Conventional Floss Search Results

How To: Sand a hardwood floor

Aba Wood Flooring demonstrates how to sand between coats when working with water-based finishes on hardwood floors. When you use an electric sander, avoid overheating the surface when sanding between coats of a water-based finish. Accomplish this by replacing conventional sand screen pads with a Velcro triple head sanding plate and soft interface pads. The triple head sanding plate and interface pads offer better dust extraction and a more effective final sanding. This system also offers bett...

How To: Dye your hair using Kool-Aid

Sometimes, conventional hair dyes won't cut it. There is, however, a way to get extremely vivid color without spending lots and lots of money at the stylist: Kool-Aid. This tutorial video will tell you step by step how to dye your hair with Kool-Aid. Warning: This is an extremely long lasting treatment, be careful when using Kool-Aid.

How To: Bake Cake in Real Eggshells for April Fool's Day or Easter

These cake eggs are a gorgeous treat that also makes a delicious April Fool's Day prank. Getting a fairly humdrum breakfast of boiled eggs and fruit and discovering that it's cake instead is an eggcellent surprise, isn't it? If you want to make these for Easter instead, then they're an Instagram-worthy dessert to grace your brunch spread. This might be the only dessert that is appropriate for both April Fool's Day and Easter.

How To: Truss a Chicken (Or Any Other Whole Bird) With or Without Any String or Twine

You've probably seen someone in your family truss the turkey on Thanksgiving before roasting it, even if you don't recognize the word. To truss a bird or roast just means to wrap it up as compactly as possible before placing it in the oven, and it's usually done by tying it with string. Trussing a bird is a tradition that's been around for a long time, and a lot of home cooks do it religiously even if they don't know why. It's a highly debated topic with fierce supporters on both sides, but f...

How To: Use Live Photos on Your iPhone

Live Photos is exclusive to the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus models, and provides a new dimension to your pictures. When taking a picture, the camera captures moments immediately right before and after you hit the shutter, creating a GIF-like animation that's approximately three seconds long when combined.

How To: Make Soggy, Wilted Lettuce & Other Leafy Greens Edible Again

Sometimes you've got a head of lettuce that you want to eat but it lacks a certain youth. In other words, it's wilted and browning at the edges. Other times, you get to the grocery store near the end of day and the only lettuce or greens available look a little on the sad side. Never fear. You're not doomed to a meal of fast food or mouthfuls of soggy salad. You can easily revive those leaves and have something crisp, green, and delicious for your next meal, so don't dump it in the trash.

How To: Find a Stud in the Wall. Amazing Method!

How to find a stud in the wall. How would you like to be able to find a stud in a plaster wall / drywall wall, easily and every time without an expensive stud finder? Let's look at how to find a wall stud using three conventional methods then l'll explain my foolproof method of how to find a stud in the wall without a stud finder.

How To: Keep your teeth healthy

In this how-to video clip series on how to maintain healthy teeth and gums, learn how to practice good dental hygiene, including how to prevent gingivitis, plaque buildup and cavities, how to brush your teeth properly, whether to use an electric toothbrush, how to clean your tongue, how to prevent bad breath, how to floss correctly, and other tips and techniques for a healthy mouth.

How To: No Knife? Use Your Credit Card to Cut Food Instead

Believe it or not, you can put your money to use very efficiently in a new way: your credit or debit card can serve as a blade in desperate situations. (It might even be handier than dental floss as a brilliant substitution for specialized kitchen tools.) While I wouldn't take bets on it slicing a New York strip steak, there are definitely many other foods it will easily slice through. What Is It Made Of?

How To: Play the board game Go

If your looking for a break from monopoly and checkers, try your hand at the ancient Chinese board game Go. Go is a strategic board game in which you must try to surround a vacant point on the board with your stones and avoid getting your stones tied up by your opponent.

News: Intel Labs Chief Reveals the Secrets to Taking Augmented Reality Mainstream

Because augmented reality is still so new to so many people, there are a number of would-be experts opining online, often repeating basic facts anyone with a spare 15 minutes can find on their own. That's why it's important to point out when someone delivers what could be considered the ultimate cheat sheet for ramping up your AR IQ if you're unfamiliar with the finer points of the space.

News: How Calcium Sets Off a C Diff Infection

Unfortunately, the very places we go to receive health care put us at risk for becoming infected with superbugs, bacteria exposed to so many antibiotics that they have become immune to their effects. Clostridium difficile (C. diff) is one such bacteria. It causes inflammation of the colon and rampant diarrhea that can have life-threatening consequences. Part of its virulence lies in the tough spores formed by the bacteria. They are responsible for starting infections in the colon and for spre...

How To: Cook Fish Without Actually 'Cooking' It

Preparing and serving seafood can be a daunting task. Fish is so delicate that one extra minute of heat can turn a juicy, flaky filet into a dried-out disaster. But that same fragility also allows us to use unconventional methods to chemically transform the fish into its cooked consistency.