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How To: Choose between a Mac Or PC?

Apple Mac's have popped up on more peoples' radars over the past few years and if you're thinking of buying a new computer you now face an interesting choice - a choice that may seem a little daunting to the uninitiated. Here are the pros and cons of each system to help you make an informed choice about whether you should "Switch". Choose between a Mac Or PC?.

News: Students Exploring the Branches of Government

Our class had been assigned interviews with political representatives from different branches. In these interviews we asked questions that we had generated about their career position, advice to young activists, our government system, getting involved, and their opinion on certain laws. Here are the results from the two interviews that were done.

How To: Set up a Remote Desktop connection on a Windows PC

This video illustrates the method to Set up a Remote Desktop connection on a Windows PC. This process is composed of the following steps: Step 1Install "TeamViwer" software on the PC's which would be involved in this process.Step 2Create a connection between the computer you want to access remotely and the one which would be used to gain remote access. To create a connection , you need to connect them through Wi-Fi, LAN or through the internet.Step 3Open the TeamViewer software from the compu...

How To: Win a two-on-one fight

The three gentlemen in the video show the viewer what it takes to win a 2 vs. 1 fight. They show multiple angles and scenarios for how the fight could pan out, and give advice accordingly. The "good guy" as he is called, informs the viewer on many ways to take out assailants and how to do so in a non-lethal fashion. He goes on to talk about more violent ways of taking out fighters, and to only use such methods in extreme situations.

How To: Care for and treat Demodex (mites) in dogs

Demodex… what is it? It's a lot of tiny parasitic mites that could be plaguing your pet and attributing to hairlessness. Learn how to care for your pet with help from VetVid. See how to care for and treat Demodex (mites) in dogs with this video tutorial.

How To: Check your pet for fleas

Learn how to care for your pet with help from VetVid. See how to check your pet for fleas. Dr. Mike walks you through the process of checking your pet for fleas; what to look for, how to use a flea comb, what is flea dirt, and the importance of starting a flea control program such as oral tablets.

How To: Recognize hip dysplasia in dogs

Learn how to care for your pet with help from VetVid. See how to recognize hip dysplasia in dogs. Learn about Hip Dysplasia in dogs. Dr. Anthony Cambridge, who is board certified in veterinary surgery, talks about what Hip Dysplasia is and how to recognize if you dog has this problem.

How To: Brush your dog's teeth to preserve canine health

Learn how to care for your pet with help from VetVid. See how to brush your dog's teeth. Brushing your dog's teeth may actually prevent some serious canine health problems. In this video tutorial, learn the proper technique for brushing your dog's teeth, how often you should brush your dog's teeth, and what are some other home care options to keep your dog's teeth healthy.

How To: Take care of your dog's teeth

Learn how to care for your pet with help from VetVid. See how to take care of your dog's teeth. In this video tutorial, they explain the importance of properly caring for your dog's teeth. See what you can do to prevent canine dental disease and how to maintain your dog's teeth through good dental hygiene.

News: Great Discussion on Finishing PVC

This forum has a discussion about painting PVC that has some opinions from very accomplished people, including Volpin Props. They go over primers, adhesion promoters, sanding and more, and if you see these people's work, they are the go-to guys for informed ideas on this subject.

News: Save the Internet!

Do you love the internet? Me too. That's why you should learn about Net Neutrality. Though this video was made a few years ago, the basic principles have stayed the same, and Net Neutrality laws are currently on the tables of governments all over the world. Get informed and save the internet!

News: Wedding Cake Toppers on Etsy

Over the weekend I was informed by my newly engaged girlfriend that it's impossible to find unique wedding cake toppers... that don't suck. Lo and behold, "Blue Butterfly Design" on Etsy, specializing in custom made, super cool wedding cake toppers!

How To: Be informed in advanced music theory & songwriting

Learn music theory and learn to write songs from music instructor Mark W. Black, owner & founder of "Promethean Studios" Dallas, as he teaches advanced topics of music theory and songwriting for beginners in this video series. Mark covers such topics as: lyrics, rhyming, mood and consistency, melody, step back, tension and resolution in a melody, consonants and movement, combining harmony with lyrics, chords and emotions, how chords effect the mood, chord usage, language of chords, normative ...

How To: Be More Secretive Using Hide SMS and Call Recorder

Some people are of extremely secretive nature. They do not like sharing their personal events in their lives with anyone. Thus people around that person wont be able to figure out details on their life's personal matters. It is not like they want to hide some mysterious secrets from the world, but it is just their nature that they do not want others to know much about them or are too shy to share their feelings with others. Being secretive is neither good nor bad, it is just how they are.

How To: Read someone's palm

Peggy Erbison shares her knowledge of palmistry in this video. The heart line starts under the pinky and moves across and up towards the middle and index finger. The next line she talks about is the head line. This line is the center line that explains how your thinking is. The line that rounds out and wraps around the base of the thumb is the life line. This line connects to the head line at the beginning. These are the 3 main lines on the palm. Contrary to popular belief, the life line does...

News: Microsoft Sets Developers Up for Success with the Windows Mixed Reality Academy Deep Dive

At Build 2017, the annual developer's conference, Microsoft featured a Windows Mixed Reality Academy. This class was designed to get a developer started creating Mixed Reality experiences quickly. For those of us already developing for the Microsoft HoloLens, while the class — which is now available on the Microsoft website — did offer our first real chance to work with the new Acer HMD, there was not much depth.

How To: Enable the Charging LED on Your Nexus 6

The Nexus 6 has an AMOLED screen that uses virtually no power to display black pixels. To take advantage of this feature, Google included an Ambient Display notification system that shows a black and white version of your lock screen when you get a new message. As a result, the Nexus 6 doesn't use an LED light to notify you of new incoming messages like most phones.

How To: Effectively water your garden to beat the summer heat

If you're new to gardening, it's important you know some of the best tricks. Not being able to do something properly can result in flowers that may soon die. One thing that is important is watering your plants just right during the summer. So in this tutorial, you'll find out how to effectively water your garden in order to beat the summer heat. Pay attention and good luck!

How To: Use Terran Ghost sniper units effectively in StarCraft 2

After 12 years Starcraft 2 is finally here to blow your mind. If you're looking for help with the game, you've come to the right place. We have tons of videos about how to do just about everything in the game. We have strategies for winning campaign and multiplayer games. We have guides to using the immensely powerful level editor. We'll even teach you how to build a Terran Barracks out of Legos. This video will show you how to effectively use the Terran sniper units Ghosts to effectively dev...