Electronic Promoting Search Results

How To: Program Roland TB-303 or TR-909 synthesizers

The Roland TB-303 and TR-909 synths are two of the four most important pieces of gear in the history of electronic music, but every year they get older, more cranky, and further away from our contemporary ideas of what an interface should look like. They can be really hard to figure out how to use, but fortunately for you this video will teach you how to program both instruments and start creating the phat tracks these devices were made to create.

How To: Bypass airport security easily with your gadgets

In this how-to video you'll learn all the tricks and tips to getting yourself through airport security quickly and easily, even if you have electronic gadgets. Some companies produce travel gear that the TSA will let pass through without having to remove your laptop or electronics. Timesaver! Watch this video and you'll soon be cruising through the "Expert Traveller" line.

How To: Make a great tasting grilled salmon

In the mood for a delicious piece of seafood? Salmon is a delicious fish, full of omega-3 fats, which promote cardiovascular health! From Simple Foodie, learn how to make a great tasting recipe for grilling salmon. Make dinner the right way tonight with help from this guide.

How To: Fix your golf grip to cure a hook shot

Golf Link demonstrates how to fix your golf grip to cure a hook shot. A hook shot often occurs because a player has a grip which promotes the hook. In a hook-promoting grip, the player has his hands too far to the right of the club. When carrying through with their swing, the club face closes and causes the hook. To align your grip, put a golf tee in between your left thumb and the first knuckle of your left hand. Repeat the process with your right hand. Adjust your grip so that both of the t...

How To: Circuit bend for beginners

Get bent with this instructional circuit bending video that provides a short introduction to circuit bending for the beginner. Circuit bending is taking any existing electronic device that is capable of generating audio signal and manipulating it and altering the schematics to produce some sort of sound other than the original intended sound. There are endless possibilities for the devices that can be used to experiment with your own circuit bend sounds.

How To: Disassemble electronics w/o damaging tamper seal/parts

Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to completely disassemble electronics without damaging the tamper seal or the parts. This tutorial uses a brand new HP IPAQ 2410 for instructional purposes and you can apply these techniques to other electronic products that you wish to modify or repair. The materials used for this procedure are a #5 Torx driver (8

How To: Glitch or circuit bend a Nintendo gaming console

By circuit bending low voltage electronic devices, you can transform your old unused toys into musical devices or to create visual manipulations. Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to bend an old classic Nintendo. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to circuit bend the NES in such a way that you'll be able to produce cool distortions while in gameplay. Remember to exercise caution when circuit bending.

How To: Organize and gather information in OneNote

STake a look at this instructional video and learn how to organize and gather information with OneNote 2007 from Microsoft. Microsoft Office OneNote 2007 is an easy-to-use note-taking and information-management program where you can capture ideas and information in electronic form. Insert files or Web content in full-color, searchable format or as icons that you can click to access.

How To: Play Nintendo games on Windows Mobile devices

Want to play old school Nintendo on your Windows Mobile devices, such as smartphones? Well, this video tutorial will show you how to install the NES emulator on that Windows Mobile electronic touchscreen device. Just sync up your cell phone, and download the software off of the Internet. Just think, you could be playing Mario in the palm of your hand, on your mobile phone.

How To: Vote using the eScan voting machine

This instructional video shows how to vote on the eScan precinct digital paper ballot scanner, from Hart InterCivic. You'll see how to start the voting process for when you first walk in the door to cast your vote, to using the eScan electronic vote scanner, and to choosing your next political party. So vote eScan!

How To: Solder a resistor to an LED

A basic instruction for electronic enthusiasts. I use an RGB LED and a 510 ohm resistor as I may change from 6 to 9 volts later, but with my LEDs i could go as low as 330 ohms. I sacrifice some brightness for the sake of longer life. To choose your resistor, the value in ohms = voltage of your batteries or power supply / (as in divided by) the amperage that your LED needs to run.

How To: Turn one of your sims into a zombie in Sims 3

Here's how to zombify your sims in Sims 3 without cheating! Kill off one of your sims, and then give another one a job working with the paranormal. Once they've been promoted high enough, you can find the special resurrection phone... a direct line to the Grim Reaper. Buy back your dead sim, and he'll return as a zombie!

How To: Prune a Japanese maple tree pre bonsai

If you own a Japanese maple tree, you need to know that there are three different methods for pruning bonsai. One is creation pruning, maintenance pruning, and pruning for show. In this video tutorials, you'll find out how to perform a creation pruning that is promoting branch development and growth. So good luck and enjoy!

How To: Trim your rose bushes

Starting a rose garden? Modern Mom is here to help. Learn from gardening expert Melinda Myers how to properly trim rose bushes after the winter to promote new growth in the spring. Prune brown, dried up rose branches and keep your garden fresh and fast growing.

How To: Grill wild salmon

Salmon is a delicious fish full of nutrients that are good for you including omega-3 fats which promote a healthy cardiovascular system! In this video, learn how to make frozen wild salmon taste really great on the grill. Take your lunch or dinner up a notch by making grilled wild salmon today!

How To: Use Quick Rank in AddWeb Website Promoter 8

AddWeb Website Promoter is an extremely popular program that helps webmasters promote their site on search engines. In this installment, we explore AddWeb's Quick Rank Feature.This feature allows you to run ranking reports that are not tied to profiles. You will want to do this when you want to test out keywords and phrases without committing them to be part of your normal website profile.

How To: Play Shogi

Shogi is Japanese chess. It is a unique game of strategy. Captured pieces can be replayed and most pieces can be promoted when entering the opponent's territory.