of this awesome and visionary content.

How To: Troubleshoot video and audio codecs

Problems playing certain formats of video and audio on you computer? It could be because of codec issues. The Lab Rats, Andy Walker and Sean Carruthers, talk about what codecs are and teach you how to troubleshoot codecs to solve your audio and video playback problems. This is a great video to explore that could help you with many WonderHowTo problems!

How To: Draw a Harley-Davidson V-ROD

In this video, we learn how to draw a Harley-Davidson V-ROD. First, draw the outline of the vehicle using a light pencil. After this, start to add in the details of the wheel and front of the motorcycle. From here, add in shading and additional details to make it look more realistic. Make sure you draw on the small details of the motorcycle because this will make all the difference. Shade in additional details on the drawing and then erase any lines that you don't need. Use the eraser to crea...

How To: Draw Little Sack Dude from the video game Little Big Planet

In this tutorial, we learn how to draw Little Sack Dude. Start out by drawing the outline of the body for the character. After this, draw on the limbs and then add in the details of the face. Once finished, draw in the details of the clothing, then the hands on the character as well. Draw in additional details along the feet and arms, then shade the entire character with the pencil. Once you do this, darken the eyes with the pencils to make them black and then darken the parts of the details ...

How To: Draw SpiderMan

In this tutorial, we learn how to draw Spiderman. First, draw the outline of Spiderman's body while hanging from a web up in the air. Then, use a darker line to draw over the original sketch of the body. Start to fill in details of the entire body and the face of the character. Next, fill in the small details of Spiderman. Draw the details down to what the bottom of the shoes on his suit look like. Make sure the face has all the right details, then add in lines to the web to make it look more...

How To: Draw an anime girl in Photoshop

In this video, we learn how to draw an anime girl in Photoshop. First, draw the outline of the face, shoulders, and neck using a light touch of the brush. Next, draw in the details of the face and then start drawing in the hair. Use different shapes and swirls for the hair, to make it thick and long around her face and body. Next, draw in her hand and arm. Use a darker brush to fill in the details and draw over the outline, to create the final sketch. Add in eyelashes and feminine details to ...

How To: Draw a cute puppy

In this tutorial, we learn how to draw a cute puppy. First, you will use a pencil to draw the outline of the body of the puppy. After this, start to draw the details of the face and add in the ears and details for the hair. Next, draw in the pupils of the eyes and then draw in the nose and the mouth. After this, draw in the details on the body and add in lines and shadowing. After this, add details to the paws and then erase any lines that you don't need. When finished, color this in or leave...

How To: Draw an anime or manga female in motion

This video goes back to basics, using regular pencil, pen and colored pencils to create a manga female figure. He begins by drawing basic lines and shapes of the torso with pencil, then adding legs, arms and marking the joints. He adds detail to the body and fills in the shapes of the muscles. He then adds the head shape and fills in the facial details and hair before adding detail to the hands and fingers. He continues with the clothing, before going over all the lines with a black ink pen. ...

How To: Calculate your carbon footprint

Watch this video tutorial to learn how to calculate your carbon footprint. A carbon footprint is an equation that estimates just how much you, personally, are contributing to global warming—and all you have to do is plug some info into an online calculator. Figuring out how to make your footprint smaller, of course, is another matter.

How To: Explore Shamanism through Ayahuasca

"Shamanism: Other Worlds" explores the ancient spiritual Amazonian enlightenment drug Ayahuasca. This documentary investigates Ayahuasca and its use largely as a religious sacrament. Those whose usage of ayahuasca is performed in non-traditional contexts often align themselves with the philosophies and cosmologies associated with ayahuasca shamanism, as practiced among indigenous peoples like the Urarina of Peruvian Amazonia. The religion Santo Daime uses it. While non-native users know of th...

How To: You Teach Others, They Teach You: The Power of WonderHowTo

So many times, you turn on your computer, you open your front door, or you sit down on the couch to watch some well-earned TV, when you think -- Gosh! If only I could do this or this, life could be so much easier! And then, if you were a boring person, you would slouch even further down on the couch and continue to watch those reruns of The Sopranos.

Hack Like a Pro: Exploring Metasploit Auxiliary Modules (FTP Fuzzing)

Welcome back, my hacker novitiates! In previous guides, we have used one of the most powerful hacking platforms on the planet, Metasploit, to perform numerous hacks. They ranged from exploiting Windows XP and Windows 7/8 vulnerabilities, to installing a keylogger and turning on a webcam remotely. We have even been able to save the world from nuclear annihilation, see if our girlfriend is cheating, spy on suspicious neighbors, evade antivirus detection, and more.