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How To: Solve the Rubik's Cube fast with fingertricks

If you want to be fast on the Rubik's Cube, you'll of course need to know a few tricks... a few fingertricks, that is. This video tutorial will show you exactly how to solve the Rubik's Cube fast with fingertricks. Remember, your solving times won't decrease unless you practice, practice, practice. Just because you have fingers and a Rubiks Cube, doesn't mean you know how to do the tricks.

How To: Knit a backward loop cast on

Watch this instructional knitting video to knit a backward loop cast on. Your knitting will be as wide as your cast on row if you do not apply any shaping, such as increasing or decreasing. When knitting the backward loop cast on make sure to leave the stitches a little bit loose so it's easy to knit your first row.

How To: Practice yoga for PMS with Self Magazine

Yoga not only helps with body strength and flexibility but it can also help easy pre-menstral syndrome. In this fitness how to video SELF Magazine features yoga positions for PMS. Watch and learn how to decrease the bloating and cramps with seated twists, wind pose, cat pose, bow pose, reclining angle, crocodile pose, bridge, thunderbolt, half shoulder stand, rag doll, modified cobra pose and finally child's pose.

How To: Mix a B-51, B-52, B-53, and B-54 shots

America is in danger, and our leading secret agent has come to Rob "Riki Tiki" Roy for help. He'll be giving her the B-51, B-52, B-53, and B-54. You will need Frangelico, Grand Marnier, Sambuca, Creme de Menthe, Kahlua and Irish Cream liqueur. Watch and follow along to learn how to mix up these potently alcoholic shots.

How To: Do the Scissors pilates move

The Scissors is an original pilates exercise that strengthens the abdominal muscles and increases hamstring flexibility. If your hamstrings are tight initially, decrease the range of motion so that you can keep your knee straight, otherwise your hamstring flexibility won't increase as quickly. The Scissors will deliver flatter abs and lean sculpted legs. Watch this fitness how to video and you will be strengthening your body with pilates in no time.

How To: Stop a panic attack

In this tutorial, we learn how to stop a panic attack. Start by reminding yourself that you are having anxiety and do not get upset with the situation. Realize you are just having heightened sensations and that you are not in any danger at the moment. Don't close down, let your sensations run through your body and process the fear. Travel through the anxiety to become free of it. The act of welcoming will change your attitude, and let you flow with the experience. You can mentally feel the se...

How to Play World of Warcraft: the Adventure Game

At almost twenty pounds (or so it seems), World of Warcraft: The Adventure Game may just be the biggest board game ever. Check out this video tutorial from Obsessed Board Gamers to get an introduction to what's inside the box and how to play it. You'll also see if you need to be a fan of the World of Warcraft computer game in order to enjoy this hands on version.

How To: Devastate your attacker during a hand gun attack

Learn how to strike your attacker when facing a hand gun attack. This is step three in surviving a hand gun attack, following how not to get shot, and how to gain control of the weapon. Learn how to get inside the gun's danger circle using different strikes and stay in there. Also learn what to do against a two handed gun grip.

How To: Lower your high blood pressure naturally

Lowering your blood pressure can have many positive effects on your health. Follow Dr. Matthew as he takes you through steps to lower your blood pressure through natural methods. The first place to start is by managing emotional factors such as life stress. These stressors can set the sympathetic system in motion raising your blood pressure. Deep belly breathing can decrease your blood pressure. These require taking deep breaths, taking in a lung full of oxygen, holding it, and then releasing...

How To: Gain weight with the sumo diet

The narrator starts by asking the question, how do sumo wrestlers get so big. Most of his patients are seeking weight loss. Number one way to put on weigh is to sit breakfast. The reason behind this has got to do with you blood sugar levels. What sumos do is they wake up, skipping breakfast and that train for 5 hours. They then consume about 20,000 calories throughout the day and take naps in the afternoon. They then have a huge dinner. The sumo wrestler uses his metabolism to gain weigh. He ...

How To: Avoid being a Kook while surfing

Basically, a "Kook" is the type of surfer everyone hates. Kooks put themselves and others in danger by their actions in the water. In this video, learn the rules of the ocean and avoid everyone staying far away from you at the beach.

How To: Make your video look like film

In this video, Tom Skowron introduces the use of 24p and several important editing techniques. Using 24p can make your film projects look like genuine films. Another way to improve the appearance of your film is to adjust the shutter speed. You should set the shutter speed at twice that of the frame rate. This will decrease the level of motion blur and give the film a clean and crisp appearance. If you use 24p and adjust your shutter speed to the appropriate level, it will look like you spent...

How To: Adjust the size of the taskbar preview in Windows 7

Want to increase or decrease the size of the taskbar preview window in Microsoft Windows 7? It's simple! So simple, in fact, that this home-computing how-to can present a detailed, step-by-step overview of the process in just over two minutes' time. For details, and to get started changing the dimensions of the Win 7 taskbar preview window yourself, take a look.

How To: Check an air-conditioner capacitor

As the efficiency and capacitance of a capacitor can decrease over time, it's important to check them from time to time. Make sure your air-conditioner is running optimally, and prevent larger malfunctions or repairs. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to bench check a single capacitor and a dual capacitor.

How To: Count crochet stitches

How many stitches does your crochet art have? How can you tell? Why would you even want to know how many stitches are in your crocheted sweater or crocheted hat? Knowing how to count your stitches is a fundamental step in learning to crochet – assuming you want your finished product to be the right size and shape.

How To: Heal a sprained ankle

Looking to heal your sprained ankle and not sure what to do? Don't panic. A sprained ankle can be quite painful, as well as prevent you from getting where you need to go. You can heal more quickly with proper care.

How To: Use the Internet Explorer 7 phishing filter

Check out this video tutorial to learn more about the Phishing Filter on Internet Explorer 7. Web browsers such as Microsoft's Internet Explorer 7 have become an important part of the computing experience for business and home users around the world. With the popularity of web browsers for accessing information, running programs, and even accessing corporate resources, the browser has become a target for viruses, malware, and phishing schemes that present real dangers to Internet users. Inter...

How To: Understand crescendo, diminuendo & other tempo changes on the piano

In this video, we learn how to understand crescendo, diminuendo & other tempo changes. When you are playing piano, you are supposed to play the note until a dynamic change is shown on the music. A sforzando means that you must suddenly play very loudly. This occurs most in a surprise symphony. A crescendo is when you change the volume gradually. As the lines grow on the symbol you will increase the volume or decrease it if it's from larger to smaller. When you play dimiuendo you must not slow...

How To: Control edge flows in Blender

When working with a high density mesh in Blender, maintainig a firm grip on topology is essential. This quick video demonstrates a few tips for increasing/decreasing your topology in a given area and for redirecting the flow of your topology. Whether you're new to the Blender Foundation's popular open-source 3D computer graphics application or are a seasoned digital artist merely on the lookout for new tips and tricks, you're sure to be well served by this free video software tutorial from th...

How To: Create a formula timer in Microsoft Excel

Are you looking for a way to make your Microsoft Excel formulas simpler, faster and more efficient? If so, you're in the right place. With this free video lesson from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, YouTube's ExcelsFun, the 2nd installment in his "Excel Formula Efficiency" series, you'll learn how to compare alternative formulas to see which is faster.

How To: Make beaded brick stitch or chevron stitch earrings

In this two-part jewelry making tutorial, learn how to make earrings using the brick stitch, also known as the chevron stitch. The earrings are made by decreasing the rows thus creating triangles that will be sewn together. Swarovski Briolette dangle is added to to the bottom creating an elegant look.