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How To: Make boobs bigger in Photoshop

One of the most suggested topics on youtube for Photoshop is enhancing breast size. Sending an image to someone & need to alter it? Want your boobs to look bigger? Or do you just want to have some fun giving girls bigger boobs on Photoshop? This tutorial demonstrates how to increase breast size using Photoshop.

How To: Mix a dirty vodka martini

Theo explains how to make martinis that you’ll like. He starts with vodka, preferring Grey Goose or Smirnoff. He explains that basic vermouth is fine in a martini; expensive vermouths don’t do much for the flavor. He uses a standard martini glass for serving and suggests chilling them in the freezer, and the stainless steel part of a Boston shaker and strainer for mixing the drink. He suggests having olives on hand for a dirty martini, and picks to hold the olive garnish. He starts by fil...

How To: Identify aphids or whiteflies on your ash tree

County expert John White determines how to solve some pesky plant problems for the area. The first problem - cutter bees on Crepe Myrtle - is an obvious one, with the deep curved "bites" showing on most of the leaves. He suggests using an insecticide but then points out the signs of a second problem - beetle damage. Crepe Myrtle is prone to beetle infestations and he advises to get out a flashlight and look for them at night when they are at their worst. A problem with heat scorching on Euony...

How To: Disassemble a first-generation iPod Touch

This video describes how to take apart a first generation iPod. To open the iPod, the video recommends using a putty knife or similar flat tool to gently ply open the casing. The presenter recommends being especially careful if this is the first time opening the casing. Once you have the first side open slightly wide work your way around the casing, making sure the entire casing is spread evenly around. Once all the sides are loose, the back casing just slides off. There are then two componen...

How To: Learn to play piano with the five-finger exercise

This video will show beginners in piano an exercise that will help in building strength and flexibility in the fingers. The exercise is called the five-finger exercise. The narrator in the video begins by showing you how to play with one hand and then both at the same time. The narrator advises to keep your fingers curled and to make sure you hit the keys with the tips of your fingers. To begin, you place your right-hand thumb on the C note. You then play each note from C to G in order and th...

How To: Cover a cake in minutes

Kate Hemmings on The Crafts Channel shows that covering a cake isn't as tricky as you may think. You will need a type of icing that rolls out, such as fondant icing. Ideally, you will want to have fondant icing with glycerine, and so the Pettinice brand is excellent in this case. If you use this icing, you will not encounter problems with cracking of the icing when you try to shape it over the cake.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 11

Family Heirloom: Find the precious family peice passed down generation to generation. Go back to Giovanni's room and use eagle vision to locate the hidden door. Okay, it's not really very hidden. Open the door and step into the secret room. Open up the chest inside to get a snazzy new outfit, plus a useful sword.

How To: Apply foundation with a brush

This YouTube video is of Christine from Temptalia.com demonstrating how to apply basic foundation with a 109 brush by mac that is small. First take face primer, try silicon free primer. Apply to your entire face. This helps to keep make up on for longer and is suggested for period that are special are require you to have makeup on or look fresh for longer periods of time. Also suggested for oily skin types to use a modifying cream and primer. It is best to put your primer or moisturizer 10-15...

How To: Properly thread your eyebrows

This Yasmine’s World video demonstrates eyebrow threading. Use standard sewing thread for the process. Take a piece approximately two to three feet long. Tie the ends in knot. Hold the large thread loop in both hands. Twist it six or sent times, so there is an X shape in the middle. Working on the right eyebrow, pull the right hand in a tweezer motion. For the left eye, make the motion with the left hand. This motion moves the thread. Working on the right eyebrow, place the left vee of the ...

How To: Make a spiritual bath

In this video Krazyboy shares his method of creating a spiritual bath. Krazyboy suggests that while spiritual baths are often known to help cleanse the soul, you can also imbue it with an intent (such as love, luck, success). The idea behind a spiritual bath is cleansing and white. A nice feature of spiritual baths is being able to customize it, including ingredients that feel right to you. To begin, fill a large bowl about half way with holy water/new moon water/spring water. Next, add a cou...

How To: Potty train your toddler easily

Parenting Coach, Nancy Stone provides a few tips and techniques for easing your toddler through the transition from diapers to being toilet trained. First off, Stone suggests allowing your toddler to help pick out their potty seat. Secondly, keep in mind that boys and girls are different - tossing a few Cheerios into the potty and letting your boy aim for them makes it kind of a game, which Stone says is important. Thirdly, ask your toddler quite frequently, point blank "Do you have to go pot...

