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How To: Control Your iPhone Using Your Eyes

During the keynote at WWDC earlier this year, Apple introduced the latest iteration of its mobile operating system, iOS 12. Despite a thorough demo on stage, Apple glossed over new eye tracking features that use ARKit 2. Developers can now use the TrueDepth camera on the iPhone X, XS, XS Max, and XR to determine where your eyes are looking, opening up incredible new possibilities for new apps.

How To: Securely Sync Files Between Two Machines Using Syncthing

Transferring hundreds of screenshots, webcam recordings, keystroke logs, and audio recordings between your VPS and a local Kali machine can be tricky. Services like Dropbox don't always have the best privacy policies and suffer data breaches just like any other website. To mitigate these risks, we'll use a secure, open source, and decentralized alternative.

How To: Security-Oriented C Tutorial 0xF8 - PE File Infection

How is it goin', fellow 1337 haXX0rZ! dtm here with another article, this time, we'll be looking at infecting PE files, executables in particular for this write-up. Obviously some prerequisite knowledge will be needed since this isn't really newbie-friendly. If you are still a beginner, fear not, it might still be interesting to read! Hopefully!

Decrypting [Part 1]: How to Decrypt Caeser Encrypted Texts

In this Tutorial I will show you how you can use the frequency of letters to decrypt the famous Caesar cipher. I hope it is easy to understand and helpful for getting in touch with basic cryptanalysis. If you find any mistakes or have questions feel free to ask me. Finally I ask you to give me feedback which I will take into account for the next part.

Raspberry Pi: Hacking Platform

First of all, I would like to apologize for a week long absents for the tutorials of this newly series, Raspberry Pi. But obviously I'm back and I present all you guys a article on turning your Raspberry Pi into a hacking platform. I'm gonna use the platform Kali Linux for the Raspberry Pi. I should note that I'm not gonna go into detail on how to install Kali Linux since OTW already has done a tutorial on how to turn your Raspberry Pi into a Hacking Pi. The point of this particular tutorial ...

How To: Creating Unique and Safe Passwords, Part 1 Using Wordlists

Greetings fellow hackers. This tutorial is about creating "safe" passwords. This is different from strong passwords. Safe passwords is just creating a password that is not used by someone else or colleague, my definition. But how do you prevent something like this from happening? Of course you won't ask your friend if s|he is using the password you are about to create. Before I show you some of my tele-psychic powers like Professor Xavier, you might want to read this for advice on creating "s...