Construct Search Results

How To: Build an accurate bed from Legos

If you're building a great, accurate house model, and are looking to add some furniture to the home, the master bedroom is going to need a bed. Where will your minifigs sleep if they don't have a bed? In this great video you will get a brief glimpse at the bricks that you will need to complete the build along with a tutorial on the build order that you will need to use to construct the bed!

How To: Build a bench out of Legos

For a more outdoorsy model, such as a park, one key ingredient that you will need is a bench! But if you're not quite sure what bricks you will need, or how to construct one, this video is your solution! In this video you will get a quick glimpse of the different bricks used for the model as well as a detailed tutorial on constructing the bench itself.

How To: Use tin foil to stop polymer clay from burning

Learn how to construct a tin-foil tent to prevent your polymer-clay sculptures from burning as they bake. While this tutorial is best suited for those with some familiarity of polymer clay sculpture, novice sculpters should be able to follow along given a little effort. For specifics, including step-by-step instructions, and to get started protecting your own PC creations, watch this video guide.

How To: Make a Captain Fordo from Star Wars Lego minifigure

No Star Wars Lego battlefield depicting the events of the popular animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, is complete without Clone Trooper Captain Fordo. This video will help you to remedy any Fordo deficiencies in your battleground scene by teaching you how to construct a minifigure of Captain Fordo. There, now your Arc Trooper army is complete.

How To: Make a three dimensional paper design

This handy instructional video teaches the budding paper-design-enthusiast how to construct a three-dimensional paper word design. All you need is paper, an Exacto knife, a ruler, and a pen. Now you can make any word you've ever wanted to make stand up do it more quickly and easily than ever before. Ideal for teachers. Christmas lights optional.

How To: Make a simple jewelry clasp

Sick of buying clasps to finish off your handmade jewelry? In this two-part jewelry making tutorial, learn how to make your own clasp for a necklace or bracelet with easy to follow instructions. Construct a handmade wire clasp to use on any of your necklace or bracelet jewelry creations.

How To: Make a paper crossbow

Learn how to make a paper crossbow with this instructional video. All you need is a couple sheets of paper, tape, large paper clip, scissors and a rubber band. Follow this simple visual demonstration to learn how to make your own. Basically you start off with paper tubes and construct them into your crossbow.

How To: Weave Byzantine chainmail

This metalsmithing video segment shows how to speed weave Byzantine chainmail.The Byzantine chain is a popular metal weave pattern for supple and flexible necklaces, bracelets, and other pieces of jewelry. This video assumes you know how to construct 2x2 chainmail units.

How To: Craft a five stitch journal

Learn how to make books! It's easy to construct your own books to use as journals, scrapbooks, notebooks, or sketch books. This is a five stitch method of bookbinding. You will need two pieces of cardboard, writing paper, and old calendar, embroidery floss, a ruler, scissors, rubber bands, double stick tape, Mod Podge and a craft knife.

How To: Build an attached carport

A carport, or lean-to shed, attached to an existing building such as a garage, barn, shed or the side of your house can provide economical shelter for vehicles, garden tractors, boats or other equipment. An attached carport is also fairly easy to construct against the side of another building, if you have enough height under the existing building eave. For a step-by-step look at the carport construction process, take a look at this DIY video tutorial.

How To: Tie a pegged bowline knot

The pegged bowline, as demonstrated in this how-to video, is similar to a bowline on a bighte knot. Using pegs to construct knots is well documented. Simply tie the bowline as usual in the bight of the rope then peg the running end to the standing part. Watch this video knot-tying tutorial and learn how to tied a pegged bowline knot.

How To: Learn basic Japanese sentence structure

In English, sentences follow the SVO, subject verb object, structure. Japanese, on the other hand goes by the SOV, subejct object verb, structure. As it's a little counter-intuitive to a non-native speaker, it can make learning the Japanese language that much tricker. Watch this video Japanese language tutorial and learn how to use and construct a sentence following proper formation rules.

How To: Make a boom pole on a low budget

Need a boom pole for your project? Take a look at this instruction video and learn how to build your own boom pole on a low budget. The relative cost of all these materials to construct the boom pole is approximately fifteen pounds.

How To: Build a model paper plane

This hobby how-to video shows how to build a Paper Plane Model that is 2.5 by 3.5 inches. You'll need the back of a cue card, a hobby knife, paper glue and a kebab skewer. It takes about an hour to make, and a little longer to clean up the rough edges. Watch this instructional video and learn how to construct a model paper plane.

How To: Build a green screen

This instructional special effects video uses fast-forward action to quickly display how to construct a green screen from scratch in an empty room. Watch this video if you are a visual learner or someone who learns by observing others in action as a team builds a green screen set.

How To: Build a crochet style tent-bed for your pet

Crochet a cool house-tent for your little homeless friends. This instructional video will walk you through a super simple pet project. Whether you're out to craft dwellings for a dog, cat, pig, or free-range snake, this tutorial demonstrates how to build and combine all the necessary components, including the frames, walls, and personalized decorations. The results are quite cozy.

How To: Make a clay planter

Clay pottery is a fun and creative art form that can be done with slabs of clay and not only on a spinning wheel. This free video clip series will show you several tips on how to construct a slab planter and open a world of design ideas for you.

How To: Build a beach house in Minecraft

In this two part tutorial, you will learn how to build a beach house from scratch in Minecraft. You will need wooden planks, wooden slabs, glass, fence, wooden stairs, levers, doors, pistons, and redstone torches. Once you have all of your resources, you can construct a beautiful raised house on the sand.

How To: Make a paper cup cake/muffin basket

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a paper cup cake/muffin basket. First, take a piece of paper and fold it in half. After this, curl the edges up from each of the corners until you end up with a small square in the middle of the paper. Use scissors to create slits where you will make the tabs to construct the box. After all the tabs are cut, push them together so you have a small basket with a neat line. To finish this up, add a handle to the top and push into the sides. Then, draw on an...