Explanations Search Results

How To: Root YU Yureka

If you are among those lucky ones who got a chance to pickup the Yu Yureka from Amazon and looking for a detailed guide on how to root your yureka, then I doubt that there is any better place than this. You might have visited some XDA threads for the same but those are generally brief explanations and you might miss something or the other. Moreover, in most of them, ported Clockworkmod recovery has been used which is less stable and lacks features. So keeping your worries aside, look nowhere ...

How To: Make Your Second Marriage Last

Many people ultimately remarry when their first marriage eds in divorce or had mistakes written all over it. The choices you made do affect you future relationships and it is up to notice these and correct those problems so it does not happen in your next committed relationship. Learning Reasons Why Your First Marriage Culminated in Divorce

Tutorial: Create Wordlists with Crunch

Greetings all. Before I get into the tutorial, I would like to mention that I am fairly new to Null Byte (been lurking for some time though), and what really appeals to me about this place is its tight, family-like community where everyone is always willing to help each other and the constant search for knowledge that inhabits this subdomain is a driving motivator for me to join in. I'm glad I arrived at the right time. Anyway, wipes tears (not really)...

How To: Calm Your Fear of Public Speaking for Better Presentations

Sweaty palms, stuttered speech, and terror blackouts: if you're someone who absolutely despises speaking before audiences, you've probably experienced side effects like these. No matter how well prepared we are, or how familiar our audience is, giving a presentation can be an experience more terrifying than death, according to psychologists. Unfortunately, it's impossible to avoid public speeches, but you can make these events less frightening with a few simple hacks.

How To: Hone Your BS Detector

Can you tell when your friends are serving up a bunch of BS, or are you constantly oblivious, unsure if they're spinning a valid story? With so many ways to lie and fake information floating around, it can be impossible to tell what's the truth from what's complete BS. Here's how to sort through what you hear and find the real truth.

News: Magic Leap CEO's Tweetstorm Tries to Reframe Reactions to Latest Demo After Signs of Disappointment

Magic Leap CEO Rony Abovitz doesn't engage in tweetstorms often, but when he does, those tweets are bold, exceedingly confident, and there's usually a strong takeaway regarding what the company is or isn't doing. But on Thursday, Abovitz's latest tweetstorm sent an unusually flustered message: We promise, the magic we're telling you about it better than anything you've seen on video.

How To: Attack on Stack [Part 1]; Smash the Stack Visualization: Introduction to Memory, Registers and Assembly.

Hi everyone. Recently I've been studying some topics about Assembly, memory and exploitation, and thought I could write something nice, easy and fast about it, just because I like to share what I learn, and probably sharing what you learn and trying to explain it to a stranger is the best way to learn it better. It worked for me, and I hope it will be useful for you too.

How To: Safari for iPhone Lets Advertisers Track Your 'Clicks' — Here's How to Disable It

Apple wants to support the advertising economy, but its primary focus of late has been user privacy and security. In Safari, cross-site tracking, which lets content providers track you across websites and apps to show you more targeted ads, is disabled by default. However, content providers can get around that using less privacy-invasive ad measurements, but you can stop that too in iOS 14.5.

How To: Feed and mulch roses properly

This video shows you how to feed and mulch your roses properly. Choose a fertilizer that is labeled as being especially for roses. It will have the right balance of nitrogen for top growth, phosphorus, which stimulates the bloom, and potassium for root development.

How To: Keep Your Computer Organized in Windows 7

At some point, we all go from organized to disorganized. Let's assume you are a business executive working in a busy corporate building. Chances are you are going to get a heavy workload and it will impact how clean your workspace is. However, this article is about keeping your desktop clean and clutter free, along with the use of software to find documents you have misplaced.

News: Free Protein Folding Game Cracks HIV Molecule Riddle

Foldit is definitely a niche game. The sole gameplay mechanic is attempting to fold complex proteins into smaller and more efficient shapes following the rules of molecular physics and biology. Points are awarded based on how small one can make the protein. Online leaderboards track players' relative progress and allows them to view and manipulate other players' completed designs. It's original, certainly, but no developer is going to ship a million units of a game about molecular-level prote...

Metro 2033: Life

What separates Metro 2033 from other FPS games? Life. There are underground towns, markets, children, music, and so much background chatter than sometimes you can't single out a particular conversation.

How To: The Ultimate Guide to FarmVille Success!

Over the past few months I've written up several helpful How-To guides to help you with various FarmVille related issues. It's about time I put them all in one place so they are easy to find, learn from and share! It has been a pleasure writing for you all and I do hope I have helped you find ways to meet your personal gaming goals!

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