Espresso Search Results

How To: Make Coffee Mugs Gleam Like New with This Little-Known Cleaner

If you consider yourself a regular coffee, tea, or hot chocolate drinker, you probably have a kitchen cabinet full of stained mugs that refuse to scrub clean. Thankfully, there is a better solution that doesn't involve continuing to fight those stains with a sponge, bleach, and elbow grease. The answer to your coffee or tea stain problems is Cafiza: an awesome espresso machine cleaning product that is popular amongst professional baristas... but also doubles as an extremely effective ceramic ...

How To: Make Cereal Milk—A Momofuku-Inspired Drink

If you have satisfying memories of slurping up the sweet milk left in the bowl after eating your cereal, then this cereal-infused milk will make you feel like a kid again. Although people have technically been enjoying cereal milk since the invention of cereal, it was recently made popular as a standalone drink by the playful and quirky Momofuku Milk Bar in New York City. Created by pastry chef Christina Tosi, it's a "recipe" that is both simple and brilliant. The original Momofuku brand cere...

How to Nap Smarter: Just Add Caffeine (Really)

Naps provide some serious mental and physical benefits, but not if they last too long or occur too late in the day. Ideally, you want to awake from a nap feeling alert and refreshed enough to attack the rest of your tasks with renewed zeal, but not energized to the point where you can't get to sleep at night. Alas, most of us don't know these tricks and end up messing with our sleep cycle (guilty).

How To: 6 Delicious Ways to Cook with Coffee

No offense to water, but if I could survive on coffee alone, I would. I swear I'm not addicted... I just really, really, really love the taste of a cuppa joe, whether it's hot, cold, frothed, milked, flavored, plain, whatever! And while my favorite thing to do with coffee will always be to drink it, recently I've become crazy about using coffee in cooking.

How To: Make Herb-Infused Simple Syrup (& Why You Should)

The balanced and refreshing taste of a cocktail should always entice you into another sip. You'll know you're drinking something of quality when no specific ingredient, including booze, dominates its taste. A great cocktail can even mirror a great meal by exhibiting flavors like fruit, smoke, and herbs. And adding these flavors while making cocktails at home isn't hard at all.

How To: Make 'Dirt' You Can Actually Eat

Want to show all your foodie friends that you're really in the know? Then it's time to master the art of making edible dirt. Chefs out there are finding ways to take various foodstuffs and dry, char, and combine them to give the appearance of actual dirt—only with a rich, savory taste.

How To: Make Chocolate Bourbon Fondue with Hubert Keller

There's nothing more fun than fondue for dessert, is there? Watch this video to see how to make Chocolate Bourbon Fondue, a warm and gooey, hands-on treat. It even has just a kick of espresso to help you avoid the post-dinner slumps. Now all you need is to find some fresh strawberries, bananas, marshmallows, and you'll be on your way to heaven in just a few bites!

How To: Make Viennese cardinal slice

Chef Markus Farbinger demonstrates how to make Viennese cardinal slice - layers of genoise-like cake and meringue with a filling of espresso whipped cream. In part one, Chef Farbinger demonstrates how to prepare the pastry tray and make meringues with a pastry bag. Make Viennese cardinal slice.

How To: Make a cappuccino

Robert Henry and VideoJug demonstrate how to make a cappuccino. Using a domestic coffee machine first heat the water. Then add the coffee. For a single shot of espresso you will need one spoonful of coffee (7 grams), and for a double shot you will need 2 spoonfuls (14 grams). Then filter the coffee, steam the milk, and add the milk. Make a cappuccino.

News: 20 Worst Drinks in America

So your mom may have told you not to spoil your appetite with that chocolate chip cookie you were eating before dinner, but did you ever think about what that energy drink your sipping on looks like in terms of its sugar content? The article "20 Worst Drinks in America" takes a look at what is hiding in that sinfully sweet soda. You may not ever dream of eating 6 Krispy Creme glazed donuts in one sitting but thats how much sugar you are putting in your body when you have a 16 oz Rockstar Ener...

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