Experienced Health Search Results

How To: Test Your Social Distancing Skills from Home with This AR App for Android & iOS

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus has practically guaranteed that the virus, along with the phrases "social distancing" and "flattening the curve," will rank among the top search terms of 2020. USA Today combined the phrases in its latest augmented reality experience, which quizzes your knowledge in the best practices of social distancing.

News: Boring (Yet Mesmerizing) VR Experiences Could Calm Anxiety & Reduce Pain

Opioids, or narcotic painkillers, serve as our primary method for alleviating physical distress. They also happen to be a leading cause of death due to their addictive nature. AppliedVR hopes to introduce a safer alternative: virtual reality gaming. They utilize the existing Samsung Gear VR for the hardware, but provides specialized software that offers up a distracting experience that fosters greater pain ignorance.

How To: Check your Green Iguana for health problems

You don't have to have a university degree to understand the basics of Iguana health and wellness. Let our expert show you in this first section on iguana health how to examine the animal's body, from teeth to tail tip, to determine its measure of health and how to deal with problems. Ron also advises on when it is best to consult a veterinarian.

News: Officials Shocked to Find West Nile in Las Vegas Mosquitoes

Las Vegas is known as the city of sin, a place for gambling, fine dining, and decadence. Now, you can add another notable characteristic to that list: West Nile. You may want to hold off on scheduling your trip to the Sin City — or at least stock up on bug spray — because health officials have reported that mosquitoes in Southern Nevada have tested positive for the virus.

How To: 19 Tips for Making the Most of the Health App on Your iPhone

It's not easy staying fit and healthy these days with addicting phones, oversized portions, and long workdays, to name just a few things. To succeed, it takes work, commitment, and an understanding of your mind and body — and your iPhone can help you with some of that. While Apple pushed its Screen Time tool to help curb unhealthy smartphone habits, its "Health" app can help with everything else.

How To: Use Samsung Health to Diagnose Symptoms from the Privacy of Your Phone

You really can't go wrong with Samsung Health when it comes to staying on top of fitness-related data. Its features help you keep track of workouts, track calorie and nutrition intake, and monitor your heart rate, just to name a few. And if you start exhibiting symptoms you've never had before, you can even use the app to find out more about what's wrong with you.

How To: Treat severe acne

f you suffer from severe acne, a basic treatment like face wash just isn't going to cut it. Luckily, there's skin care that really can help clear up your face, from Accutane (which you've probably heard of) to doxycycline (which you probably haven't).

How To: Deal with acne scars

Suffering from acne scars that are as noticeable as the pimples that caused them? You can find an effective acne scar treatment, from laser resurfacing to collagen injections. Here, the skin care and scar removal you may discuss with your dermatologist.

How To: Take care of a newborn baby

After pregnancy, having a newborn to take care of can be overwhelming. As a new mom, some aspects of baby care will be intuitive to you, but others--like breastfeeding - may feel strange. These video tips for new moms can help!

How To: Eat right for a healthy pregnancy

Choosing a healthy pregnancy diet goes beyond just avoiding mercury and alcohol! It's critical to ensure that you get satisfactory pregnant nutrition - but the truth is that you're eating for baby at every meal. Watch this video for pregnancy diet tips!

How To: Relax to get pregnant

Just relax to get pregnant? Could it really be that easy? The truth is that your fertility suffers when you are stressed, so if you are trying to get pregnant a little bit of relaxation can help fend off infertility and speed your path to pregnancy.