Compost Search Results

News: Compost human manure

Going green has never been so hardcore as Jack Mountain's bushcraft podcast. This is basically a 10 minute poo tutorial. Fortunately for us, Jack's "deposit" is simulated, and we are spared seeing the real act or his prodigious backside.

How To: Make healthy compost with five key ingredients

Rosalee de la Foret shows how to achieve this by adding five ingredients. First you'll need airflow. To achieve this choose large sticks of branches that normally fall from trees. Cross them while placing them on the ground. The second ingredient is water. You'll need to keep it watered, but not to the point of muddy but not dried out. The third ingredient is heat. If layered appropriately with the components, you'll have a warm pile. You'll also need nitrogen. Anything green in the pile equa...

How To: Make compost for your garden

Wherever possible it is a good idea to make your own garden compost. It not only saves you having to dispose of garden waste, the compost that you make is great for the garden. There's an old saying that goes "you only get out of the garden what you put into it" and one of the best things you can put into a garden is organic matter. Learn how you can compost your garden waste with this how to video.

News: "How To Make Compost" Zine (Download)

" Interested in learning about how to make your own compost for agriculture, horticulture, your garden, or landscaping project? Thanks to the there is a 30 page DIY zine from 1980 (by H. H. Koepf, originally printed by the Bio-Dynamic Farming & Gardening Association) that has been preserved, scanned, and put up for FREE download on all things compost: How to make compost, types of compost, a guide to successful composting, equipment needed and more.

How To: Prepare garden soil for planting

Southwest Yard and Garden teaches viewers how to prepare garden soil for planting. You can use compost to work this into your soil. You can make your own compost and you can also buy compost. First, you can use a flat bladed spade or a sharp shooter spade to double dig your garden soil. First, you should dig double deep into the soil and turn the soil to the side. What you want to do is dig a trench. Go back to the beginning of the trench and dig a second depth. You will want to get below the...

How To: Roast squash seeds

Oftentimes when preparing squash, people will remove the seeds and immediately compost them. This, of course, is a great error as the seeds are themselves quite delicious when roasted for 15 minutes in a 275°f oven with a little bit of sea salt.

How To: Grow strawberries easily in a container

In this tutorial, we learn how to grow strawberries easily in a container. First, you will need your refrigerated bare root strawberries laid out in front of you. Next, prepare your soil by using a high quality potting mix and adding 1/3 compost to the mixture. Take your soil and place it into a plastic bin, then add in some water. Mix the water with a trowel, then place your soil into a strawberry jar up to the first row of pockets. Next, plant your strawberries into the pockets on the side ...

How To: Plant asparagus

Southwest Yard and Garden teaches viewers how to plant asparagus! First, in your garden you need to dig a trench that is about 8 inches deep. You should mix up some compost into this trench. Choose an asparagus that has a fern and make sure you choose a variety that is a male hybrid. These are more tolerant of other problems such as wilt. Simply, plant these 8 inches deep but do not cover them fully. Cover them gradually and cover it as it grows highly. Make sure your roots are laying horizon...

How To: Build a wormery

If you don't have room for a full-scale compost heap, you can always employ the services of some worms. In this handy vermiculture how-to, you'll learn how to build your very own wormery.

How To: Care for and transplant small house plants

This is a great way to learn how to upgrade your small house plants into bigger ones. Start over plants once a year. Put rocks on the bottom for drainage. Bugs help your plants to grow. Do not use Pesticides on your house plants. Water weekly. Compost bins make great soil. Sweet potatoes that have roots growing off of them put in a glass of water and wait for them to grow roots. Give you plants at least six hours of sunlight daily. They also like when you talk to them and touch them you can c...

How To: Propagate raspberries and blackberries

In this video, an expert gardener explains how to propagate raspberries and blackberries.To propagate, you normally need a small rooted cutting. The expert recommends that you soak the roots in water with a bit of root stimulator for about 15 minutes. Also, he says that the cutting should be planted in earth with compost and phosphorous fertilizer to help to roots grow better. When the earth is well mixed, you make a small hole, place the root in side and bury it, pressing the soil around the...

How To: Make fertilizer

The one thing that can make your home garden flourish is by taking care of it and meeting the needs of your plants. One of those needs is great fertilizer. And the best fertilizer comes from the heart, not the store. Get great results in your garden by making your own fertilizer and compost at home.

How To: Make nitrogen enriched manure tea for garden plants

Are your plants dying? Are they in dire need of some fertilizer? Is your compost not cutting it anymore? Well, save your garden plants with this recipe for nitrogen rich manure tea fertilizer. It's a really easy all natural fertilizer anyone can make. You can collect manure in your pasture or buy it by the bag at a garden center. You can also reuse the manure over and over again. Keep chemicals out of your garden and go green!

How To: Turn a steep backyard into a terraced garden

First of all you have to start by terracing all the lands. Now select the varieties of trees that you want and start planting them in your garden. These trees shall help you in checking soil erosion. You may also use rocks fro land scalping and also checking soil erosion. Now you can plant ‘daisies’ all around the garden. These grow very fast and then they help to bind all the soil together. However you have to check their growth because they compete with other plants for the nutrients. They ...

How To: Plant spring-blooming bulb flowers in the autumn

Martyn Cox show us how to plant spring bulbs. You want to begin with bulbs that are firm, with intact skin. You don't need a garden to grow these; you can put them in a pot. If using a terracotta pot, you need to cover the hole in the bottom with another piece of terracotta, to prevent leakage. Next, you add in the compost, breaking up any lumps. For most bulbs, plant them about three times their depth. The flat side is the bottom. You can plant a few together, but make sure they aren't touch...

