Decimals Search Results

How To: Multiply decimal numbers in basic arithmetic

Need help figuring out how to multiply decimals in basic math? From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test). With this installment from Internet pedagogical superstar Salman Khan's series of free math tutorials, you'll learn how to multiply any two decim...

How To: Solve mixed equation with decimal, percent & fraction

This video shows the process to solve a mixed equation with decimal, percent and fraction. The presenter explains the process in a way, which is easy to understand. The video is candid and well presented. The video shows three ways to solve the problem. This can be done by converting the equation into fractions or decimals or percents. The video explains all the three ways in detail. The video is very simple and easy to comprehend. This video is a must for people wanting to learn mathematics.

How To: Convert a simple decimal to a fraction

Fractions to decimals, decimals to fractions... it can get a bit confusing from time to time. That's why there are free videos out there to help you in your math weaknesses. In this video, learn how to easily convert a simple decimal to a fraction in just a few steps.

How To: Multiply decimal numbers

Multiplying decimals is made easy in this math tutorial. The narrator illustrates the process for multiplying decimal numbers in a very simple to understand fashion. You start by simply ignoring the decimals and multiplying the numbers as you normally would. The video shows you the rest of the steps to arrive at a number with the decimal in the right place.

How To: Convert a percentage to a decimal number

Learn how to easily convert percentage values into decimals in this quick video. When converting percentages it is important to remember that a percentage simply means to divide by 100. For example, take 5%. That means 5 divided by 100 or 0.05. These can easily be done on your calculator once you understand the meaning of percentage. Another example, let's take 23%. Divide 23 by 100 and you get .23. Finally, as a last example takes 99%. Take 99 divide it by 100 and the answer will come out to...

How To: Multiply decimal numbers in basic math

With this free video math lesson, you'll learn how to multiply decimals. With mathematics, as with anything else, not everyone progresses at the same rate. Basic math is no exception. Happily, in the age of Internet video tutorials, this isn't a problem. Those who progress quickly can go beyond what's being taught them and those who are struggling likewise have all the time in the world to catch up.

How To: Divide a decimal number by another decimal number

Decimals are just as complicated as fractions, but they are written a bit simpler. In this video, learn how to divide a decimal number by another decimal number without a calculator. Follow the step by step presented in this tutorial and practice this method and it won't take you long to get it right everytime.

How To: Round a decimal up or down in math

If you haven't quite made it to school, or just can't afford it, maybe you had a family member killed by a mathematician, who knows, but whatever the reason, if you don't know how to round numbers and decimals, then this two-part video lesson is perfect for you.

How To: Format whole & decimal numbers in Microsoft Excel

As you might guess, one of the domains in which Microsoft Excel really excels is business math. Brush up on the stuff for your next or current job with this how-to. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, YouTube's ExcelIsFun, the 8th installment in his "Excel Business Math" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to work with whole and decimal numbers. See how to write words to represent numbers (for checks). See how formatting can hide decimals.

How To: Properly read a decimal number

Decimal numbers are numbers which contain a integral part before a point and a decimal part after the point. The first step in solving decimal arithmetic is being able to understand decimal numbers. Reading a decimal number is similar to reading a whole number except for a few minor differences. In a normal number the right most digit is ones place and the place next to it is tens place and so on the value of the position increases as you move left. But a decimal number starts from a tenths p...

How To: Work with decimal numbers in prealgebra

You can do simple decimal calculation with out using a calculator once you understand the basic concept of decimals. In decimal equations when you have various operations between decimal numbers, you have to go by the order of operations in simplifying it. The order of operations states that you have to first divide, then multiply and at last add or subtract the remaining terms. You have to work the operations from left to right. Use a calculator only when you are required to multiply or divi...

How To: Understand the Dewey Decimal System

Feeling lost inside a library? The Dewey Decimal System is a logical and popular book classification system for libraries and schools helping you to easily locate any book or periodical you need. Fool these steps to better understand the Dewey Decimal System.

How To: Create a quantitative freq. distribution in MS Excel

If you use Microsoft Excel on a regular basis, odds are you work with numbers. Put those numbers to work. Statistical analysis allows you to find patterns, trends and probabilities within your data. In this MS Excel tutorial from everyone's favorite Excel guru, YouTube's ExcelsFun, the 24th installment in his "Excel Statistics" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to create quantitative data frequency distributions with pivot tables. See how to create the correct unambiguous labels ...

How To: Group quantitative data in Microsoft Excel

If you use Microsoft Excel on a regular basis, odds are you work with numbers. Put those numbers to work. Statistical analysis allows you to find patterns, trends and probabilities within your data. In this MS Excel tutorial from everyone's favorite Excel guru, YouTube's ExcelsFun, the 32nd installment in his "Excel Statistics" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to group when the quantitative data are whole numbers, integers or discrete data and how to group when the quantitative ...

How To: Understand the properties of real numbers

In this video, we learn how to understand the properties of real numbers. Natural numbers start at one and continue on and on. Zero is not a natural number. A whole number is just like a natural number, except it includes zero. Integers are the negatives included with whole numbers. There are no decimals included in integers. Integers also include positive numbers and no decimals with them, just whole numbers. Rational numbers are fractions and all decimals that end at a certain point. Once y...

How To: Solve 3 different types of percent problems

In this video the instructor shows how to compute percentage problems. Percentage was first used in ancient Rome when the emperor Augusts levied a 1/100 of a tax on goods sold. To solve percentage problems you need to know how to convert between percentages and decimals. When you have a value in decimal, to convert it into percentage, shift the point two decimals to the right. To convert from percentages to decimals, shift the decimal two places to the left. For example to convert .50 to perc...

