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Review: Sonic the Hedgehog on Mobile Is a Fun Throwback, with More Than a Few Headaches

Who would have thought back in 1991 that you'd eventually be able to play Sonic the Hedgehog whenever and wherever you wanted? Not a crappy Game Gear version, either. I'm talking the full Sega Genesis version of Sonic, available to you on a bus, a plane, or in a rest-stop bathroom. Now imagine how those people would react if you told them the game would also be free. They would think you were crazy.

How To: Make a Garden Trug

This is a simple design built from reclaimed wood and purchased ¼” wood slats. It cost very little and only took a couple of hours to complete the build. The goal was light weight, shallow and wide for collecting leafy vegetables, easy to handle and somewhat attractive.

How To: Treat your furniture for bed bugs

Nothing is worse than bed bugs, right? Those pesky little creatures can make you seriously uncomfortable and cost you tons of money replacing furniture. But you can treat your furniture without spending money or having to throw it out. You will need to inspect everything thoroughly and make sure to to follow every step properly. This video will show you how to treat furniture for bed bugs.

How To: Craft a wallet out of duct tape

Forget about dropping tons of cash on a brand new leather wallet when you can make one at home for the cost of a roll of duct tape! In this video, learn step-by-step how to make a highly usable and durable wallet out of duct tape... This wallet is also vegan friendly!

How To: Get the best price on international airfare

Flying is complicated enough, especially when you are flying overseas. In this tutorial, Rick Seaney gives you tips on how to find the cheapest flights to popular international destinations. Rick also goes over how to save on luggage and other hidden airport upcharges. So, before you take your next big trip, check out this tutorial and get some insider information on how to avoid hefty costs and enjoy your holiday.

How To: Make a maglev motor

Ian uses round magnets, pencil, clay and glass slide to work his magic science experiment. Magentic levitation is said to be a solution for energy costs of trains because it cuts down friction and creates what is mythically regarded as a perpetual energy motor. This is an interesting toy model of how the maglev trains and large scale generators work

How To: Conserve water in your home

Australian native Scott's biggest concern is water conservation. By overhauling his bathroom, hot water, heater and backyard, Scott saves $360 a year on water costs. Learn how you can save money and conserve water by renovating your plumbing with this how to video.

How To: Insulate garage doors with foam board insulation for a warmer winter

When it comes to winter weather, the garage should not be neglected, especially if you have a room directly above it. Neglecting to properly insulate and seal your garage doors will create a constant rush of cold air inside, making the garage really cold, in turn making the floor upstairs really cold. This will drive up your gas or electric bill in no time during the winter months. But you can fight higher heating costs with some DIY ingenuity, and Dave Mars will show you how!

News: Samsung Galaxy S8 Preorder Links & Pricing for Major US Carriers & Retailers

The new Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+ are two of most head-turning phones we've ever seen, thanks to gorgeous build quality and a seemingly bezel-less Infinity Display. Combine that with flagship-grade internals for top notch performance, and you can almost guarantee that Samsung has a hit on its hands—which means it's probably not going to be easy to get your hands on one of these beauties.

How To: Turn Your '57 Chevy Classic (Or Any Old Car) into the Best Couch Ever

Antique car collecting and restoration is a very popular hobby practiced by many around the world. A quick drive through my town turns up with a handful of classic cars parked in their respective driveways, some in pristine condition, and others not-so-much. While some people end up eventually fixing up their classics, many also do not. Some cars end up rotting away, left to be either salvaged or sold off in pieces—mostly due to time consumption and excessive costs.