Dining Experience Search Results

News: Rosalind’S Ethiopian Restaurant

I was mesmerized by the decoration in Rosalind’s. It has pictures of the Ethiopian people from tribes, the walls are painted bright yellow and covered with black nyala’s an endanger species found in Ethiopia, amazing hut roofs on top of the tables, Hi-Definition television playing a basketball game and neon lights that attracts the eyes. I felt like I was in a different country.

How To: Cut a pretty flower food garnish from a carrot

You want to know the real reason you pay so much money to dine at four and five-star restaurants? Well, the quality of the food is obviously a factor. But the biggest discrepancy is quite simply the presentation. Order something as simple as pan-seared tuna with sesame seeds and it'll come drizzled in a posmodernist Pollock-esque pattern of soy sauce and a miniature dragon made out of a carrot. It's pretty impressive stuff, almost as impressive as what your bill will be.

How To: Make a healthy chicken wrap for your kid's lunchbox

With obesity now a confirmed epidemic in the United States, we should be putting more emphasis than ever on how we feed our children and what they consume at school. While many educational instititions sell salads and healthier options like apples and carrot sticks, these foods often don't catch your kids' attention when they're placed side-by-side with cheeseburgers and calzones.

How to Cook Indian food: Keema (ground beef stew)

Add some spice to dinner tonight by cooking up some exciting Indian fare! Cook up a delicious stew with ground beef, common spices found in most kitchens, and some versatile, delicious spices commonly associated with Indian cooking. You might not coriander or turmeric in your kitchen right now, but this is the perfect opportunity to add them to your culinary ventures. This dish is healthy and savory and is sure to bring some exciting new flavors to your kitchen and dining room table!

How To: Make a 3D origami watermelon

Origami is one of the oldest art forms. The uniqueness of this art is that it is made with only a single substance, which is paper. Paper is very common and cheap material. This video describes how to make a slice of 3D origami watermelon using paper of green, white and red colors. This can be used as a show piece with other fruits in a fruit basket. This is also a great gift idea. Make a 3D watermelon origami fruit basket to adorn your dining table.

How To: Update your living room

In this video, we learn how to update your living room. First, you can paint your living room with premium colors to give it a richer look. Crown molding will also change the look of the room after you paint. Window treatments will also give your home a nicer look, adding in dimension. Invest in table lamps, which will encourage your guests to sit down and relax. Also, changing the door to your dining room will add a classy touch as well! If you can afford it, upgrading the carpet will add a ...

How To: Save energy and money by changing your light bulbs

Saving energy is as easy as 1,2,3! There are various places in your home where you can spend money on that will not only save you energy, but money as well. One of the most common and easiest places is the light fixtures. From sconces, to lamps, to the lights above your dining room table, these lights can be replaced with more energy efficient lights easily. They cost a bit more, but in the long haul will save you money and help leave a smaller footprint on this planet.

How To: Sharpen a pocket knife

This is video is a tutorial on how to sharpen a pocket knife. It is filmed as a man sits at a dining room table discussing points and demonstrating how to properly sharpen the knife. He makes several points about different ways on how to sharpen knives. He is careful to explain why you sharpen the knife during each step in the process. This video would be great for people who have never sharpened a knife before because he discusses a lot of information. However, if you're just looking for a n...

How To: Make a cute origami elephant for beginners

Is your best friend's baby shower speedily approaching and your mind out of ideas for a cute and cheap way to decorate the party? Then you've come to the right place. These tiny blue origami elephants would make great pieces of decor as centerpieces on the dining room table and placed on counters around the house to emphasize the baby theme.

How To: Make a beautiful holiday geranium arrangement

To make some flowers of geranium plant, the flowers are colorful and beautiful. Put the branches together to the main branch in various designs. Merge three leaves together to form a new design. Now start placing all the leaves to the main branch if you want. You need to make a petal to form the flower. Arrange the bunch of flower in middle of your dining table allowing its fragrance in the entire room. We will put the flowers together .This is very important and necessary step. We will dupli...

How To: Defend against the jab

Add some spice to dinner tonight by cooking up some exciting Indian fare! Cook up a delicious stew with ground beef, common spices found in most kitchens, and some versatile, delicious spices commonly associated with Indian cooking. You might not coriander or turmeric in your kitchen right now, but this is the perfect opportunity to add them to your culinary ventures. This dish is healthy and savory and is sure to bring some exciting new flavors to your kitchen and dining room table!

How To: Create a massage room in your home

In this clip, we are going to talk about how to create a room in your home for a massage. You don't necessarily need a table if you want to use your dining room table as long as it's sturdy. Don't get anything flimsy in it and of course it shouldn't be a round table, something rectangular. Making a massage room in your own home is easy with these tips. Learn the business of massage therapy in this how to video.

How To: Make sure you have the right frame for your artwork

Check out this video from the Handy Goddess to see how to make sure you have the right frame for your artwork. Make sure you choose the right frame for your artwork or painting is important for the design of your living room or dining room or wherever. One way to get the right frame for your environment is to take a photograph of the picture where it will stay. Then, use the photo as reference when searching for that perfect frame to accommodate that perfect piece of artwork.

News: Officials Shocked to Find West Nile in Las Vegas Mosquitoes

Las Vegas is known as the city of sin, a place for gambling, fine dining, and decadence. Now, you can add another notable characteristic to that list: West Nile. You may want to hold off on scheduling your trip to the Sin City — or at least stock up on bug spray — because health officials have reported that mosquitoes in Southern Nevada have tested positive for the virus.

How To: Grill lobster

Everyone likes lobster and you normally inspire thought s of fine dining but with summer time coming lobster goes great on the grill. Make an extra special bbq and surprise everyone by grilling lobster to add delicious smokiness to their buttery flavor.

How To: Arrange flowers at a dinner party

Lifestyle expert Clinton Kelly demonstrates how to throw a fabulous party. With great food, alcohol, and atmosphere you must also have fresh flowers to add ambiance. Big floral centerpieces overtake the room and have to be removed from the table when dining so that guests can see one another. Clinton recommends a low long floral arrangement that will not block guests. Staying in the same color family when choosing flowers is recommended. Start with small low container with room temperature wa...

How To: Set-up a home office with an extra room

Starting to work at home? With more and more people trying to make a solid living at home, it's important to know the best way to set up a home office – even if you don't have a spare room. Learn how to set-up a solid work environment with tips from this video on how to create the perfect home office.