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How To: Use Wet/Dry Eyeshadows.

Pressed mineral eyeshadows are great because you can use them wet and dry. Using eyeshadows wet, increases the iridescence and deepens the pigment creating an amazing effect! Since, you can wear eyeshadows both wet and dry, you essentially have two totally different colors in one pan of eyeshadow! In this video Andrea shows you just that!

News: Transmitting Power... Tesla Style

Matthew Inman, who runs the popular web comic The Oatmeal, decided to test his new hand-held "Tesla Cannon" (which is essentially a small-scale Tesla coil) on one of his friends. His friend, Matt Harding, held a giant light bulb and allowed himself to be shot with the Tesla Cannon.

How To: Make a Lychee Martini

The Lychee Martini is a surprisingly full bodied drink with a vodka and fruit flavor blend. Learn to make a Lychee martini with a lychee garnish. So to make a Lychee martini you'll need equal parts of 2 ounces of vodka of your choice, and lychee juice which is essentially pureed lychees. These have been canned and pitted, very easy to use, puree that up. And at the very end were going to add a little bit of cassis for garnish.

How To: Exploit Java Remote Method Invocation to Get Root

In the world of technology, there's often a trade-off between convenience and security. The Java Remote Method Invocation is a system where that trade-off is all too real. The ability for a program written in Java to communicate with another program remotely can greatly extend the usability of an app, but it can also open up critical vulnerabilities that allow it to be compromised by an attacker.

How To: Securely Sync Files Between Two Machines Using Syncthing

Transferring hundreds of screenshots, webcam recordings, keystroke logs, and audio recordings between your VPS and a local Kali machine can be tricky. Services like Dropbox don't always have the best privacy policies and suffer data breaches just like any other website. To mitigate these risks, we'll use a secure, open source, and decentralized alternative.

How To: Create a No Makeup Makeup Look

A no makeup makeup look is perfect for when you are rushed for time, don't want to put in a ton of effort but still want to look good, or just like the bare beauty look overall. It's a young, youthful and fresh look. Essentially, you are just enhancing your natural beauty. Shape and lightly fill in sparse areas on your brows, use a light eyeshadow all over the lid similar to your skin tone (in my case it's porcelain), line your eyes with a thin line as close to the lashes as possible...browns...

How To: The Complete Guide on How to Build a Crystal Radio—Plus How They Work

There's a lot that goes into making a nice crystal radio set, so this is going to have to be broken down into two parts. The first part is the actual making of a functional radio, and the second part is making the whole arrangement look nice. In this part, I'm actually going to tell you more than just how to make a crystal radio, but I'm also going to explain how and why they work. Crystal radios are pretty Steampunk in and of themselves, since they were first developed in the late 19th centu...

Hack Your Brain: Improving Memory with Dirty Pictures

If you're interested in nabbing superhero memory strength, the secret behind training your brain is not necessarily what you might expect. Your standard G-rated brain strengthening exercises range from crossword puzzles to Sudoku to calculating fairly simple math problems to improve short term memory, but the real clincher used by some of the pros is essentially... porn. Yep, you read right.

Rules Thrown Out the Window: Ogilvy & Mather's Scrabble Trickster Video Spot

Despite the controversy over Scrabble Trickster across the word world, Mattel's modern take on the classic crossword board game is out in stores— but not in the United States. It's only available in and around the UK, but you can snag your copy just in time for Christmas from Amazon UK. You can also visit the official Scrabble Trickster website. I imagine this is going to be a hot item in the United Kingdom this holiday season, but as for me— it's the one Scrabble game I refuse to add to my c...

News: What Huawei's Rumored Mobile OS Means for the US Market

Huawei has been in a losing battle with the US government for around ten years, with the last year being the spike of Huawei's problems. Because of US pushback against some Chinese-based smartphone manufacturers due to security concerns, Huawei is hoping to limit its dependency on US-based companies, and recent rumors of Huawei's very own mobile operating system may be the first step.

How To: Abuse Session Management with OWASP ZAP

It's always a good idea to know how an attack works at the very basic level. Manual techniques for exploitation often find holes that even the most sophisticated tool cannot. Sometimes, though, using one of these tools can make things so much easier, especially if one has a solid foundation of how it works. One such tool can help us perform a cross-site request forgery with minimal difficulty.

How To: Introduction to the C.H.I.P by Next Thing Co - IoT Hacking Device?

Hello NullByte, it's mkilic! This time I'm here with the C.H.I.P from NTC. Although it is not too popular, the C.H.I.P is a brand new micro computer. It is very similar to the Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone Black. The key difference with this particular board is its cost and size. The C.H.I.P only costs $9 and measures 2.5 x 1.5 inches. In addition to this, the C.H.I.P has built in 802.11 b/g/n Wifi and Bluetooth 4.0. Considering these great specs, what could a Hacker use this for? Step 1: The In...

How To: Install Android 6.0 Marshmallow on Your Nexus Right Now

Google has finally released the next version of the world's leading operating system—Android 6.0 Marshmallow. This latest iteration isn't as much of a visual overhaul as Lollipop was, but it packs in more new functionality than almost any update before it. Awesome features like Now on Tap, granular permissions control, and a deep sleep battery-saving feature called Doze round out the highlights, but there is far more to it than that.

How To: 60 iOS Features Apple Stole from Jailbreakers

Overall, iOS is more impressive than ever with its stability enhancements, security tools, suite of apps and services, and intuitive user interface. With each passing update, things just get better and better for iPhone users. But don't think for a second that this is all because of Apple's genius — many of these features were at least partly inspired by tweaks made by the jailbreak community.

How To: Install an Off-the-Shelf Hard Drive in an Xbox 360 (Get 10x the GB for Your Money)

Since the day of the Xbox 360 release, storage space for the device has been overpriced beyond belief. OEM 250GB HDD models still cost $110 USD! A 250GB hard drive should not destroy my wallet, Microsoft. Storage space, especially on HDDs, is cheap. You can buy a removable 2TB external for only $100 USD, so it's a little beyond my comprehension to see how they calculate their MSRP to yield such a large profit. On the other hand, Xbox 360 had very impressive hardware specs back in the day, equ...