Communicating Aided Search Results

How To: Start using Computer Aided Design (CAD)

In this CNC Basics Video we go over CAD. CAD Stands for Computer Aided Design. During the CAD step we take our initial design and translate it into the computer. We do this CNC Step so we can change the design, resize it, save it, transfer it to someone else, etc. So check out this beginners tutorial on how to use CAD.

How To: Heal abrasions & cuts without scaring

DermTV tells us how to heal abrasions and cuts using antibiotic ointment. To heal abrasions and cuts: Put antibiotic ointments like Bacitracin ointment and Polysporin ointment in abrasions and cuts. Put Bacitracin ointment or Polysporin ointment every 3 - 4 hours and cover with a band-aid. Why use Bacitracin ointment and Polysporin ointment? Bacitracin ointment and Polysporin ointment keep the whole environment of your abrasions and cuts moist. And once you've put antibiotic on your cut then ...

How To: Be an effective political dissident & protest

You’ve decided to protest an unjust political system or organization. Make the most impact with these tips. Protest with courage, communicate with exiles and know your rights. If you disagree with a political system, concentrate your beliefs and opinion. Study famous dissidents like Ghandi and Martin Luther King.

How To: Immobilize an injured victim

Wounds that involve underlying structures usually require immobilization. The purpose for immobilizing an injured victim is to provide support. This first aid how-to video demonstrates the proper technique for immobilizing someone who has serious wounds or injuries.

How To: Treat a choking person (British Red Cross)

Choking is serious life-threatening problem that need immediate attention. If waiting too long, it could result in such problems as hypoxia or even death. Being able to respond to a choking victim could save someone's life, and everyone should know this first aid procedure.

How To: Read into mixed signals from a guy

Flirting can be a scary, confusing world if you're not prepared. Everybody has their own way of communicating their feelings and more often than not, it's not all black and white. Being able to read into those shades of gray can make it much easier to tell when you're being flirted with and when he's so done with you. This video will show you to read mixed signals from a guy.

How To: Use Wiki Server in Mac OS X

Whether it's a small business or a work group inside a large corporation, all members need access to the same materials in order to work effectively. Mac OS X server makes it easy for groups to collaborate and communicate through their own Wiki-powered Internet website. To learn how to use Wiki Server with Mac OS X Server, watch this video tutorial.

How To: Mix a Kool Aid cocktail with amaretto, melon liqueur and cranberry juice

Want to make a Kool Aid cocktail like a champion bartender? This clip will show you how it's done. With the proper technique, mixing the perfect drink can be easy. So easy, in fact, that this free video bartenders' guide can present an overview of the process in about a minute. For more information, including a full list of ingredients and complete instructions on how to mix this drink yourself, watch this video drink recipe.

How To: Cheat on a test using a Band-Aid

In this tutorial we learn how to cheat on a test using a Band-Aid. First, go on your computer and type out the answers and information that you need. After this, you will need to shrink down the size of the font until it's really tiny, but you can still read it. After this, you will print it out and cut it out around the edges. From here you can do one of two things. The first option is to roll the paper up and put it inside your pen and then take it out to use on your test. The second way is...

How To: Create a cuneiform clay tablet magazine from scratch

In this video tutorial, you'll learn the ancient art of clay tablet making. Back in the old, old, days, before paper and pencil, there were clay tablets. Sumerians used these clay tablets to communicate, record business expenses and more. In this video, you'll learn how to make your own cuneiform clay tablet magazine! Spread the word!

How To: Send and email using Gmail

Gmail is a powerful and universal way to send emails. This video will explain how to set up an account, check your mail and compose an email. Gmail is a great way to stay connected and communicate with people.

How To: Cheat on any test using a Band-aid

Learn a cheap and effective way to make sure you pass any test with this easy way to sneak answers into class without getting caught. Taking a simple band-aid and writing the answers on the fluffy, white underside can conceal your notes without drawing suspicion (as most teachers never think to check a wound!) The guide even shows you how to make it look authentic with just a little bit of ketchup. Just make sure not to get caught (especially if you sit right up front)!

How To: Use channels to select hair in Photoshop

In this video tutorial on Adobe Photoshop CS3, we will cover using channels to cleanly cut out complex hair selections of both brunette and blonde hair on a studio style background and an outdoor scene. You will learn a lot about how to select things in Photoshop using the techniques displayed in this video, which will aid you in selecting many different things, not just hair.

How To: Use notifications and alerts in Axosoft OnSite

This first installment from Axosoft's own series of video tutorials on the OnTime Project Management Suite is about Notifications and Alerts—the way OnTime communicates with your employees, your customers, and you about events that occur in your database. Get started using notifications and alerts in your own OnSite projects with this how-to.

How To: Create shorthand link aliases

If you like to share websites via email, are a writer who needs to share email in her stories, or just need to make a quick written note of a website address, you need to know how to use web address shorthand. Some URLs can be hundreds of characters long and therefore too tedious to reproduce in writing. To make an easier-to-communicate link, you'll need to use a URL minimizer, like TinyURL. Learn how with this address-minimizing how-to!

How To: Access symbols & accent characters on Mac keyboard

When creating business documents or communicating with colleagues in other countries with your Apple computer, it's often necessary to use certain typographic symbols. In this video, you'll learn how you can use quick key combinations to access certain characters. For more on accessing symbols and accent characters on your keyboard in Mac OS X, watch this video tutorial from Apple.

How To: Administer Wiki Server under Leopard Server in OS X

Whether it's a small business or a work group inside a large corporation, all members need access to the same materials in order to work effectively. Mac OS X server makes it easy for groups to collaborate and communicate through their own Wiki-powered Internet website. In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to adminster the Wiki server in Leopard Server in Mac OS X.

How To: Treat burns and scalds (British Red Cross)

No one can escape the wrath of fire. Eery living person will experience some sort of burn during their lifespan, from scalds to third degree burns. Burns and scalds are among the most common injuries requiring emergency treatment in hospitals, but would you know what to do if a friend or family member, maybe even a stranger, burned themselves badly? Could you help?

How To: Perform CPR on an adult (British Red Cross)

CPR. It's stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which is the emergency medical procedure for restoring a person's normal heartbeat and breathing when experiencing heart failure or breathing impairment. It's the number one way to save a life, and everyone should know it, whether you're certified or not.

How To: Show simple first aid knowledge as a Boy Scout

Tenderfoot is the first rank earned as a Boy Scout. The requirements of becoming a Tenderfoot provide basic skills to begin preparing the scout for higher adventure outings. Earning badges and receiving recognition can be very satisfying to boys. However, keep in mind that the badge is only a representation of a valuable set of skills that a scout has learned and demonstrated. The skills, wisdom, and experience gained through the activities of the scouting program are of much more value than ...

How To: Car camp

Whether you're at a concert or on a road trip, sometimes you need to camp out. Check out this video if you are planning a car trip where you will be camping along the way. Car camping requires plenty of preplanning and patience but will be totally worth it in the end when you have one sweet road trip!