Earned Cash Search Results

How To: Turn your old t-shirt into a sexy racerback tank

Want to add a few new pieces to your closet for summer but don't have the cash? Look no further than your "clothes junk drawer". Recycle your old oversized tshirt and reconstruct it into a sexy racerback tank top with help from this DIY fashion tutorial. Get the look you want for zero!

How To: Find a legal loan shark

Looking for fast cash with no questions asked? There are legitimate ways to get it, if you're willing to pay the consequences. You will need a credit card with unused credit, a tax refund, a car, a small loan company, a signature loan company, or a payday loan. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to get money quickly by finding a loan shark.

How To: Earn Equal Skill & Power in Soul Calibur IV

In this video, Geoff shows us how to earn equal skill and power in Soul Calibur IV. To do this, you must use all skill points to set up four skill. Use Mitsurugi and modify his gear to get the right skill points. First, add the pirate hat, round glasses, executioner's spaulder, loin cloth, and caretaker's breastplate. Add the Guardian's gauntlets and the Guardian's britches as well. For your weapon you will use the default weapon which is the shishi-oh. Once you have this enabled and saved, t...

How To: Monetize Facebook fan pages & groups

This training video will show you easy techniques to monetize fan pages and groups on the social networking site Facebook! To earn money, you must first crate an account on YouTube, then you need to upload a video. Also you have to sign up for Google Adsense, which will allow you to earn money from people clicking on the ads in your video. Then just create a Facebook fan page with a link to your video. Invite all your friends, and let the ball roll! If a video has 1000'000 views, and ONLY 1 i...

How To: Play "Folsom Prison Blues" by Johnny Cash on the ukulele

Want to play "Folsom Prison Blues" by country great Johnny Cash on your ukulele? Learn how with this free video ukulele lesson. Whether you play the ukulele or bass kazoo, there is no better way to improve your chops than by learning to play your favorite songs. Not only is it more fun and much easier than running drills or memorizing a chord book by wrote, it's obviously also a wonderful way to build your repertory of songs. For more information, and to get started playing "Folsom Prison Blu...

How To: Earn coins when playing We Rule on an Apple iPad

Love We Rule? Looking to line your virtual pockets with digital lucre? Earn coins in We Rule can be easy! This gamer's guide presents a complete overview of the process. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started earning your own coins in We Rule without use of hacks or cheats, take a look.

How To: Provide great customer service to your customers

In a bad economic environment, providing a great customer service experience is even more important than normal. Word of that great experience will spread via Twitter and Youtube, helping your business attract buzz without requiring it to spend cash on marketing. This video features a business technology expert explaining how to create a "wow" experience for your customers and use the ability to do so to improve your business.

How To: Craft a wallet out of duct tape

Forget about dropping tons of cash on a brand new leather wallet when you can make one at home for the cost of a roll of duct tape! In this video, learn step-by-step how to make a highly usable and durable wallet out of duct tape... This wallet is also vegan friendly!