Descend Downward Search Results

How To: Style long hair half up and half down with a twist

Julia, AKA Hairbeauty4you, gives detailed instructions on how to do a quick half up-do with a twist in under 10 minutes. She notes that this style is best for medium to long length hair. Julia starts with straight hair, then sections off the top part and clips temporarily. She then separates another section on either side of the top part- from the ear to the clipped section- and pulls it back into a high pony tail and repeats identically on the other side, securing each with clear rubber band...

How To: Use sidechain autofilter effects in Ableton

Open your program to a new live set. By using three keys (in Ableton Live), Command (Ctrl), Shift and t, you can create a short cut. Create two new midi tracks making one for (side chain) bass and one for (side chain) kick. To rename a track choose the two keys Command (Ctrl) and r. Next, you can load up the presets, located on the side bar list, one a bass, and, then a basic kick drum by opening up impulse, electronics and Tremor 1994. Now create a couple of patterns. To do this go an empty ...

How To: Make a Scottie dog from folded paper with origami

Take a piece of paper and fold it triangle wise. Then unfold it and fold two edged sides towards the center. Then turn back in the same manner and fold right there. Then again turn back and fold two sides as done before. Then straight that part and fold into two sides and then fold one side to an upside direction. Then fold it downwards holding the center part. Then again fold downward the folded portion and a little bit upward the edged part. Keep intact the edged portion. Then fold the next...

How To: Do Hindu pushups

This video shows you how to do Hindu push-ups which have been used by wrestlers and martial artists for many centuries. It works all major muscle groups at the same time. You begin with the mountain pose, also known to yoga fans as the downward dog, with your hands and feet spread out. You go down by bending your elbows, until your body is on the ground. Then go into cobra pose, and as you push up into this pose you should inhale. Then push exhale as you push back to the starting position. Ke...

How To: Do barbell squats

Squats are probably the most useful exercise you can do at the gym—no other single exercise encourages more muscle growth. With a range of motion that incorporates many different muscle groups in the legs, core and upper body, squats strengthen not only those muscles, but also the tendons and ligaments that connect them. In addition to their strength-building benefits, squats also teach you core stabilization, which is important for almost any athletic endeavor. Learn how to do barbell squats...

How To: Use advanced roll techniques in parkour or free runnin

Levi Meeuwenberg demonstrates how to do a parkour roll. First, practice the takeoff leap. Use forward momentum to jump out. Enter the landing leaning forward with the weight in front of your feat so you fall into the roll. Be physically and mentally tense and prepared when coming into the landing. Land with your feet parallel and square in the direction where you're heading. Keep your feet a bit less than shoulder width apart. Use a bend at the hips to complete the shoulder roll. Push against...

How To: Do a line drawing of a cartoon chicken

the video starts out with Joe talking you through the basic steps in how to draw or sketch a chicken. Starting with the eyes, shaped like to ovals, side-by-side, touching. Drawing a curved line all the way across each one to represent the eyelids and two small dots to form the eyes. Next draw a sharp curved line down from the eyes forming the beak, with a c like shape towards the back, connecting back to the eyes completing the formation of the beak. Draw an upside down, narrow heart at the b...

How To: Shave correctly to avoid razor bumps

One of the biggest problems men face today is razor bumps. They are irritating and unsightly. This problem occurs more frequently in people who have curly hair. You need to follow the steps below to minimize ingrown hairs and the unsightly razor bumps they create. Use a facial scrub before shaving. This helps raise the hairs from under the skin and prevents them from growing back into the skin. Do not pull the skin tight when shaving. Always allow your skin to expand under hot water for at le...

How To: Change a dirt bike tire

To change a dirt bike tire follow these instructions. First use the crescent wrench set to loosen, and remove the axle bolt from the wheel you are working on. Then, slide the wheel out of the stays and lay it flat on the ground in an open area. Use the screwdriver to let the air out of the tire by depressing the valve stem with the blade. Now place the palm of your hand on the tire next to the very edge of the rim, and forcefully push downward. If all of the air is out of the tire and you do ...

How To: Make a paper cake

1) Create a rectangular sheet of paper by folding the left side in, like a book, about 1-inch and remove this excess paper. 2) Fold the rectangle in half, bottom to top like a newspaper, and then unfold and lay flat. Now take the bottom edge and fold it up (again like a newspaper) to meet the center crease that you made with your first fold. Unfold again. You will now have two creases in the bottom half of your paper. 3) Lift the bottom fold (bottom forth of the rectangle) up and line it up w...

How To: Use a jump ring jewelry making tool

Brenda shows us how to use a jump ring tool as a part of beading techniques. The jump ring tool can be used in place of two pairs of pliers to easily open and close the jump rings. First place the jump ring tool on the index finger of your non-dominant hand. You will notice that there will be more slots and you need to choose the best one that fits the jump ring that you are using. Use a pair of pliers to position the jump ring on the slot on the tool with the opening of the jump ring just ou...

How To: Win at arm wrestling

Darnit! Are you tired of getting slammed in arm wrestling matches? Before you switch to thumb wrestling, take a little time to hone your technique with this video including tips on how to win your next arm wrestling match.

How To: Rat your hair

Who said the eighties were dead? Well, they might be, but that doesn't mean you can't still rock the hairstyles. Take your hair to new heights by ratting it, which is simply another way of saying backcombing.

How To: Find the slope of a line

Learn how to find the slope of a line in this math tutorial. Whether you're doing your math homework or trying to figure out how steep a mountain is, the slope of a line is simple to calculate and has many practical uses.

How To: Do dog yoga

While the best way to practice dog yoga, or, “Doga,” is by attending a class, you can get a head start at home with these simple instructions.

How To: Prevent carpal tunnel syndrome

Learn how to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. Even if you're the world's fastest typist, you can help avert carpal tunnel syndrome – a ligament inflammation that causes numbness in your wrists, hands, or fingers – by following these tips.