Disposable Income Search Results

How To: Use a menstrual cup

The menstrual cup is a great alternative to tampons and pads. This feminine hygiene product is reusable, eco-friendly and much cheaper than disposable tampons and pads. This tutorial teaches you how to insert and remove the menstrual cup. Watch this how to video and maybe you will decide to use the menstrual cup.

How To: Make a Paper Wallet!

This tutorial papercraft video will help you learn how to make a paper wallet from one piece of paper. This wallet comes in handy if you've lost yours and don't like keeping things just in your pocket. Another great thing about this paper wallet is that it's disposable.

How To: Stop severe bleeding (British Red Cross)

Everyone gets cut every once in a while, but sometimes those cuts can be more serious than expected. It could turn into severe bleeding, and there's a certain way to deal with this type of bleeding in a victim. How would you treat someone who was bleeding severely?

How To: Make banana farofa and molho a campanha

We hit the garden and do race between Cuca's super gas grill and a disposable grill that anyone can get at the supermarket. Which one makes a better rib-eye steak? We also give you a recipe or a Banana Farofa and a simple tomato, onion and green pepper vinaigrette Brazilian's call 'Molho a Campanha'.

How To: Learn How to Play the Market with This Data-Driven Trading Bundle

If you're reading this, you're likely a tech-savvy coding pro whose analytical talents are mostly applied to designing apps, cracking passwords, and infiltrating networks — all of which are admirable activities for both aspiring and seasoned white hat hackers. But there are other profitable ways that you can put these types of skills to use, namely in the world of investment and trading.

How To: Block Ads in Microsoft Edge

Although they're often times the primary source of income for websites, on-site advertisements can annoy even the most tolerable reader. That's why ad blockers have been some of the most popular downloads on Firefox and Chrome for some time now, demonstrating that when it comes down to it, most people just want nothing to do with ads shoved in their face.

How To: 6 Ways to Access Members-Only Websites and Forums Without Giving Up Your Real Info

One of the most frustrating things on the Internet are sites that make you register just to view content. I'm not talking about paywalls—I mean the sites that make you give them personal information to look at free articles or forum threads. Most people are uncomfortable with this because a lot of these sites either spam you themselves, or sell your information to someone else who will.

How To: Scan & Save Old Printed Photos to Your Smartphone

Believe it or not, there was a time when smartphones weren't the primary tool for taking photos. People actually walked around with bulky film-based cameras on their necks, and some even used cheap disposables. While photography wasn't introduced to the world when smartphones came out, it's definitely more accessible—and everyone is a photographer now.

How To: Burner Protects Your Real Phone Number with Disposable Aliases on Your iPhone

There are tons of situations that require you to give out your phone number, and I think just about everyone has regretted doing so at some point. It can be incredibly convenient to have a secondary or temporary number on hand, so if you don't want to provide your real digits, you can still get the call without revealing your true numbers. And that's where Burner comes in. Burner is a mobile app for iPhone and Android that lets you create alias phone numbers that you can take out of service a...

How To: Sell baseball cards

Tired of grandpa's baseball card collection rotting away in your attic? Well, unlike his pop bottle collection, baseball cards could yield a decent amount of income for you, if you know how to sell them. There are different outlets available for selling an individual baseball card or card collection. Know how to sell the fruits of your hobby and avoid getting ripped off.

How To: 3 Apps for Getting Your Budget & Finances Under Control in 2017

It's become a routine for many of us to ring in the New Year with pledges to finally get our budgets and finances under control. Unfortunately, it's also quite difficult to to keep those promises. Some of us will just dive into our resolutions and wing it as we move forward, which usually ends in failure. But even for those of us who plan carefully, obstacles along the way can spell doom for New Year's resolutions.

How To: Insert a reusable menstrual cup

Learn how to insert a reusable menstrual cup with this feminine hygiene tutorial. The menstrual cup is a great alternative to disposable tampons and pads. It is very cost effective and friendly for the environment. With regular sanitizing, the menstrual cup can last years. This video is specific to the Mooncup menstrual cup, although most menstraul cups are inserted in the same fashion. Watch this how to video and maybe you will decide to use a menstrual cup during your next period.