Exercises Search Results

How To: Get strong abs doing old school playground exercises

You can get strong ripped abs by letting your inner child loose! By combining playground exercises and cardio you can have washboard abs that you are proud of. This video shows how to properly execute playground type exercises such as pull-ups to strengthen your arms and push ups to work your arms, back and chest. Follow along to find other quick and easy exercises that you can incorporate into your every day life to get the body you've always desired!

How To: Do warm up exercises for swimming

Watch this video for warm-up exercises you can do before you swim - or before any sort of workout - to build up your heart rate. By changing the plane of your body several times within the three-minute warm-up you'll force your heart to work harder, which means a bigger calorie burn.

How To: Practice three Pilates spine twist supine exercises

In this Pilates how-to video Diane Preusch, co-owner of Pilates Center of Bend in Bend, demonstrates Spine Twist Supine, a great warm up exercise that stretches your back while strengthening your abs. She will show you an beginners, intermediate, and advanced level version of the spine twist supine exercise. Watch and practice these pilates exercises at home.

How To: Dynamically Warm Up Youth Sport Players with Exercises

When playing sports, warming up is an integral pre-game must, and with kids, there's an entirely different approach to coaching them through warmup drills. This video will help coaches keep their team in good condition by talking about the process of teaching your youth players to successfully complete dynamic warmups. The biggest part is to prevent injury. The muscles have to be warm upped, the blood needs to flow, and the heart rate need to be up as well. See all of the necessary exercises ...

How To: Do yoga exercises for flexibility

Stiff? Learn how to get flexible quickly and safely using unconventional yoga poses. Flexibility is not hard if you know which poses to practice and how to practice. Many yoga teachers will tell you to take it easy, be safe, and take your time. Yoga can work miracles, but you have to work too.

How To: Strengthen your hand and wrist with piano exercises

If you are looking to improve your piano technique then this how to video is the place to start. You will learn how to strengthen your fourth (ring) and fifth (pinky) fingers, as well as the wrist and arm, with this easy piano exercise. The fourth and fifth fingers are often the weakest fingers when playing piano. You must learn to strengthen then so you can play piano better. This is a great exercise for beginner to advanced students. With this tutorial you will be able to gain strength in y...

How To: Play advanced octave exercises on the violin

Do you want to improve your violin playing technique? This violin lesson teaches you a great exercise to improve your octave technique. This exercise is based on the Yost system. This exercise is designed to increase your familiarity and comfort in all positions, develop confidence and accuracy in all positions, develop an understanding of what to listen for while shifting, and improve your ear training and overall intonation. When practicing this exercise you should relax your fingers, hand ...