How To: Fix other people's Microsoft Excel spreadsheets

Whether you're interested in learning Microsoft Excel from the bottom up or just looking to pick up a few tips and tricks, you're in the right place. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, ExcelIsFun, the 26th installment in his "Highline Excel Class" series of free video Excel lessons, you'll learn how to use spreadsheet construction guidelines to fix common problems:

How To: Format dates & calculations in Excel

This is an Excel magic trick video in which the instructor shows how is time represented in Excel and how it is formatted before displaying it to us. He talks about the decimal representation of the time. He says that if O hour is mapped to the number zero and 24th hour of a day is mapped to number one then we can represent any time of the day in the format of a decimal number between zero and one. He shows the type of formatting that excel uses to convert the decimal number into a human read...

How To: Sort a range in Excel

Using Excel, sorting large or small pools of data has never been easier. In this Excel tutorial, learn how to sort a range of data in Excel and what steps to do so, from start to finish. Sort totals, percentages, or decimals in a range in descending or acsending order with help from this video.

How To: Use the quadratic formula to solve algebraic equations

Using the quadratic formula to solve equations may bring one, two, or no algebraic solutions. The quadratic formula is special to quadratic equations, which can have fractions, radicals, or neverending decimals. Learn how to solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula with this free video algebra lesson. From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's ea...

How To: Find the mean o a set of numbers

"Mean" is really the average on a set of numbers. The video uses the temperatures on a weather report as an example of a data set. Start by adding the temperature numbers of the week up. After you have the total, divide that number by 7, because you used 7 numbers in your data set. The answer that you get after dividing will have a few decimal places at the end of it. You can round the answer to the nearest whole number because all the numbers from your original data set do not have any decim...

How To: Find the circumference of a circle using basic math

This video teaches us the method to find the circumference of a circle given its radius. The video tells us to find the answer in terms of pi and also to the decimals value. The formula to find the circumference is two times the product of pi and the radius. The first step involves the drawing the circle and marking the radius. The radius of the circle in the video is 6.5 cm. Now use the formula to find the circumference. Substitute the value of the radius in the formula of circumference. We ...

How To: Apply accounting & percentage formatting in Excel

This is the fifth video in the Statistics in Excel. He gives the website address where content can be downloaded. He speaks about the different types of formatting like stylistic and number formatting. He talks about the different formats like accounting and percentage, and how to use both of them. Accounting format is nice because it lines up the decimals nicely. He shows how to apply the accounting format. The percentage format displays the value in as a percentage. He shows you how to appl...

How To: Figure out circumference with given radius

Here Mr Misonet tries to teach to compute circumference of a circle when radius is given. First he convince you the formula. The circumference of a circle is proportionately equals to "pie" times of its diameter,where the value of "pie" is equal to 3.14 and diameter is equal to two times radius. Then he puts the value of the diameter of the given circle and calculate the value of the circumference and also make you understand how to multiply the numbers with decimals. And lastly he makes your...

How To: Convert large numbers into scientific notation

Confused about scientific notation? In this informative video, Doug Simms from free math tutoring helps you work with large numbers more efficiently by converting them into scientific notation. Let this expert walk you through easy to understand marker board examples covering all of the basics of scientific notation, including exponents, decimals, and how to convert numbers back and forth between different notation forms. Don't let confusing science problems get you down when Doug Simms is ar...

How To: Calculate percentage with a calculator

This easy to understand video gives us two ways to calculate a percentage using a calculator. The video first shows us how to use the percent key on the calculator using the example of figuring out how much to tip at a restaurant. We can also convert a percentage to decimals before entering the information in the calculator and then just use simple multiplication. The instructions are easy to follow, as the video is less than a minute of watching someone use a calculator.

How To: Calculate simple interest

Learn how to calculate simple interest with step-by-step instructions using the formula I=prt. Simply defined, interest equals principle times rate times time. The video shows various examples of calculating this formula by plugging different variables into the equation. Although, these calculations can seem hard to follow, the way they are presented is straightforward and simple to understand. The video also explains converting percentages to decimals, which is the cornerstone of applying th...

How To: Translate a word problem into algebra

This video shows the method to change a word problem into algebra and to identify rational numbers among a group of numbers. In the first part of the video we take a word problem namely - The product of 9 and seven, less than a number. 9 multiplied by something can be expressed as 9(). The unknown number can be expressed as 'x'. Seven less than a number can be expressed as x - 7, so that the final equation becomes 9(x - 7). In the second part we are given a list of numbers. A rational number ...

How To: Use Excel round function & number formatting

In this video the instructor shows how to use the Round function and also format numbers in Microsoft Excel. Normally while calculating formulas in Excel, the formatting of numbers can get you into a lot of trouble and to get around this problem you need to use the Round function. To do this take some sample data in a Excel work book and apply any formula that you want on the data to arrive at some calculation. Now because of this formatting some times you can arrive at a wrong result as show...

How To: Python 2 vs. Python 3 — Important Differences Every Hacker Should Know

Python is commonly touted as one of the best programming languages for beginners to learn, and its straightforward syntax and functionality makes that hard to argue with. But a lot of tutorials still use Python 2, which is outdated now. Python 3 introduces many new features, and it's important to be aware of them going forward, as well as the key differences between Python 3 and its predecessor.

How To: Read a ruler

Everyone has used a ruler at some point in their life, whether for art sizing, blueprint plans, or sizing up your widescreen television on your living room wall. But there's a lot of little ticks on the ruler that you may not be aware of. Your ruler shouldn’t be used only to draw a straight line. Make sense of all those little lines and take advantage of its intended use.