Eat Wild Search Results

How To: Hack your pet's color to blue in Wild Ones (6/8/10)

One of the most popular applications of the cheating tool Cheat Engine 5.6 for the Facebook game Wild Ones allows you to change your pet's color to whatever you want. This video will teach you how to do so by using Cheat Engine to hex-edit your character. This video demonstrates how to make your character blue, but you can use this technique to make them any other standard color.

How To: Gather & prepare wild edible foods

In this Disaster Preparation video tutorial you will learn how to gather & prepare wild edible foods. Autumn olives have golden dots on a red berry. The leaves have no spikes on the edges, are smooth on the top and are dark on the top and white on the bottom. You can use a basket hung around your neck for berry picking. Use a reaching stick made out of the branch of a tree as shown in the video to pull branches towards you for berry picking. Put all the berries in a bowl, mash them up with a ...

How To: Pitch a tent in the wild

From BackpackerMagazine comes a video tutorial about an essential skill: how to pitch a tent in the wild. The video takes us from scouting out an appropriate location for the tent, to actually erecting the structure. This is an invaluable skill while camping alone, but is also useful when with a group of fellow campers. The video also shows you how to properly anchor the tent to the ground, which is essential in a windy environment. Everyone should learn how to pitch a tent.

How To: Shuck an Oyster Without an Oyster Knife

There are few kitchen tools as elusive as the oyster knife. Many people—even seafood lovers—don't own one. If you do own one, it probably gets used so infrequently that it gets sent to the very back of the shelf where it proceeds to get lost. Then you accidentally find the knife once a month when you don't need it, but can't for the life of you find the sneaky little thing when you do need it.

How To: Ignite a piece of charcloth with a knife and flint

Building a fire in the wild is key to survival. A simple way to get the job done is with a piece of charcloth (carbonized cotton fiber). Charcloth makes for a highly effective piece of tinder to ensure you'll have a warm fire tonight. You'll need your hardened steel, your sparking stone, dry leaves or sticks and of course your piece of charcloth. Get cooking!

How To: Eat Sushi the Way the Japanese Do

The last time you ate sushi, how exactly did you eat it? Did you hold the piece of sushi between your chopsticks and then dip it in a concoction of soy sauce and wasabi? We know lots of Americanized Japanese restaurants serve their sushi this way these days, but all of this is wrong.

How To: Preserve tracks properly during your expedition

Whether it's research, a school project or term paper, going on an expedition, what have you, having to preserve animal tracks should be a part of your bag of tricks that you can do. But don't just grab some random plaster of paris and just start pouring. Check out this video first and learn how to properly preserve the animal tracks that you find in the wild.

How To: Create the invasion gametype in Forge on Halo Reach for the Xbox 360

Halo: Reach has gotten a completely revamped version of the Forge where you can truly let your imagination run wild! If you miss the old Invasion game types and want to make your own, this video will show you how! In this video you will learn how to create objectives, set up spawn points and many other options to create the perfect Invasion game for you and your friends!

How To: Teach your pet bird some manners

In this tutorial, pet expert Marc Morrone teaches you how to teach your feathered friends some manners so that they don't squawk all day and night. Parrots and other exotic birds are essentially wild animals kept in captivity and are not domesticated like dogs and cats, so they require a tad more patience with their training. Follow along with this clip and learn all about your birds and how to teach them a little respect.

How To: Get Lady Gaga's makeup mask from "Love Game"

In this tutorial, learn how to get a wild, avant garde Lady Gaga makeup look. This look is super bold and you will look great at the right type of event. Check out this clip and let Nikkie show you how to make a blue hued makeup mask just like Gaga's in "Love Game". This look will definitely make you the life of the party!

How To: Get the "Dastardly" achievement in Red Dead Redemption

Buckle up your saddle and make sure you have plenty of ammo, you're heading back to the wild west. In this video tutorial, you'll be after the "Dastardly" achievement in the Rockstar game Red Dead Redemption for the Xbox 360. So if you're having a hard time getting it, or didn't even know about it, the guys at Achievement Hunter are here to lend a helping hand. So good luck and enjoy RDR!

How To: Plan to travel around the world

Sow your wild oats! In this video, Jody Fath shares the expertise she gleaned from her eleven months backpacking around the world. In this video, you'll learn to plan for a long-term trip abroad. Learn how to determine what type of traveller you are, how to budget for your trip using online cost-of-living estimation and even how to pack in this great tutorial.

How To: Wash hands before eating bread, as per Jewish law

This animated video, produced by Jewish Pathways, demonstrates how to wash your hands in accordance with Jewish law before eating bread. Besides cleanliness and holiness, the instant reason the rabbis call for washing before bread is to keep alive the memory of the proper treatment of teruma (the first priestly tithe that may be eaten only by kohanim and their instant families, and that must be eaten only in the absence of any tum’ah – ritual defilement).

How To: Catch and gut a fish in the wild

In order to catch and gut a fish, you will need the following: a fishing pole, bait, a knife, and Begin by tossing bait into the water, in order to attract the fish to you. When a fish begins to tug on your line, slowly pull him in. Remove the hook from his mouth. Be careful. Bang the fish against a hard surface to kill it. Place the knife at the base of the tail. Run the knife up to his neck. When you reach in, you'll feel a cord. Pull it out. All of the guts will be attached.

How To: Run a partial text lookup in Microsoft Excel

New to Microsoft Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this MS Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 323rd installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to run a partial text lookup query using a VLOOKUP function with wild card criteria.

How To: Eat & extract water from a cactus

John Campbell demonstrates how to eat and extract water from a cactus. You can eat a cactus from the hedgehog plant family. First, cut off the top of the cactus and skin down the sides, cutting off the cactus spines. Cutting the cactus will not hurt it because it can heal itself. The cactus meat will be like a sticky cucumber. Try to avoid the central core because it is stringy but you can eat the cactus meat. Wrap the meat in a bandana, squish it and wring it out to extract the water from th...