Exchange Accidents Search Results

How To: Get turn by turn directions with Ford SYNC

If you have just purchased a new Ford Taurus, you may have noticed the new SYNC feature. SYNC is a GPS built right into your dashboard. If this is your first time using a global positioning system, you may need a few pointers. Check out this video and learn how to access step by step directions and get where you need to go.

How To: Disable Facebook Places on your Facebook page to preserve your privacy

Facebook Places is a new location-based sharing tool that Facebook unveiled not too long ago. It works like Foursquare, in that you can check yourself into locations. Not only that, you can check other people in, and other people on your Friends list can also check you into other locations as well. So if you don't want to broadcast your every move to the universe, you'll have to go into Facebook and update your privacy settings. Again. Better to be safe than let your boss know by accident tha...

How to Palm read: Understand the triangles on the lines

In this video, we learn how to understand the triangles on the lines while palm reading. The triangle on the lifeline shows that any obstacles the person goes through will be in their thirties. It will also say that they can get back onto their feet quite easily. Any set backs or accidents are minor and they won't have distress for too long. If the triangle is on the heart line, it will show that the person has a certain mount of security in friendships and/or relationships, that can help the...

How To: Judge & estimate a car repair time

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to judge when it's time to repair a car. This topic is subjective, but it also depends on how big the dent is, how deep the dent is, how wide the dent is and many other factors. A way to find out is to place a 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of paper and place it over the dent. If the dent surrounds that whole area, that is about 2 hours of repair. This video will benefit those viewers who have a vehicle and just had an accident, and would like to learn how to est...

How To: Overcome anxiety while driving

In this tutorial, we learn how to overcome driving anxiety. Remember that you aren't alone, a lot of people have anxiety while they drive. First, take a step back and think about the root cause of your anxiety, whether it's from a car accident or someone else who has been in one that was close to you. Next, you will need to set a goal to get better and not run away from your fear. You will also need to develop tactics to overcome your panic and learn things that can help you, like breathing d...

How To: Make buttercup squash

Randy, from The Simple Chef, demonstrates the simple method of how to cook buttercup squash. Randy is looking for something particularly simple to make, as he has promised dinner to a special girl, however it is obvious that he has recently been injured in an accident. He begins by quartering the squash, and hollowing it. He suggests scoring the remaining inside to allow the ingredients to get deeper into the squash. This technique of cooking squash can be used for any of the hard shelled win...

How To: Surf with Rachelle Leah

Ostenavondo hosts a video of Rachelle Leah that teaches you how to surf. You start with the surf board on the beach to get a feeling of balance and the different positions you will be in once you are in the water. You lie face down on the board and then go to the knees and then into a crouching position with your legs apart for balance. You will want to stand after that but you have to keep your legs apart. All these motions should be in your rhythm; you do not have to hurry as this might cau...

How To: Change a bike tire out on the road or the trail

Fixing a flat bicycle tire is a skill every cyclist should know. This video tutorial shows how to fix a flat tire on a mountain or road bike using a patch. The best way to avoid a flat is to keep your tires properly inflated between 40-60 psi. However, in the event of an accident, it’s important to pack along a patch kit, tire levers, and a pump. To access the damaged tube, release the brakes and remove the actual tire. Apply the patch and replace the inner tube for continued riding.

How To: Make killer loops in Reason with David Spoon

British record producer David Spoon explains how he uses the computer program Propellerhead Reason 4 to create rhythm and bass tracks in his home music studio. He explains that by just messing around with the controls within the program, you can create a lot of interesting sounds and effects. Sometimes the best sounds are discovered by accident. He uses Filter 2 to create interesting effects that he describes as "acid-y" or "nasty", having to do with the resonance of the bass sound. He also a...

How To: Disassemble a 13" MacBook computer

Accidents will happen. This two-part video tutorial will guide you through the process of taking apart your 13" MacBook quickly and efficiently without damaging any of the components, the first necessary step of any successful repair. This tutorial will also be of use to those who wish to learn more about the guts of their MacBooks without actually disassembling their units. Replace your own display with this video tutorial.

How To: Avoid accidents in the workshop

One thing you should do every time you approach a tool is think of the worst-case scenarios. Its a bit gruesome to let your imagination take you there, but there is a good reason for it. This simple mental exercise not only raises your awareness of the potential dangers, but essentially shows you exactly what you need to do to prevent injury. This how to video walks you through potential dangers in the workshop and how you can avoid each one.

How To: Fit a side car to a Triumph Bonneville

Well, I've had a bit of a clear out and sold an accident damaged Triumph t595 Daytona motorcycle, a dilapidated Austin Healy Sprite and I swapped a Velocette MAC for an almost brand new Triumph Bonneville. With the other money I acquired I've bought a Watsonian Palma sidecar to put the kids in! I now need to fit the two together.