How To: Care for the lawn in the fall

Fall is a great time to fertilize your lawn, especially cool season grasses like Bluegrass and Tall Fescue. By fertilizing in the fall you're building up the root system but because it's cool the top won't grow as well so you won't need to mow as much. Before spreading your fertilizer you want to top dress with compost. Compost is a great additive for the lawn, especially if you sprinkle a quarter to a half inch layer on top of the lawn. It will work its way down and when down there will feed...

How To: Identify problems with the peace lily, fern & rhubarb

This video explains how to solve several problems associated with gardening in arid environments. Rhubarb is a plant that is commonly grown in colder environments. In arid environments, its very important to not over water it, so keep it in a sandy soil with lots of organic compost material. Plants such as the peace lily also need well irrigated soil, so it is important to pot it in an organic potting soil in a location that allows the water to drain away from the pot instead of soaking back ...

How To: Vertical mulch a tree

This video will show you how to take good care of your trees by feeding the roots with verticle mulching. Drill holes in the soil about 15" deep, and put in compost and nutrient materials. Use an auger to drill several 3" holes around the tree. It works best when you moisten the soil first. Use a spade and trowel to fill the holes with the compost and nutrient mixture. You can also use a spading fork to break the soil, sprinkle the mixture on, and the mixture will fall into the cracks in the...

How To: Plant a 30 minute vegetable garden

You can have a garden in less than 30 minutes. The key is a product called garden socks. They are two cubic feet long and they have one cubic foot of compost inside of them. One thing that makes this product useful is that they are very light and easy to carry around and they provide a weed free garden. All you have to do is build your raised box and then fill it with these lightweight two-foot socks of compost. Next take the plants that you are going to plant and arrange them in the box in t...

How To: Plant a hardy mum

Spring Hill Nurseries shows viewers how to plant Chrysanthemums, or hardy mums, in this video. The mums should be planted in early spring. First, choose a place to plant. You should choose an area that has a lot of direct sunlight. You should also plant in an area that has good soil for growing plants. If this is impossible, mix some compost with the soil in the spot you wish to plant in. If you are planting more than one mum, make sure you have enough room to space them two feet apart.

How To: Plant flowering bulbs with Lowe's

Flowering bulbs require some few common tools before planting such as compost or peat moss, work gloves, fertilizer, garden trowel or bulb planter and the garden bulb of your choice. During the spring season you can plant tender bulbs such as, irises, gladiolus and elephant ears. In terms of fall plantings you can plant bulbs such as tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and crocuses which could give a beautiful bloom in the spring. In general the blooms will last till three to four weeks, bulbs such ...

How To: Deal with yellow jackets

Nothing ruins a romantic fresh air picnic like the buzzing of angry yellow jackets—especially since, unlike the useful honey bee, they can use their stingers over and over again... Learn how to deal with bees without getting stung. This instructional video from Howcast offers tips on handling yellow jackets.

How To: Fertilize roses with coffee grounds

The Sun Sprite Rose has a nice fragrance but you want to keep it healthy by fertilizing it. Roses are heavy feeders so Charlie suggests adding compost in the Spring, really building up the soil, maybe put in some time release fertilizer pellets, then use regular Rose food to keep the Roses really looking good. Another home remedy involves fertilizing with coffee grounds. Coffee grounds sprinkled around Roses about a quarter of an inch to half an inch thick will help Roses grow and bloom bette...

How To: Prepare a raised bed garden for planting

In this video, we learn how to prepare a raised bed garden for planting. First, clear some of the debris that was left from last year. Then, take a pitchfork and loosen the soil all around the bed. Bring the soil from the bottom up to the top to make it stay loose throughout the bed. Then, start shoveling the soil around the bed and then add in some manure to the bed and mix together with the shovel. Worms in the compost will give you a lot of nutrients and help break down the manure. When fi...

How To: Plant and grow basil plants

This is how to plant and grow basil. First pick out a pot with a drain hole. Put some crushed cans in it. Fill it with dirt. The dirt should be part potting soil, part compost, and part normal dirt. Take off the peat moss pot the plant is in, break up the roots, and set your basil in the pot. Then put your dirt all around the plant, making sure it has good drainage, then pack it. Don't forget to put in your sign so you know what plant it is later. Then put a mixture of root starter and miracl...

How To: Germinate Japanese maple seeds

Ken Alston shows how to germinate Japanese maple tree seeds. The most important thing is to always buy fresh seeds. Seeds that are bought on eBay or other unreliable sellers are dry and lifeless and the chances of germination are not very good. The video shows the huge difference between the dry seeds and the fresh seeds. On the fresh seeds you can see that the roots are already out and in some cases the leaves are out, so from this point the rest is easy. Have little seed pots ready, make sm...

How To: Plant tulip or daffodil bulbs in the fall

In this video Bob describes how to plant bulbs. Bulbs are among the easiest flowers to grow. They don't like "wet feet" so always plant your bulbs where it's sunny. In the Spring the trees don't have their leaves yet so you will have a lot of different places to plant your bulbs. Your bulbs, depending on the size will go in to the soil at different depths. You can plant them singly or plant a bunch of them at once in one hole, just space them and cover them well. Make sure to mix compost or p...

How To: Sow seeds in a raised bed garden

This video describes how to have a raised garden bed. You can use your raised garden bed for most all vegetables. They are using this one for winter vegetables and early spring ones. A good hint was to line 3 seeds up end to end and that is the depth you need to plant them. Lettuce was the vegetable that was shown. Thinning out the bed is very important as not to crowd the plants. A point made was that you can eat the ones that you thin out or use them in a compost pile. Keeping the seedlings...