Essentials Search Results

News: Top 10 Bukkit Plugins

Hello everyone, In this video I will be going over what in my opinion are the top 10 bukkit plugins to make a great minecraft server. First thing I would like to state is that Essentials or commandbook was not featured in the video because I didn't want to feature something that big (or essential). I would also like to say it really does matter what kind of server you are going to be running becuase different types of server need different types of plugins.

How To: Use the American Audio CK1000 mixer combo

Want to mix and scratch like a professional DJ? To be a good DJ you need to understand the concepts of mixing tracks, adding cool effects, and of course you need a good sense of rhythm to line up the beats. This how to video explains how to use the American Audio CK1000 MP3 & CD player mixer combo. This video takes a small look at this twin CD/mp3 player. It has all the essentials needed for any DJ. To be honest, the feel and the user friendly look of it makes it perfect to take on the road t...

How To: Craft a duct tape tote bag

Anyone can go to the store and buy a bag, but how many people are going to have a handmade duct tape bag? Show your creativity and style by choosing a wacky color and show up with this whimsical tote bag.

How To: Apply makeup to be "scene"

Scene style makeup is in, and in this video we are given the essentials in creating this sort of look. Beginning as you begin with any makeup, we are advised to apply a base, consisting of either a general foundation or a powder. As we go, the video author offers specific brand recommendations and shows the results, via pictures. Now, after our base, the steps are as follows.

Buyer's Guide: Top 20 Hacker Holiday Gifts of 2018

For the uninitiated, it can be difficult to buy that special hacker in your life a perfect holiday gift. That's why we've taken out the guesswork and curated a list of the top 20 most popular items our readers are buying. Whether you're buying a gift for a friend or have been dying to share this list with someone shopping for you, we've got you covered with our 2018 selection of hacker holiday gifts.

News: 15 Remote Assistance Apps Driving the Enterprise Sector of Augmented Reality, from HoloLens to iPhone

Comparing the present-day states of the consumer and enterprise sectors of augmented reality is like evaluating the merits of sports car versus work trucks. Like consumer AR, sports cars are sexy and exciting, but perhaps a bit impractical at times. On the other hand, enterprise AR is utilitarian, but it gets the job done and, in the long run, pays for itself.

How To: Put Someone on Hold During a Zoom Video Call to Lock Them Out Temporarily

During a meeting in real life, you could ask non-essentials to exit the room temporarily so that you can speak to just a few privately, but now that conferences exist online, it requires a bit more finesse. You could start a new video call on Zoom or remove individual participants, but that makes it hard for those who left to join again. But there is a feature where you can just put some users on hold.

How To: The Trick to Using White Sugar as a Brown Sugar Substitute

There are a few key ingredients that you always need on hand when baking cookies and other desserts, but when you run out, you run out. You either have to stop what you're doing and go to the grocery store, find a good substitute, or scrap the project entirely. Chances are, you'll never accept defeat, and why go to the store if there's a good substitute on hand?

How To: The Perfect Formula for Making Any Cocktail

Like many others, I like a good cocktail every now and then, and I've always been impressed when my cocktail enthusiast friends would come up with a new drink or even just remember how to concoct a Clover Club (FYI, it's made with gin, raspberry syrup, lemon, and egg white). There's a secret bartenders and craft cocktail aficionados know, though: It's all about math, the simplest and most intoxicating math. Pythagoras would be so proud.

How To: Update Your Nexus 4 to Android L

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past few weeks, you're probably well aware that the Android world has been buzzing with excitement over the recently debuted Android L preview build that was released for the Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 at Google's I/O conference.

News: 5 Ways to Entertain Yourself While Stuck at Home Including New Movies, Free Internet & Group Events

You're reading this so you're probably already safely huddled up in your house or apartment, watching as the entire planet grapples with the unfolding coronavirus health crisis. But unlike some others, you're lucky enough to already have a couple of weeks of supplies and now it's just about what you can do to entertain yourself and your family as you weather the current situation.

How To: Ditch the Extract & Get Serious About Baking with Vanilla Beans

Most home bakers rely on vanilla extract as a flavor component to their cakes and cookies, but little do they know what they are missing until they trade in their extract for whole vanilla beans. The rich complexity and different notes of flavor of a true vanilla bean are often washed out and distilled into a one-note sweetness, especially if the extract is cheap or imitation. If you want to get more serious about baking, you need to get serious about using vanilla beans.