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How To: Use motion tweens in Flash CS4

Creating a website using Flash CS4 is one of the most challenging and rewarding ways that you can utilize the internet. This video is chapter 5 of a comprehensive series of videos on designing your own website from scratch using Flash CS4. This chapter covers creating and using motion tweens to improve the animations on your site.

How To: Make three easy hair brooches

So you want to make a brooch, do you? You're in luck. This video tutorial, which outlines how to make three distinct types of hair brooches, will get you started making your own custom hair accessories in no time. For detailed instructions, watch this arts & crafts how-to.

How To: Chop dried fruit

Use this quick and easy tip for chopping sticky dried fruit. The dried fruit can often stick to itself and become very difficult to chop into distinct pieces. This is important for baking cakes or other dessert recipes that require the ingredient.

How To: Make ghee (clarified butter)

Many people who have trouble with dairy can eat ghee because it lacks the milk solids that give rise to problems. Ghee has a distinct and delicious taste to add to your healthy dishes. Watch this how to video and learn how to make ghee in your own kitchen.

News: How Zero-Day Exploits Are Bought & Sold

Most of you already know that a zero-day exploit is an exploit that has not yet been revealed to the software vendor or the public. As a result, the vulnerability that enables the exploit hasn't been patched. This means that someone with a zero-day exploit can hack into any system that has that particular configuration or software, giving them free reign to steal information, identities, credit card info, and spy on victims.

How To: Stitch a complex filet crochet and read graphs

How To Filet Crochet - Part 1 We we first heard the term "filet crochet," an image popped up in our minds of chicken fillets from McDonald's, only made from crochet yarn (yes, we were also quite hungry at the time). Well, we'll have to save the yarn foods for another time, because a filet crochet is actually a very complex, difficult crocheting pattern that requires a graph in order to get the stitches right.

How To: Teach your dog how to sit on your command

A dog who constantly follows you around the house wagging his tail is a dog who really likes you (or is hungry), but sometimes you're tired and just want your dog to sit and be still for once. Teaching a dog to sit is one of the most basic obedience training tricks out there, and one of the most important (especially in cases of your dog bounding onto friends who enter the house).

How To: Use coupons to shop for free at Walgreens

In this clip, learn how to be a real coupon diva! This episode of coupon divas focuses on Walgreens drug stores and will show you how to combine things like register rewards, coupons, sales and other deals to walk out of the store with a full cart for virtually no money! Get your coupons to outnumber the cost of the items and go home with a bunch of free goodies. Kitty will show you the basics and how to stay organized with these strategies.