Equipment Features Search Results

How To: Use equipment to improve arm strokes in swimming

This swim technique video series from a professional swimming coach hones in on the fine details for developing perfect alignment and stroke to help make you a better, more competitive athlete. The coach demonstrates the proper way to use swimming equipment and how to position your body to condition your swimming performace. This series is particularly helpful in that not only is the coaching beneficial, but the drills, including dryland training, are shown in practice on his swim team. It's ...

How To: Use camera stabilization equipment

In this episode, we dive into the expensive, or, at the least, tedious realm of camera stabilization equipment. This ranges from the all-powerful, all-knowing fluid tripod head, to the much used and often abused dolly. We don't own and operate an actual Steadicam or a jib or a crane, but hey, we'll mention them, too.

How To: Use a Craftsman snowblower

If you live in a cold climate, a snowblower can really be a lifesaver during the winter months. But a snowblower is actually a pretty powerful piece of equipment, and using them incorrectly can be very dangerous. In this video tutorial, Tim Carter, of Ask the Builder, shows you how to safely use a Craftsman snowblower.

How To: Tone every trouble zone with a beach ball

There is not better way to get in shape and target trouble zones than with the help of some experts in fitness and some simple workout equipment. In this how to video tutorial SELF Magazine shows you how to tone and sculpt your body with a simple beach ball. Tone difficult areas with tilt-a-whirls, dipsy dos, squeeze play, close reaches, reverse lunges, pendulums, hold your own and tummy toner exercises.

How To: Build a water feature in your yard

Building a water feature in your yard can not only be relaxing for you and others, but possibly add value to your home as well. But this is no easy task. It can take days to complete, but can be done with the right tools and equipment. So in this next tutorial, you'll be finding out what you'll need in order to create your own water feature in your yard today. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Replace trimmer fuel lines

Replacing a fuel line, is a common practice when it comes to dealing with outdoor tools and equipment. In this tutorial, you'll be focusing on a trimmer fuel line. It's a difficult task that can take some time to complete, but the end result will be a much more efficient working device that will save you time and money. So check out the tutorial above and good luck!

How To: Buy jigsaws and jigsaw blades

A jigsaw is a powerful piece of equipment, and it can make your home repair projects go a lot faster. But what should you look for when buying a jigsaw? In this tutorial, Mark Donovan of explains what you should look for when you are going to purchase jigsaws and jigsaw blades.

How To: Put together a tool kit for your home

The most important items in a tool kit, are the protection and safety equipment, like a breathing mask, ear muffs, and eye goggles. Other than that, tools vary on your needs. Some basics are a handsaw, a hacksaw, a level, a hammer, screwdrivers, a measuring tape, a shifting wrench, a chisel, pliers, a combination square, a utility knife, and a clamp. Watch this video home improvement tutorial and learn how to select tools for a basic tool kit.

How To: Use a broom handle to get fit with SELF Magazine

You don't need fancy equipment to workout and get a great body. In this how to video SELF Magazine shows you how to utilize a broom handle to stabilize your workout routine. Grab that broom stick and start doing the following exercises: flutter kicks, straight arm raises, side circles, abs dynamo, twist off and sitting pretty. Tone your upper and lower body with these broom exercises.

How To: Recreate Freddy Krueger's burnt skin makeup

Okay you saw the super-detailed reproduction of Freddy Krueger's clawed glove, now complete the Freddy costume with this "burning" makeup tutorial. In celebration of the return of "A Nightmare On Elm Street", starring Jackie Earle Haley as Freddy Krueger, Indy Mogul's BFX brought out the pain with burnt skin, but they won't burn a hole in your wallet. This burned up skin makeup recreation is the perfect companion for the knived glove. Complete the horrific Freddy look.

