Contours Search Results

How To: Get Wonder Woman's Look for Halloween — 4 Different Makeup Styles from Comics to Movie

Wonder Woman is going to be everywhere this Halloween, and you know it. One way for your rendition of Diana to stand out among an (Aegean) sea of Wonder copycats is to shy away from the classic high-glamour makeup style that Gal Gadot wears in the recent movie. You can still put on your tiara and carry your golden lasso all the same — you just need to go with a unique comic-book style makeup. With the help of licensed esthetician and self taught makeup artist Lex, instead of looking like you ...

How To: Apply vampire makeup

If you want to invoke that fear this Halloween, watch these videos on how to apply classic vampire makeup to your face. Our experts will walk you through this easy, step-by-step transformation process, including Halloween makeup tips for the foundation, powder, highlights and contours, eyeshadow, bloody lips, vampire fangs, and finishing touches.

How To: Use wood for building miniatures rather than foam

Watch this instructional model making video to learn some of the pros and cons of making miniature game terrains out of wood. The wood models are certainly more durable, but they take a lot of work to build. The foam models go rather quickly and can take on more naturalistic contours. It's possile to coat wooden miniatures in plaster and texture for similar effects. Wooden miniatures are certainly more durable as outdoor and garden pieces.

How To: Draw a girl

Drawing a woman is a lot like drawing a man, only curvier. You can use triangles to sketch the basic form of a woman, giving you a guideline to sketch in more and more detail until you’ve given her the look you want.

How To: Use the patch deform modifier in 3ds Max

The PatchDeform modifier in 3ds Max deforms an object based on the contours of a patch object. This modifier works similarly to the PathDeform modifier, but uses a quad-based patch object instead of a spline shape or NURBS curve path. Patch Deform is a great tool for mapping geometry on a surface or the distribution of component on a surface in 3ds Max. The only catch is that the distribution geometry has to come from a surface originally made as a Patch. The surface cannot come from a set of...

How To: Chemically strip furniture or woodwork

Stripping furniture or woodwork can be like a treasure hunt, revealing a beautiful wood surface beneath old paint and varnish. An old finish can be removed mechanically using a sander, but you run the risk of sanding off fine detail and contours in the woodwork. Chemical stripping enables you to soften the finish and then remove it with a scraper. Chemical stripper will remove most painted, shellacked or varnished finishes. For complete, step-by-step instructions for this DIY project, watch t...

How To: Use the surface modifier in 3ds Max

The Surface modifier in Autodesk's 3ds Max generates a patch surface based on the contours of a spline network. A patch is created wherever the segments of the interwoven splines form a three- or four-sided polygon. The Surface modifier and the CrossSection modifier, taken together, are referred to as Surface Tools. They allow you to create complex or organic surfaces, like the fuselage of a plane, or a three-dimensional character.

How To: Create a shiny eye makeup look over a natural face

Don't be afraid to add some shimmer to the face. It can still create a fresh, daytime makeup look. Take a black eye pencil and gently go over the upper lash line. Slightly smudge the line with a Q-tip in order to create a more natural and even look. For a more glowing look, take foundation and apply it to the entire face. Take some powder with a large brush and lightly powder the face. Take blush and go over the cheekbones and face contours.

How To: Map out your face for easy makeup application

Makeup application instructions can be hard to follow, if you can't tell your underbrow from your lower lid. This video maps out all the contours and planes of the face, from the browbone to the cheekbone to the jawline. Watch this video beauty tutorial and learn the proper terminology for parts of the face and how to distinguish them from one and other. Map out your face for easy makeup application.

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