Critical Search Results

How To: Use the USB Rubber Ducky to Disable Antivirus Software & Install Ransomware

Ransomware is software that encrypts a victim's entire hard drive, blocking access to their files unless they pay a ransom to the attacker to get the decryption key. In this tutorial, you'll learn how easy it is to use the USB Rubber Ducky, which is disguised as an ordinary flash drive, to deploy ransomware on a victim's computer within seconds. With an attack that only takes a moment, you'll need to know how to defend yourself.

News: Jailbreaking iOS 9

As many of you may have heard, Apple's new iOS 9 is "rootless", which supposedly would make jailbreaking much more difficult. However, it has been shown to be possible. ih8sn0w posted a youtube video of his jailbroken iphone running iOS 9 and even gave some hints about it in the video description section. However, he also stated that he will NOT be releasing it to the public. So it would be quite the feat and adventure to take his hints and comments and use that to figure out how to jailbreak...

Advice from a Real Hacker: How to Create Stronger Passwords

People who know that I am a professional hacker often ask me what they can do to make their computers and personal information safe from people like me. The answer, of course, is that nothing will make you completely safe, but there are a number of measures any computer user can take to reduce the chances of being a victim of a hacker.

How To: Control Anything with a Wi-Fi Relay Switch Using aRest

A relay is an electrical component that works like a light switch, where it's turned on or off with an electrical signal. By connecting a relay to a Wi-Fi connected microcontroller like an ESP8266, you can build a connected switch that can be controlled from the web browser of any device connected to the same Wi-Fi network — all for just a couple of dollars.

How To: Intercept Images from a Security Camera Using Wireshark

It's common for IoT devices like Wi-Fi security cameras to host a website for controlling or configuring the camera that uses HTTP instead of the more secure HTTPS. This means anyone with the network password can see traffic to and from the camera, allowing a hacker to intercept security camera footage if anyone is watching the camera's HTTP viewing page.

How To: A Hacker's Guide to Programming Microcontrollers

While hackers know and love the Raspberry Pi, many don't know of its cheaper cousin, the microcontroller. Unlike a Pi, which can be used more or less like a regular computer, microcontrollers like the Wi-Fi connected ESP8266 require some necessary programming skill to master. In this guide, we'll build an Arduino program from scratch and explain the code structure in a way anyone can understand.

How To: All the Privacy & Security Settings You Should Check on Your OnePlus

One of the best things about Android is the ability to customize every aspect of your device to make it your own. However, unless you have prior knowledge or experience with every single setting available to you, you might have missed a few critical features without even knowing it. Some settings are easy to find, while others might be tucked away in another menu of their own.