Consideration Behavior Search Results

How To: Clicker train rabbits

These rabbit tricks are from the Santa Barbara Bunnies Urgently Needing Shelter Association. is training the bunnies to respond to a clicker using principles of Pavlov's dog. She shows his tricks and when you must click and give a treat to reinforce the trained behavior.

How To: Use file extensions in URL's to improve traffic

Google is one of the most powerful forces on the Internet, and their technology can be the key to helping you find success in whatever your online endeavor might be, from web design to filmmaking. This video is a part of their Google Webmaster Series, offering help to webmasters the world over on how to best utilize Google in their work. This video will explain how stripping file extensions from URL's affects both Google rankings and user behavior, information that will help you design your s...

How To: Know what your cat is trying to tell you

Have you ever wondered why your cat does wacky things like head butt you? Do you wish you and your cat could speak the same language? With input from an expert animal behaviorists, you can! In this video, Sara gives you the low down on why your cat is so aggressive, why he won't stop scratching your furniture, and how to interpret your cat's meows. Now you can finally understand what exactly is your cat is trying to tell you. Here you'll find a brief introduction to some common behaviors you ...

How To: Properly fish in a stream

Fishing is a great way of saving you money on having to pay for over priced pre-cleaned fish at the grocery store, it's also a way to relax and enjoy nature. If you're planning on heading on down to your local stream to get some fish, take these tips into consideration. In this video you will get some tips on what sort of physical characteristics of the stream are and also what sort of fish to expect in what types of waters.

Dev Report: Machine Learning Agents Come to Unity

As we have seen previously with the likes of SethBling's Mar I/O videos and other examples, video games seem to be a great source for training AI neural networks. Augmented reality and machine learning are part of a collection of technologies that seem to be growing toward a point of maturity, and that will likely cause them to be intertwined for the foreseeable future. As developers, machine learning will definitely change the way we create software in the coming future. Instead of going lin...

How To: Make Healthier Food Choices by Clenching Your Fists

We've all walked into a restaurant with the best of intentions only to order something absurd, like a cheese-injected burger topped with bacon on a brioche bun. It's delicious for the few minutes it takes to eat the thing, and then you're left with a bellyful of regret and an inability to directly look at the numbers on your scale. Turns out that getting yourself to make healthy choices isn't as hard as one might think.

How To: Choose photography backdrops

Interested in taking professional-caliber portraits but aren't sure what sort of backgorunds to buy? When choosing a background, your biggest consideration should, of course, be the backdrop's primary application: browns and blues, for example, are great colors for standard portraits. For more information on selecting your first photo backdrops, watch this free photographer's guide.

How To: Create a custom user control in ASP.Net

In this video tutorial, Chris Pels will demonstrate how to create a custom user control in ASP.NET that can be used throughout a web site or across many web sites. Start out by learning the basics of creating a user control that will be used in multiple pages including validation, controlling formatting using style elements, and loading/saving data for the user interface elements. Throughout the video considerations for building user controls that can be easily maintained and used across mult...

How To: Stop procrastinating to achieve your goals

In this tutorial, we learn how to stop procrastinating to achieve your goals. Procrastination is an avoidance behavior that can indicate a deeper psychological disorder. To get out of putting it off, make a schedule for yourself! Figure out how long it will take you to finish tasks and then put the time you need to do these on your calendar. Next, create accountability so someone will make sure you are keeping up on your tasks. Also, find meaning in the tasks that you need to do and make them...

How To: Make a simple keylogger in Visual Basic 2008

The following video shows how you can make a keylogger in Visual Basic 2008. Follow the steps below to create your own keylogger. First you will want to open a new application and name it according to your preferences. Then you want to click on the toolbar button and click textbox. In the textbox values, you will want to select the value of true for 'Multiline' option and the value of True for 'Read only'. On the toolbar, select the 'Behavior' tab and mark it as 'Window'. Go back on to the ma...

News: TV Chefs Are Terrible at Handling Food Safely

The food TV chefs prepare make our mouths water. From one scrumptious creation to another, they fly through preparation without frustration or error. They make us think we can do the same with similar ease and delectable, picture-perfect results. Some of us have noticed, though, that these TV chefs don't always adhere to the same safe food handling guidelines we've been taught to follow.

How To: Write a values statement

In this tutorial, we learn how to write a values statement. First, you will need to think of five to seven values that are important. Make sure these are more than one word and are shared ideas by everyone. There shouldn't be more than seven values, so everyone can remember them. The point is that everyone has values, find something that everyone has in common and guides your behavior as an organization. It may be in your mission statement, but don't worry about it, think of separate statemen...

How To: Take a patient's sexual history as a doctor or nurse

Sexual activity is a health behaviour and therefore it is important that doctors are able to gather information about sex confidently and competently. In this consultation, the patient presents to his GP with a worry that he may have contracted a sexually transmitted disease. It is important for the GP to enquire about the patient's risk factors in a sensitive and non-judgmental way. The GP needs to gather information about the patient's sexual activity and work with the patient to negotiate ...

How To: Do the dead body launcher glitch in Gears of War 2

Do you play Gears of War 2 online? Have you ever wanted to execute someone in midair? Who hasn't? This video will show you how to do it using the dead body launcher glitch. Well, you won't see it, but the host will! Who doesn't like messing with the host of their game, especially if they use a lagswitch or engage in some other such uncool behavior?