Energy Efficiency Search Results

How To: Make an energy ball in Adobe After Effects

In this tutorial, we learn how to make an energy ball in Adobe After Effects. First, load a movie of someone pretending to hold an energy ball in their hands. After you do this, you will select a new setting and change the color. From here, you will select a round circle tool and add it where the hand looks like it's holding it. Then, change the effect to make the ball move around with the hand. After this, add the tracker to the hand and position it with the hand. After this, change the cont...

How To: Get rich quick with feng shui at home

Feng shui helps to create positive energy at your home. It drives away the negative energy from your home. Eventually the people living in that home will get good thoughts. Thoughts make a person good or bad. Thoughts can make you rich or poor. You can change your life by making some simple changes at your home. This space lift can do wonders for you. In the energy map, wealth area is at the far left hand corner of the house. dry flowers bring negative energy and losses to your home. Therefor...

How To: Make your computer more environmentally friendly

Eric Rochow of Real World Green gives us advice on making our computers more environmentally friendly. This video first explains that screensavers are not green. Screensavers require a computer to use its processor. Ideally, when you're not using your computer it should be in sleep mode and your monitor should be in sleep mode as well. This saves a lot of energy. Also, at the end of the day, turn off your computer and monitor. Don't let them run all night. An interesting fact from the Departm...

How To: Use Kundalini energy

Awaken the Kundalini energy within, and increase overall health. Learn how to use seated kundalini energy in this fitness video. Take action: gain flexibility, tone abs, realign spine, and calm nervous system. Cindy Mastry, the instructor of this how-to video, has practiced yoga since the age of eight, and also has a background in Jazz and Ballet. Active in the fitness industry for nearly twenty years, she teaches aerobics, kickboxing, and yoga at many fitness centers in the Tampa Bay area. C...

How To: Do a slapdown ollie up a curb on a longboard

Longboards are known more for their efficiency of transport and thrilling downhill riding than for tricks. Silly Rabbit, tricks are for shortboards! Or not. This video will show you how to do a cool little longboard trick, a slapdown ollie onto a curb. It's pretty easy, and is a very cool way to arrive somewhere on your longboard.

How To: Insulate your exterior walls

Having proper insulation in your home is one of the best, and important, ways to save energy in your home. There are many ways to help make sure that you're home is energy efficient. There are ways to help add insulation to the exterior of your walls to help with owning a nice and updated home.

How To: Use Finis freestyler hand paddles to improve technique

While most paddles are multi-purpose, the Finis freestyler paddles, demonstrated in this how-to video, only work with, well, freestyle. While it's annoying to lug around that much equipment in your swim gear bag, unique equipment forces you to focus on one specific thing at a time. The Finis freestyler paddle is best used for improving freestyle stroke and efficiency. Watch this video swimming tutorial and learn how to train with Finis freestyler hand paddles.

How To: Improve your yoga with the hara breath

In this video, we learn how to improve your yoga with the hara breath. Start by sitting down on your yoga mat and become centered in your body. You will start to breathe in different poses by placing your hands underneath your navel. Close your eyes and envision the center of energy that's in your body. Close your eyes and deep breathe, inhaling and screening energy into your body. Feel your body fueling up with energy and block out all the negative thoughts from your mind. As you do this, fe...

How To: Install insulation for a water heater

There are many ways that you can lose energy and heat in your home, and one of the most common ways is by the water heater. It may not seem like it, but you can lose a lot of money and energy when using your water heater. So it's important to take the necessary steps when you want to save energy and money. In this tutorial, you'll find out how to install an insulation jacket for your electric or gas water heater. Good luck, be safe, and enjoy!

How To: Build and understand a rocket stove

Thinking about building a rocket stove? A rocket stove is simply made and accepts small-diameter fuel such as twigs or small branches, yielding high combustion efficiency and directing the resultant heat onto a small area. In this video learn how to make a rocket stove with the help of a few friends and items you can find in your own barn!

How To: Find light photons with LEDs & photosensitive paper

In this video Dr. Carlson demonstrates the properties of light. Light is like a wave and it is also like a particle, which means that it comes in small packets. To demonstrate how we know that light behaves like packets of energy, he uses LED’s in different colors and a sheet of phosphorescent paper. When light with a high enough energy shines on the paper it will cause the paper to glow.

How To: Awaken chakras

Interested in chakras? Boost the seven energy centers from the base of your spine to the top of your head for optimum health and vitality. Learn how to awaken chakras with help from this video.

How To: Make a maglev motor

Ian uses round magnets, pencil, clay and glass slide to work his magic science experiment. Magentic levitation is said to be a solution for energy costs of trains because it cuts down friction and creates what is mythically regarded as a perpetual energy motor. This is an interesting toy model of how the maglev trains and large scale generators work

How To: Begin drawing a sculpted form

Use everything you know about drawing with perspective and line efficiency to draw a sculpted form. This instructional drawing video demonstrates how to flesh out the map of a drawing into an almost mobile being. When drawing with this technique, line drawing becomes a way of carving a figure out of boxes.

How To: Customize the "Send To" right-click context menu in Windows XP or Vista

The "Send To" shortcut in the right-click context menu in Windows is a great tool for efficiency. But, it's picks the programs and folders for you to choose from when you want to send a file somewhere. You can customize this "Send To" context menu to include whatever you want. This video demonstrates adding Notepad to this feature, and this can be done on either Window Xp or Windows Vista.

How To: Stand-up paddle more efficiently on your board

Stand-up paddling is sort of a niche spinoff of surfing in which the rider stands up on their board and moves across flat water by paddling. This quick video from an expert in the field offers some tips for improving the efficiency of your stroke when stand-up paddling. You'll be able to paddle faster and longer without tiring. How could that not make stand-up paddling more enjoyable?