How To: Make a reproduction of Freddy Krueger's clawed glove

Freddy's Alive! No, it's not the next part of the Nightmare On Elm Street series, it's the new remake coming out in a theater near you. And in celebration of the return of "A Nightmare On Elm Street", starring Jackie Earle Haley as Freddy Krueger, Indy Mogul's BFX made this great how-to video on making a cheap, but super-realistic, highly detailed replication of Freddy's iconic killer clawed glove. If you're a fan of the horror series and Freddy, this is the ultimate fan reproduction to make ...

How To: Start your own business

There's nothing better than being your own boss some say. If you are ready for the risks and the work, take your passion to the next level and start your own business. Learn how to start your own business with help from this video.

How To: Texture walls with a hopper

If you have a tremendous amount of dry wall to finish and don't want to spend an enormous amount of time sanding, use a hopper to create a mild texture. This Home & Garden how to video demonstrates the proper operation and use of the hopper for adding texture to walls. Remodeling a home doesn't have to be such a daunting task with the right tools and equipment.

How To: Attach a worm to a fishing hook

Want to go fishing but lack the necessary technical know-how when it comes to the sport's specialized equipment? Never you fear, brave pescador(a): with this fisherman's how-to, you'll learn how to attach a bait worm to a fishing hook.

How To: Make homemade flour tortillas

Everything tasted better homemade than out of the package. For your next fiesta, why not make your own tortillas? With this descriptive tutorial on how to make homemade flour tortillas, the process is easy and requires no special equipment. To make homemade tortillas you will need 3 cups of all-purpose flour, 2 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. salt, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, and extra flour. Equipment needed includes: a large mixing bowl, a pastry or cutting board, plastic wrap, a griddle, spatula, an...

How To: Roller skate

Roller skating is not hard to learn, but requires some knowledge and equipment. Learn how to roller skate in this video lesson. Take action: invest in proper safety equipment, concentrate on form: shoulders should be above ankles, walk on skates to begin, and lead with toes. Catherine Werst, a.k.a Stray Cat from Central Coast Roller Derby and the instructor in this how-to video from Live Strong, is the coach of Derby 101 and has been skating since she was eleven years old and competitive for ...

How To: Take pictures of lightning with a Nikon DSLR

Here is a detailed video that explains techniques and equipment you can use to take pictures of a lightning storm. Yes, take photographs in an actual lightning storm. You will definitely need a tripod to take a photograph with a long exposure and a plastic bag to protect your camera from the rain. Telephoto lenses allow you to keep a safe distance and avoid switching lenses during a lightning storm. Equipment used in this video: Nikon d300, Nikon 18-200mm vr and Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 vr lenses.

How To: Inflate a flat ball without a needle or pump

Well, you're all ready to play basketball, or dodgeball or football or kickball, but, your ball is flat. To make matters worse, you don't have a pump. To make matters even worse, you don't have the needle you'd normally use to inflate your flat ball. Well, this how to video shows you a simple life hack to get your balls up and bouncing again in no time. What you'll need is a can of compressed air, commonly used for cleaning keyboards, or other tech equipment. These cans come with plastic 'tub...

How To: Make a military-style night vision goggles prop

Night vision goggles are one of the iconic pieces of equipment of the modern military. Getting a real pair is prohibitively expensive, especially if you just want to use it as a prop in your film instead of actually seeing at night. This video features instructions for making your own set of prop night vision goggles for cheap, giving any action or spy movie that you are making a much more modern, authentic feel. Also, now your characters can see at night, opening up all sorts of potential sc...

How To: Read the green to improve your golf game

Are you having trouble with your green reading? It's not an easy task, but you can learn it. Green reading doesn't start when you get to the green. In fact it starts when you approach the green. In this video, Rick Sessinghaus divides the art of green reading into four parts, from approaching the green to standing over the ball. See how to read the green on a golf course.

How To: Use audible texting features with Ford SYNC

Texting is one of the biggest problems in automobiles today. It's very dangerous and distracting. Ford's new SYNC system makes texting safe for everyone, with audible texting. If you receive a text message on your mobile phone, SYNC can read the message to you out loud with the touch of a button. It can even translate LOL and smiley faces. See how!