How To: Clean your gutters around your house

Maybe one of the hardest jobs you can do around the house is cleaning the gutters. When cleaning the gutters by hand, you have to constantly keep moving the ladder to get to the various spots of the gutter which contain a mess. If not done properly, the gutters can get clogged, which will not help the appeal of your home. This video explains a simple and easy way to clean the hassle-prone gutters. The powerful leaf blower makes cleaning the gutters simple and easy. Just make sure to keep your...

How To: Apply eyeliner with a brush

Makeup tools can be tricky to use, but this how-to video clarifies the process of lining eyes with a brush and shadow liner, which will really help define the eye. Instead of buying traditional liner brushes, this technique suggests paintbrushes, that are cheaply bought at any arts and crafts store. Follow along with the steps in this video makeup lesson and learn how to apply eyeliner with a brush.

How To: Determine the active hand for a palm reading

Palmist and astrologer Peeter John explains the right, left, and active hand for palm-reading in this how-to video. The active hand is the dominant hand which is more important to be interpreted for palmistry. This video also suggests a method for determining which is the active hand. Watch this video palmistry tutorial from Peter John and learn how to distinguish the active hand for a palm reading.

How To: Juggle the Sandbox Shuffle advanced pattern

Romeo's and Rubinstein's Revenge juggling patterns are suggested pre-requisites for learning how to do the Sandbox Shuffle, but with a little bit of practice, anyone can learn how to do this complex pattern. Watch this video juggling tutorial and learn how to execute the Sandbox Shuffle juggling pattern.

How To: Make homemade pasta dough

This is a simple recipe that just uses regular AP flour. You can, of course, use a mixture of semolina flour like many pasta recipes suggest. But, this recipe is very user friendly, and if you’ve never made your own pasta before, this would be a good place to start. By the way, those pasta machines are surprisingly affordable at your local mega-store

How To: Freshen a room

The number-one question people ask me is, how can I update a room without breaking the bank or enduring a complete remodel? The answer is-you guessed it-in the details. The changes I'm suggesting fall into four main categories: lighting, furniture, walls

Galaxy S8 Oreo Update: New Home Screen Features Coming in Android 8.0

While millions eagerly await the stable Android 8.0 release for the Galaxy S8, the beta is already in the wild and readily available. Notable improvements include notification channels and the revamped Samsung keyboard. One aspect often overlooked are new customization options, a huge part of Android. Let's take a look at what's new for customization on the S8's home screen in Oreo.

News: Today Is World Emoji Day & Apple's Giving Us All Gifts to Celebrate

As we all know, and certainly have marked on our calendars, it's World Emoji Day! Considering that over five billion emojis are sent daily on Facebook Messenger alone, emojis deserve to be celebrated, and Apple's doing just that. On this monumentous day, the tech giant is gifting us all with images of its newest emojis. From dinosaurs to headscarf-clad women, the releases are sure to please emoji fanatics throughout the world.

News: Lenovo's Mixed Reality Headset Reportedly Arriving in August for $399

In the nascent AR/VR race, any release news is big news. For augmented reality, those invested in the new technology eagerly await the release of Microsoft's Hololens and any inkling of information that comes with it. If you're one of those folks, you're in luck, as new information has just been disclosed about one of Microsoft's partners on the project, Lenovo, and their Hololens; including its release date and price.

News: One Magic Leap Mystery Solved—Former Senior Dev Paul Reynolds Confirms Unity & Unreal

After many months of endless speculation over the mysterious augmented reality platform Magic Leap, software engineers worldwide have been waiting for any news of what development environment this amazing technology might use. Thanks to Paul Reynolds, the former Magic Leap Senior Director of SDKs and Apps, we no longer have to guess. Just like existing mixed, augmented, and virtual reality platforms, developers will be able to use their experience with Unity and the UNREAL engine.

How To: Install the New Facebook Home Launcher on Your Nexus 7 Tablet

Facebook Home was just released in the Google Play Store a couple days ago, and for those of you eagerly waiting to get it on your Nexus 7, you'll unfortunately be stuck with this message: The new Facebook Home launcher app is blocked on the Nexus 7, because Facebook only released it for a few select Android phones. Home for tablets probably won't appear for months, but that's okay, because you don't have to wait that long! In this article, I'm going to show you how to get Facebook Home insta...

How To: How I Made Cat Poop Coffee (Kopi Luwak)—The Best Cup of Crap Ever

I am a man who enjoys a good cup of crap. Not just any crap, but the kind that makes the Seattle coffee-snob inside of me feel all warm and happy as if the sun were out (which of course it isn't.) It's the kind of crap that has traveled through the intestinal tracts of a nocturnal marsupial, cutely called a Civet. It's the kind of fermented brew that everyone should lay their lips on at least once.