Dengan Training Search Results

How To: Train a dog paw tricks

Paw tricks are great dog training tricks to show off your pooch to your friends and family. Make your dog the life of the dog park with help from a dog trainer in this free dog training and obedience video series.

How To: Train your cat to live together happily

This video training tutorial shows effective cat training tips that can transform antisocial cats into lovable pets. Cats need certain instruction to adapt to the routine and life in a household, and it's up to the pet owner to teach a cat how to behave. Learn how to train a cat by watching this instructional video.

How To: Teach a cockatiel to talk using a training CD

Bird speech CDs may not be as effective as intended as the repetition may actually bore the bird. Cockatiels are receptive to learning, but need to be approached correctly. This video tutorial covers some simple basics of how to train a cockatiel to talk by following the "heightened state of emotion" principle which can teach cockatiels to talk faster, using any training CD properly.

How To: Train legs to failure using "post-exhaust training"

In this video, we learn how to train legs to avoid failure using post exhaust training. First you will do a hack squat, which is where you will hold dumbbells and place your heels on a step, then squat down through the heels. Keep your chest up while doing this and you will work your butt, hamstrings and lower back. The next exercise you can do is a front lunge, which includes you lunging to make a 90 degree angle alternating between legs. The last exercise you can do is to hold a bar and squ...

How To: Play the intro to "Crazy Train" on electric guitar

Looking for a guide on how to play the introductory riff to Ozzy Osbourne's "Crazy Train" on your electric guitar? You've found it. While this tutorial is best suited for intermediate players (advanced ones should be able to figure out the song themselves), beginning guitarists should also be able to play along given a little time and effort. Play "Crazy Train" à la Randy Rhoads with this video guide.

How To: Do muscle-building workouts for beginners

If you feel like your muscles are starting to sag and weaken, check out this tutorial. In this video, professional fitness trainer, Kathy Kaehler, will show you how to perform some simple strength training exercises that will make a big difference for your body. These exercises are quick and easy and will even fit into the schedules of working or busy moms. Kathy trains many celebrities and appears as fitness correcspondent on the Today Show in New York City. Follow along with her as she demo...

How To: Get six pack abs with cardio & strength training

In this video, Yuri Elkaim will teach you how to get six pack abs using cardio and strength training. He breaks down the discussion of cardio vs. strength training for burning fat and building muscle. In the video, Elkaim stresses high-intensity interval training (HIIT), in which he says you will burn more calories, and therefore lose more fat if that is your aim. Furthermore, working at a higher intensity for longer periods of time increases your cardiovascular strength to an even higher deg...

How To: House train a new puppy

Dr. Debra Garrison shows you how to house train a new puppy. House training a new puppy can take some time but it can be done. Your puppy should learn your house is it's den. You should use a crate during the training process. You should take your dog out of the crate to go outside then praise him/her when they use the bathroom outside. You should let it know it's done a good job. A puppy can only hold it for so long. Accidents will happen. You shouldn't rub it's nose in the accident. It may ...

How To: Whistle Like a Train

By following this tutorial, you can learn how to easily make a train whistle sound using only your hands. You can replicate the sound of a train whistle by simply folding your hands and adjusting for the airflow as you blow on your thumb knuckles. This is a very easy trick to learn, so with just a little practice, you can use the train whistle to play with your kids, call them to dinner, etc. It's a great trick for somebody who has difficulty with conventional whistling.

How To: Train your ear to play the electric guitar

Check out this instructional electric guitar video that shows you how to train your ear to play the electric guitar. This is Season 3, Episode 38 of Dave Weiner's Riff of the Week series titled "An Intro To Ear Training." Dave Weiner is a Favored Nations recording artist, a G.I.T. graduate, and has been playing in Steve Vai's band since 1999. You want to tune your ear so that you can better communicate in music better. A tuned ear will give you better chord choices, better voicings, better no...

