Complete Time Travelling Search Results

How To: Travel to Lusaka in Zambia, Africa

Go outside of typical travel and spend time in Zambia, Africa. Along with all the typical tourist attractions you might expect, this city has unexpected delights for the adventurous traveler. Allow an InterContinental Concierge member to lead you on a special tour of Lusaka in Zambia, Africa. . Travel to Lusaka in Zambia, Africa.

How To: Find the Cheapest Last-Minute Flights Home for the Holidays

The holidays are quickly approaching, which means everyone will be scrambling over the next couple of weeks to find the cheapest options for flights to wherever home is. There are so many sites to buy them from that it can be hard to know where to start, so we've compiled some tips and tricks for making the process as painless as possible, whether you're flying home for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or whenever.

How To: Say "I love you" in Korean

In this tutorial, we learn how to say Korean Travel Phrases #8 - I love you. Saranghamnida is how you say "I love you" in Korean. You will want to make sure you have the right pronunciation when you say this. If you don't say it correctly, you will be saying a completely different phrase and words. This is great to learn if you are traveling to Korea and want to learn common phrases that people say all the time. If you want to point at someone at tell them you love them, you would say "Dangsi...

How To: Play "Times Like These" by Foo Fighters on ukulele

The ukulele is a beautiful and unique stringed instrument that is perfect for the traveling musician because it is so portable and relatively inexpensive. The ukelele is a version of a small guitar that originated in Hawaii. In this tutorial you will learn how to play "Times Like These" by the Foo Fighters on the ukulele.Once you get a hang of this beginner song you can impress your friends with this rendition of "Times Like These" by the Foo Fighters on your uke.

How To: Take in coils when climbing

As the terrain changes in the mountains you will often have to change rope lengths to max out your safety. It is common to travel a good distance apart on a glacier or use large amounts of rope when dealing with technical terrain. However when traveling together on a ridge it is often safer and faster for both climbers to take in a few coils.

How To: Travel light to avoid baggage fees

It seems like there's never any breaks in air travel when it comes to money. The airfares just keep rising, and now most major airlines charge for all checked baggage, so carry-ons are the way to go. But you need to know how to take it easy with your packing list. Pack light and travel without the burden of that extra $15 or more per bag.

How To: Tailor your resume for foreign countries

In this video, we learn how to tailor your resume for foreign countries. When you are writing the resume, you need to keep in mind the: length, content, demands, passport, and hobbies. You should make sure the content is descriptive and you focus on your accomplishments. Don't focus on the family and references, these are not required on the resume. The recruiter wants to know more about your professional life, and if you have a passport to travel. Depending on the country you are traveling t...

How To: Join the Peace Corps

The Peace Corps -- have you ever thought of it? It crosses everybody's mind at one point or another, but mostly college students. The Peace Corps offers many benefits, like life experience, student loan repayment, and travel. If you are ready for 27 months of hard but rewarding work, a job with the Peace Corps might be for you. These steps will help you on your way toward an unforgettable experience.

How To: 12 Easy Snacks You Can Make for Your Next Road Trip

Gas stations may be convenient for travel snacks, but the cost of shopping there sure can add up. If you're looking for easy, on-the-go snacks that fit into your travel budget, look no further. We've got 12 kid-friendly, portable food ideas you can make before leaving on your journey. You'll be amazed by how much money and time you will save with these satisfying travel snacks.

How To: Speak the Mandarin Chinese language when shopping and trying on clothes

Shopping is any tourists dream. Buying local and ethnic items is on everybody's travel itinerary, so make sure if you're traveling to China, you know some basic words and phrases in Mandarin Chinese to help you shop and bargain your way to success. Learn how to ask a shop assistant if you can you try something on in Mandarin Chinese. You'll also learn about the currency called RMB or Yuan, and you'll learn how to haggle for a bargain.

How To: Use essential airport and flight words in Mandarin Chinese when traveling

If you're in China, then getting back home might seem like an impossible task, simply because you don't know the local language. Well, this video will help you learn some very essential words in Mandarin Chinese useful for air travel. Learn the essential words and phrases in Mandarin Chinese for meeting someone at the airport. You'll learn how to ask whether a flight is late, or where your bags are. You'll even learn how to ask one of the most essential questions - where are the toilets?!

How To: Kill bugs in wall holes with Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth may be useful for killing bugs in walls. Light sockets and phone jacks provide a highway for bugs to travel from one infested room to another or one infested apartment or another. They also function as a hide-out for them during daytime hours, when they might be more visible.

How To: Center your spins in figure skating

In this tutorial, we learn how to center your spins in figure skating. When you're spinning, you will find yourself traveling when you spin. To avoid doing this, think about where on the blade you are spinning. If you are in the right spot on your blade, you will stay in one spot. Also make sure you rock up and down while you are moving, not applying too much pressure on the shoe so you fall off center. Spin on the ball of your foot and don't push your heel in too much. Using these tips can h...

How To: Plan for a backpacking trip

Backpacking sounds like the most basic way to travel but it is actually quite a large undertaking. In this tutorial, learn all you need to know to plan for a backpacking trip, no matter where you're traveling to. This will help you stay safe and prepared for anything. Of course, before arranging backpacking gear for a trip, it's important to make a plan of the trip in order to determine which items are necessary. Learn about bringing backpacking gear that fits the climate and conditions of a ...

How To: Soften the look of a stone walkway with creeping thyme

Stone walks can look a bit intimidating. But by planting small plants you can make a stone walk both welcoming and beautiful. You want to plant something that is hardy and still attractive. You shouldn't plant on a heavily traveled area, but this technique is perfect for a lightly traveled path. When planting in between stones, dig a small hole for the plant and place it gently between the stones. As with all plantings, you will want to immediately water after you put the plant into the soil....

How To: Palm read the right hand

To read the right palm, look at the left side of the hand. This gives an indication of the affection lines and the travel lines. The deep lines means travel outside the country and if they're straight it means the journey will be successful. Locate the curved heart line. Below it, curved in the opposite direction is the head line. The life line bisects the head line. The affection lines are above the heart line which determine the length of engagements and marriages. The affection lines are r...

News: Reverse Arrow Trick - Amazing

When the arrow is moved to a particular distance behind the glass, it looks like it reversed itself. When light passes from one material to another, it can bend or refract. In the experiment that you just completed, light traveled from the air, through the glass, through the water, through the back of the glass, and then back through the air, before hitting the arrow. Anytime that light passes from one medium, or material, into another, it refracts.

How To: Create a Minecart Train Station in Minecraft

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. So you have a deep mine, an epic home, a bountiful farm, and mob traps galore, but have you ever considered linking them together into one cohesive unit? With the use of a minecart train station you can turn your disjointed Minecraft manor into a well oiled machine and cut travel times in half.