Dim Moose Search Results

How To: Set Custom Chat Wallpapers in Signal for All Conversations & Single Threads

Popular chat apps like Facebook Messenger and (these days, sadly) WhatsApp might not cut it when it comes to privacy and security, but they sure do offer some fun ways to customize your chats. If you're worried that moving to Signal Private Messenger means you lose these features, don't — the privacy-focused app also lets you choose custom chat wallpapers for all your threads.

How To: Maximize the battery life of your Apple iPhone

Your iPhone may be great, but like any other mobile device, it might be wasting more battery power than it needs to. If you want to learn how to conserve your battery life, there's plenty of precautions you can perform. So what all can you do? Best Buy has answers. The Best Buy Mobile team explains how simple it is to maximize the battery life of your Apple iPhone. You can put it in standby mode, reduce screen brightness, and turn off Location Services when you're not using them.

How To: Create glass material in 3ds Max

Dave shows you how to produce a glass three different ways in 3ds Max in the video tutorial. Put two panels away, then concentrating on sensor one press m on the keyboard to bring up the materials editor. On the material editor go to the first sphere, choosing a slight blue color, bring up the specter level, bring up the glossy level, click on two sided and bring down the last two to about four. Look to see it is fairly transparent, in a test window. This is glass one, put on hide. Go to glas...

How To: Disable the 'Good Morning' Message on Your iPhone's Lock Screen

I'm not a morning person, so getting a "Good Morning" message on my iPhone when I wake up makes me want to toss it across the room. If you feel the same way about this morning greeting, there's an easy way to stop it from showing up on your lock screen. This also applies if your "Good Morning" is actually "Good Afternoon" or "Good Evening," depending on your sleep schedule.

News: Google Pixel's Pros & Cons

Whatever you think of Google's new Pixel phones, the one thing we know for sure is that these are the most polarizing devices in recent memory. On the one hand, we've seen reviews in which longtime Android users say they'll be walking away from the OS all together thanks to Pixel. On the other hand, you've got the iPhone-obsessed David Pierce over at WIRED saying he'll be switching immediately.

How To: Really Auto Adjust the Brightness of Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2's Screen

If you're constantly going from dark to brightly lit areas, you've probably noticed that the stock auto brightness feature on your Samsung Galaxy Note 2 doesn't work that well. Either the screen is really dim and unreadable, or it's just way too damn bright. Sure, you can disable auto brightness, but then you have to manually adjust the brightness all of the time for that perfect comfort level. This isn't really all that bad of an option, but don't be surprised when you see this: However, the...

How To: Invert the Colors on Your Apple or Android Device for Better Sleep

Inverting colors on your mobile device not only saves battery life, but also helps prevent straining your eyes, especially during the nighttime. Bright white screens interfere not only with your eyes, but with your sleeping patterns, as well. The bright lights greatly reduce your melatonin, a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain that helps you go to sleep. Thus, the onset of sleep is delayed and the possibility of deep sleep is reduced greatly.

How To: Visualize auras

This video shows how to visualize and see auras. Close your eyes and begin to relax your mind by gently breathing and thinking 'sooo' and 'hummm'. Once you're relaxed, dim the lights in your room and stand in front of a white background. Take a look at your hand against the white background and focus on the faint color while keeping yourself relaxed. Focus on it and the color will strengthen eventually. When the color has become more clear, you have now seen the aura. Practice on seeing the a...

How To: The Fastest Way to Dim Your iPhone Screen Lower Than the Lowest Possible Brightness

In the dark, even the lowest brightness option on the iPhone can still feel a thousand burning suns. No matter whether you're in bed or at the movie theater, you don't want to create a distraction with your smartphone. That's why you might want a brightness that isn't readily available on your device — but luckily, there may be a way to go lower than the lowest brightness.

How To: 17 Things You Didn't Know Your iPhone's Home Button Could Do

The Home button on an iPhone does a lot. That's not necessarily news for anyone who's ever owned an iPhone with a Home button, but what you might not know is that it's capable of so much beyond the standard everyday functions. So if you have an iPhone 7, 8, or the new SE model running iOS 13 or later, keep reading to learn about 17 secret Home button tricks you're missing out on.

How To: App Over 150 MB? Here's How to Download It Using Cellular Data on Your iPhone

These days, cellular connections can be just as fast — if not faster — than traditional internet providers. That, coupled with the prevalence of unlimited data plans, means less worrying about hopping on a Wi-Fi network to download something. However, try to install an app or update over 150 MB, and your iPhone will insist you switch to Wi-Fi. We don't think this is very fair, so here's a way out.

Bedtime Mode: How to Keep Notifications from Distracting You at Night on iOS 12

Let's say you wake up in the middle of the night and check your phone to see the time. As soon as you do, you're greeted by a wall of notifications on your lock screen. You just wanted to know how much longer you could sleep, but now your mind's racing after seeing all of the messages you need to deal with. Thankfully, iOS 12's new Bedtime Mode has a solution for this problem.

VLC 101: How to Use Gestures to Control Playback

For a long time now, VLC has been the go-to media player for Windows and Mac — but it's fast becoming the best third-party video player on Android and iOS, too. Aside from its ability to play virtually any file type, one of VLC's best features on mobile is the fact that you can control playback using simple swipe gestures.