How To: Strength train and tone your body with SELF Magazine

There is nothing better than topping off a cardio workout with a little strength training. In this fitness how-to video SELF Magazine shows you how to utilize weights and strength training to really tone body. Watch and learn how easy it is to do the following moves with a few light weights: high pull, figure eight, swing back, Turkish get up, skater's leap, push presses, teapot tip, high five squat, bent over row, starfish reach, side press and a Russian twist. You will love the results from...

How To: Potty train your cat on the toilet

Wouldn't it be heavenly if your cat took care of its business in the designated place? Cats are very smart animals and are capable of being potty trained easily. Watch this instructional cat video to learn how you can potty train your cat. Say goodbye to your cat's litter box by teaching your cat to use the toilet.

How To: Teach a dog to walk on their hind legs

This video dog training tutorial is lesson on teaching your dog to walk on their hind legs. To train a dog to walk on their legs using this method, the dog will need to be clicker trained and will also need to be able to able to beg. Watch this instructional video and learn how to teach a dog to walk on their hind legs.

How To: Use trained dogs to get rid of bed bugs

Trained dogs may be used to help eradicate bed bugs. A sign that your home is infested with bed bugs is the presence of bites. If bites appear in a straight line, on the skin, then that's a classic sign of bed bug bites. Trained dogs are able to pinpoint the bed bug infestation. They are 98% accurate, when other methods are only effective 30% of the time.

How To: Teach your dog how to sit on your command

A dog who constantly follows you around the house wagging his tail is a dog who really likes you (or is hungry), but sometimes you're tired and just want your dog to sit and be still for once. Teaching a dog to sit is one of the most basic obedience training tricks out there, and one of the most important (especially in cases of your dog bounding onto friends who enter the house).

How To: Crochet a flower hair clip

This extensive training video will have you crocheting a flower hair clip. It is an easy to follow training for any level student. The teacher takes you step by step in crocheting this cute flower hair clip for your granddaughter, daughter, or even your girlfriend.

How To: Train your dog to be calm around new objects

This video explains how to keep a dog calm and to be less reactive to objects that it is not used to including baby strollers, hats, canes, and a few other items. Starting with a few tips on how to get a dog used to the item in question such as keeping a leash on the dog and far enough away from a person the dog trusts and loves so that the dog will associate the object with a person. There are many aspects when training a dog in this way and each method can be tried if one does not work. Aft...

How To: Train Yourself To Be on Time

In the immortal words of Benjamin Franklin, "time is money." Spend it wisely. This self-help video offers a lot of pointers on being more punctual (like meaking friends with your watch and your date book). Stop frustrating your boss, friends, and self with your lateness. Check out this how-to video and train yourself to be on time, all the time.

How To: Toilet train the cat

Information provided by Karawynn Long's website and her cat Misha. This is one of a few excellent cat training videos. You'd be amazed at what those felines can do. Poop in the toilet is just the beginning. Feline pine is eco-friendly and great for apartments & flushable!

How To: Tie the tautline hitch knot

If you never were a scout, or you've forgotten all your skills, this how-to video is for you. If the loop is under weight, the knot will not slip, but you will still be able to adjust the size of the loop by pulling down on the knot by hand. Perfect for all of our tarp tying needs. Watch this video survival training tutorial and learn how to tie the tautline hitch knot.

How To: Teach a small dog to jump up on command

Teach your dog to leap into your arms with this free dog training lesson. This trick is particularly well suited for canines who are reluctant to approach upon being called. The training process is simple. So simple, in fact, that a complete overview can be presented in just over four minutes' time. For detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to train your own puppy, watch this helpful video guide.

How To: Play "Hey, Soul Sister" by Train on the ukulele

Want to play Train's "Hey, Soul Sister" on the ukulele? Learn how with this free video ukulele lesson from Ukulele Mike. Whether you play the ukulele or bass kazoo, there is no better way to improve your chops than by learning to play your favorite songs. Not only is it more fun and much easier than running drills or memorizing a chord book by wrote, it's obviously also a wonderful way to build your repertory of songs. For more information, and to get started playing this modern pop song on y...