How To: Strengthen your lower body

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do a pedestal routine. This exercise circuit contains exercises. The exercises in this circuit are: 5 reps of prone leg lift, 5 reps of lateral leg lift, 5 reps of supine leg lift, 10 reps of donkey kicks, 20 reps of scorpions, 5 reps of Rockies, 5 reps of donkey whips, 10 reps of lower body crawl, 20 reps of iron cross, 20 reps of Australian crawl, 5 reps of pedestal lateral leg lift, 10 reps of groiners, 10 reps of hurdle seat exchange, 5 reps of...

How To: Do the Grant Green exercise circuit

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to the "Grant Green" exercise circuit. This exercise circuit contains exercises. The exercises are: 10 raps of donkey kicks, 20 reps of scorpions, 20 reps of iron cross, 8 reps of both lateral leg lifts with toe out and in, 5 reps of Rockies, 5 reps of donkey whips, 10 reps of lower body crawl, 10 reps of Australian crawl, 20 reps of pedestal lateral leg lift, 20 reps of groiners, 10 reps of hurdle seat exchange, 50 reps of Russian hamstrings, 20 reps...

How To: Hide secret files inside JPEG images on Windows

Looking for a fun way to send secret messages to your friends? Check out this clip. If you need to hide a file from someone on a shared PC or are looking to secretly exchange information with a friend, this clip is for you. In this tutorial you will learn how to hide any file inside an image or JPEG on your Windows computer so that no one will be able to see it. Check it out!

How To: Do the Crip Walk or C-Walk

The Crip walk, or C-walk, is a popular west coast dance move that requires a great deal of balance, buoyancy and switching of the feet. Learn about different foot exchanges that are used to C-walk with help from this free lesson given by an expert.

How To: Understand Forex trading strategies

Forex— what is it? Any investor could tell you a complicated description of what Forex is, but the basics of the FX currency markets is— an over-the-counter financial market for trading currencies. The foreign currency exchange market has no central exchanges like the stock market and little regulatory oversight. With this beginner’s guide, learn the trading basics.

How To: Fix the Battery Draining Issue on Your iPhone After Updating to iOS 6.1.3

When the 6.1 version of iOS was released back in February, complaints of severe battery drainage for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch users exploded onto every Apple-related forum on the Internet. Everyone was either losing a percentage every three or so minutes, or their battery only lasted half as long as it did before the update. Earlier this month, Apple released iOS version 6.1.3, to supposedly fix a recent exploit that allowed anyone to bypass the lock screen—but as it turns out, the update...

How To: Create a Blind Mag makeup look for Halloween

Blind Mag is a, well, blind singer from the movie "Repo! The Genetic Opera," who is given her sight back in exchange for singing for the GeneCo Genetic Opera. Portrayed by classically trained Sarah Brightman in the movie, she has a beautiful voice and a gorgeous face but deathly white eyes.

How To: Sync Google Calendar with the Apple iPad Calendar app

This video teaches you to sync Google Calender with the Apple iPad Calender app. The first step involves going to 'Settings' and then to 'Mail Contacts Calenders'. Add an account to the application. For doing this, go to Microsoft Exchange. Type in your email ID in the space provided for it and skip domain. Type in your username and password. Click on 'Next' and 'Accept' in the resulting box. Then a box named 'Server' appears. For the server type '' and click 'Next'. Turn off the ...

How To: Connect your phone to your Mac computer via bluetooth

This video demonstrates how to connect your phone to your Mac computer via Bluetooth. First, make sure that you have Bluetooth enabled. On your Mac computer, begin by searching 'Bluetooth'. When the search results appear, click on Bluetooth File Exchange. A new window will appear where you can get to select a certain picture that you want to send to your phone.On your mobile phone, go to the settings where you can choose to enable the Bluetooth. In the Bluetooth settings of your phone, select...

How To: Make a circle friendship bracelet

A little girl from Live Love Embroidery explains, in this video, how to make a circle woven friendship bracelet. The process involves seven strands of embroidery thread tied at the end with a simple half-hitch knot. The knot is fed through a small hole in the center of a circle of cardboard. The strings are then individually latched through seven of eight notches located at the end of the cardboard. After that, rotating in a circle pattern around the cardboard, the strings are exchanged aroun...

How To: Start riding a motorcycle

In this video, Crystal Charles tells us how to ride a motorcycle. First, you will need to make sure you have protective equipment: gloves, helmet, and jacket. You can use a long sleeved shirt if you don't have a riding jacket. You will want to inspect your gear to make sure it's all put together and there are no cracks in your helmet. Know how the features and controls work on our motorcycle and make sure you know where they are. You also have to learn how to use the motorcycle and know exact...