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How To: Build an ARP Scanner Using Scapy and Python

As you might know, there are a multitude of tools used to discover internal IP addresses. Many of these tools use ARP, address resolution protocol, in order to find live internal hosts. If we could write a script using this protocol, we would be able to scan for hosts on a given network. This is where scapy and python come in, scapy has modules we can import into python, enabling us to construct some tools of our own, which is exactly what we'll be doing here.

How To: Play Memory Movies for Any Album on Your iPhone in iOS 14

The Memories feature in Photos is meant to help you rediscover old or forgotten experiences by creating a short slideshow of photos and videos based on locations, dates, and events. It's a fun feature to relive exciting times, but it isn't always perfect because it's generated automatically. It might include incorrect content, but in iOS 14, you can now create your own Memory Movies.

How To: Make an Origami Teo Flower

Learn how to make a paper origami teo flower instructions. This origami flower is my improvisation, and I haven't seen any similar flower from the nature. I named the flower to my wife Teofila (Teo) because i gave to her the first model of a complete paper flower :). The model is easy and the stamens make the flower looks one idea more beautiful :)

How To: Get Night Mode on Older iPhone Models to Shoot Low-Light Scenes Like an iPhone 11 or 12

Night mode, which helps you snap great photographs in low-light environments, is a feature available only on the iPhone 11 and iPhone 12 lineups. It's a useful tool to have in your arsenal, especially if you're fond of nightlife photography. Still, you don't have to purchase a newer iPhone to get Night mode shooting capabilities.

Networking Foundations: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

Hello ladies and gentlemen, PySec here coming at you with another informative(hopefully) article for you all. In the last tutorial, we finally finished our discussion about IP Addressing and I intentionally didn't mention a really important concept with which IP Addressing wouldn't be feasible without it. What I'm talking about is how our network device gets the IP Address in order to communicate with other devices on the network/Internet. There are many different ways for that to be accompli...

How To: Shake Cream into Butter Like a Boss

Don't panic the next time you pull an empty tub of butter from the fridge. If you have some heavy whipping cream, save yourself a trip to the grocery store and just make your own. When heavy cream is shaken violently for a long enough duration, it turns to butter—and if you're doing it by hand, it also feels like your arm turns to jello.

How To: Know Exactly When You Can Spot the International Space Station at Home with NASA Text Alerts

The International Space Station is one of the brightest objects in the night sky when it can be seen. If you know when and where to look, you can even see it from your house. It looks more or less like a really fast-moving plane—so fast, actually, that it's only visible from a specific place for a few minutes at a time. But now you don't have to do a ton of mathematical equations or rely solely on luck to spot the ISS at night. NASA just launched a program called Spot the Station that sends y...

How To: View Popular Hours, Wait Times, and Live Visit Data for Businesses to Determine When to Go Out, Stay Home, or Move On

Unlike Apple Maps, Google Maps can tell you when a restaurant, bar, club, or other business you're thinking of visiting is busy. It's extremely helpful if you want to avoid peak times or wait for the place to be empty. If you can't pry yourself away from using Apple Maps, there's an easy alternative to see the popular times of most businesses.

How To: Create Your Own Augmented Reality Filter for Instagram Stories Using Spark AR on Mac or Windows

There's a new trend on Instagram Stories: People are making viral AR filters where images of popular characters from TV shows, movies, and other mediums shuffle above your head until one sticks. The filters range from Disney and Pokémon characters to Harry Potter and Friends, but you're not limited to just that because you can create your own "which are you?" filter.

How To: Remove the 'Connected to VPN' Notification on Your Samsung Galaxy Device

If you're using a VPN app to block ads or secure your Galaxy's internet connection, Samsung has decided you need yet another non-dismissible notification from One UI to tell you about it. Not just a status bar indicator like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, but a full-size alert that can't be dismissed. The entire time your always-on VPN is running.

News: Apple Just Released iOS 13 Public Beta 7 for iPhone to Software Testers

Beta testing certainly has its perks. While you do need to deal with bugs, you're introduced to new features before the general community. And if we're talking iPhones, there are over 200 new features in iOS 13 beta. If you're already on board with iOS 13 public beta 6 for iPhone, you can get an upgrade on that firmware as Apple just released public beta 7 today.