Easy Aging Search Results

How To: Calculate square roots on paper the easy way

Perhaps not as easy as using a calculator, but easy nevertheless! With mathematics, as with anything else, not everyone progresses at the same rate. Happily, in the age of Internet video tutorials, this isn't a problem. Those who progress quickly can go beyond what's being taught them and those who are struggling likewise have all the time in the world to catch up. With this free video math lesson, you'll learn how to find square roots by hand.

How To: Pull water into a upside down container with a candle

This is an exciting video for kids of all ages! Do you know what atmospheric pressure is? You will after watching this video. Know any fancy names for water? You will after viewing this fascinating experiment. Mr. G gives you a list a supplies you will need and then he shows you how to do the experiment. The supplies are easy to obtain. You will need a lighter or matches, so adult supervision is required, but the experiment is easy to do.

How To: Solve word problems involving age in algebra

Need to know how to solve algebraic word problems involving age? From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test). With this three-part installment from Internet pedagogical superstar Salman Khan's series of free math tutorials, you'll learn how to unpack an...

How To: Make tasty kebabs and snacks for kids' lunch boxes

Eating healthy does not mean crunching on cardboard 24/7, even if that's what your kids think. While it's always easy to reach for a neat package of Cheetos and toss that into your kid's lunchbox for school, doing so means you're giving them a hefy serving of artificial coloring (some of which has been linked to cancer), artificial flavoring, and high fructose corn syrup.

How To: Play a game of marble solitaire

During this day and age of video games and HD televisions, more kids are relying on electronics to keep them entertained. But, for many people who grew up without such things, simple board games like chess, checkers, and even Monopoly was all they needed. Another great game was marble solitaire. It was easy to play and took some strategy to win. So in this tutorial find out how to play a game of marble solitaire. You'll enjoy it and so may your friends and loved ones.

How To: Get the Castle Age summoned monster link (11/17/09)

Cheat and hack Castle Age on Facebook! Castle Age is a new fantasy flash game where you conquer the world with your army of mythical beings. Watch this video tutorial to learn how to get the Castle Age summoned monster link (11/17/09). See how to get the link to your summoned monster without posting a call to arms! See why it's done this way.

How To: Make brand new paper look antique

Whether it be for a school project or just a funky looking journal or letter, making your paper look antique is very easy. Antique paper is great for invitations, props, unique stationary..lots of things! This tutorial will teach you how to age your brand new paper instantly for a neat, old fashioned look.

How To: Make Instant 'Aged' Bourbon Out of the Cheap Stuff

Step aside, vodka—whiskey will soon be the best-selling hard liquor in the United States. The whiskey renaissance has been largely attributed to the current trend for locally- and artisan-produced goods. Local whiskey distilleries are rapidly increasing in number across the nation while bars in every state are including the old-fashioned cocktail on their menus in an attempt to capitalize on the trend (which we can probably thank Mad Men for).

How To: Create cutscenes with the Dragon Age: Origins toolset

When Bioware anounced the Dragon Age: Origins toolset, they mentioned a lot about being able to recreate your own battles and create your own cut scenes! Well, after opening the toolset you will notice that there is an option to making cutscenes! But if it's a little overwhelming for you, let this video be your savior! In this video you will learn how to make a complete cut scene from start to finish.

How To: Use a cheat / glitch to max out your armor to 100% in Dragon Age 2

Dragon Age 2 seems to have more awesome and easy-to-execute exploitable glitches than any game in a long time. It almost seem deliberate, which would be a really awesome move on Bioware's part. This video will teach you how to use a really simple inventory glitch to max out any character's armor stat at 100% in less than a minute. You will be almost indestructible, and you can stop whenever you want if you just want a more reasonable boost.

How To: Age photos in Photoshop

In this Adobe Photoshop tutorial you will learn how to age a photo. Learn to take a new modern photo and make it looked like it was taken in the 20's or 30's. You don't need a time machine to age your photos, just Photoshop!

News: HIV Prevention Ring Passes Safety Testing Clinical Trial

Young girls, especially those who live in areas where HIV is epidemic, like sub-Saharan Africa, are particularly vulnerable to becoming infected with HIV. A vaginal ring containing the antiviral agent dapivirine has been shown to decrease the chance of developing HIV-1 in adult women over 21 and now in the first step for use in adolescents, the ring has been shown to be safe and well-tolerated in that younger age group.

How To: Adjust the truss rod on your guitar

The truss rod is a big metal bar that goes through the whole neck on your guitar and is used to control the amount of arch that the neck of your instrument gets. You will want the neck to be essentially straight, with a tiny bit of curve. Lots of things can cause your wood to arc..weather, storage, age.. and the truss rod is used to fix this and keep the neck straight allowing you to play your piece properly. All guitars come with a truss rod and they are easy to adjust if need be. This tutor...