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How To: Train your dog with a clicker instead of food

In this video, you'll be shown how to train your pet dog to respond to a clicker. Instead of having your dog respond to treats, have your dog respond to the clicker. It'll cut down on food costs for you as the owner and help keep your pet healthy and sane. Just follow along with the video to learn how to do this training.

How To: Ask how much something costs in perfect French

In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to ask the price of something in French: "C'est combien?" While French isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task.

How To: Use Google Voice to make cheap phone calls

Google Voice is the newest release from the experts at Google. Google Voice is a low-cost Internet phone service that redirects calls to your home phone and works over your WiFi connection. This service is very exciting and useful for those that are looking to save some money on long distance. Google Voice was in limited use for a while and is now available to everyone, so check out this clip and learn how to use it!

How To: Create budgets in MS Project 2007

These days it seems like budgets are on everybody's minds. Big or small, financial planning is an essential part of daily life following the latest recession. In this tutorial you will learn how to create budget resources, using MS Project 2007, that you can assign to your project to compare you actual hours and costs against your budget.

How To: Repurpose an old skirt into an oversized tote bag

In this video, learn how to take things you find in thrift stores and repurpose them as cool, new items. In this clip, you will learn how to cut up a frumpy old skirt and turn it into an adorable, stylish oversized tote. This is a fun project that costs just a couple of bucks and will become a unique bag you will love for years to come!

How To: Evaluate vendors with array formulas in MS Excel

Love Microsoft Excel? This clip contains a tip that just might induce you to. With this free video tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 63rd installment of his "YouTubers Love Excel" or YTLE series of free video MS Excel lessons, you'll learn how to create an array formula to find the vendor with the maximum rating and the lowest cost Learn to love digital spreadsheets more perfectly with the tricks outlined in this free Microsoft Office how-to.

How To: Plan to travel around the world

Sow your wild oats! In this video, Jody Fath shares the expertise she gleaned from her eleven months backpacking around the world. In this video, you'll learn to plan for a long-term trip abroad. Learn how to determine what type of traveller you are, how to budget for your trip using online cost-of-living estimation and even how to pack in this great tutorial.

How To: Make infrared goggles

Kip Kay of Make Magazine will teach you how to turn welding goggles into infrared goggles with the hack he outlines in this how-to video. The entire project only costs $10. To replicate this hack at home and build your own pair of steampunk infrared goggles, follow along with the steps in this video tutorial. Just don't look at the sun!

How To: Sell your stuff on eBay

Turn your possessions into cash and become an online selling machine. You will need: Something to sell, a computer with internet access, an eBay account, a digital camera, shipping supplies, something to sell,a computer with internet access, an eBay account, a digital camera, & shipping supplies.

How To: Treat your furniture for bed bugs

Nothing is worse than bed bugs, right? Those pesky little creatures can make you seriously uncomfortable and cost you tons of money replacing furniture. But you can treat your furniture without spending money or having to throw it out. You will need to inspect everything thoroughly and make sure to to follow every step properly. This video will show you how to treat furniture for bed bugs.

How To: Convert price to selling price markup in Excel

As you might guess, one of the domains in which Microsoft Excel really excels is business math. Brush up on the stuff for your next or current job with this how-to. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, YouTube's ExcelIsFun, the 51st installment in his "Excel Business Math" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to convert markup on cost to markup on selling price.

How To: Craft a wallet out of duct tape

Forget about dropping tons of cash on a brand new leather wallet when you can make one at home for the cost of a roll of duct tape! In this video, learn step-by-step how to make a highly usable and durable wallet out of duct tape... This wallet is also vegan friendly!

How To: Get the best price on international airfare

Flying is complicated enough, especially when you are flying overseas. In this tutorial, Rick Seaney gives you tips on how to find the cheapest flights to popular international destinations. Rick also goes over how to save on luggage and other hidden airport upcharges. So, before you take your next big trip, check out this tutorial and get some insider information on how to avoid hefty costs and enjoy your holiday.

How To: Make a maglev motor

Ian uses round magnets, pencil, clay and glass slide to work his magic science experiment. Magentic levitation is said to be a solution for energy costs of trains because it cuts down friction and creates what is mythically regarded as a perpetual energy motor. This is an interesting toy model of how the maglev trains and large scale generators work

How To: Conserve water in your home

Australian native Scott's biggest concern is water conservation. By overhauling his bathroom, hot water, heater and backyard, Scott saves $360 a year on water costs. Learn how you can save money and conserve water by renovating your plumbing with this how to video.