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How To: Practice the side crane yoga pose properly

Parsva bakasana is more commonly known as crane pose. This posture requires good upper body strength. There is a way to get into the pose by placing the elbow into the sides of the ribs. The lower arms bones (ulna and radius) act as supporting beams and the yoga pose side crane needs less arm strength. Watch this how to video tutorial to learn the basics of moving into side crane.

How To: Tie a paragun knot for fishing

The Paragun Knot is also know as the uni knot. It is a great multi purpose knot that can be used with all line types but you will need more wraps with braided lines. The paragun knot is commonly used for attaching lures, swivels and hooks to the line. Watch this video knot-tying tutorial and learn how to tie a paragun knot for fishing.

How To: Detect strangles in a horse

A veterinarian explains one of the most commonly encountered respiratory diseases affecting horses. Find out what horses get it, what it is and how to recognize symptoms of strangles. Watch this video veterinary tutorial and learn how to detect strangles in a horse.

How To: Make and use a muslin

It’s called a "muslin" because a muslin material is commonly used to create this first sample of your pattern for tailoring. In this video, Sarah, a Maryland sewing instructor, fashion designer and author, demonstrates marking techniques and explains how to use a muslin to get an exact fit from any pattern. Make sure to click the RealPlayer or Quicktime link to start the video.

How To: Hack MD5 passwords

This episode of Full Disclosure demonstrates how to hack/crack MD5 password hashes. MD5 (Message-Digest algorithm 5) is a hash function commonly used by websites to encrypt passwords. MD5 is a one-way hash; therefore, to crack the password you most try every possible dictionary word and if that does not work, every possible letter/number/symbol combination. The programs used to crack the passwords are Cain and MDCrack-NG.

How To: Tie a tie with the 'Four in hand' knot

The "Four in hand" is the most well known and commonly worn knot in the western world. The "Four-in-hand" knot has its name from the drivers of the four-in-hand carriage in the mid-1800's, who tied their scarves and the reigns of their carriage with this knot.

How To: Improve your download speed

The key to understanding download speeds and if it's possible to improve yours, is really to understand that you want to increase your bandwith. Check out this video and see how to learn about bandwith, kilobytes and kilobits per second and improve your own download speeds.

How To: Use displacement in Photoshop

It might take Einstein to help explain the complex physics of bending light, but when it comes to bending pixels, it is an art commonly referred to in Photoshop as displacement. Displacement can let you use the lumonosity values of one image to bend the pixels of another; a "relativity" of sorts. Bert explains how this all works in this episode.

How To: Improve the quaity of your YouTube video playback

You can improve the quality of the video you watch on YouTube. Sometimes when you watch the video in YouTube, probably you will have notice that the video is little blurry or text which is being shown in that video is blurry like low quality video. So you can improve it by just adding a little code in the url of that video. So put that code "&fmt=18" in the end of the url of that video and press the enter key and that's it. Now you can see the difference between before and now. The video qual...

How To: Tie an improved clinch knot

Fishing-Live-Bait shows how to tie an improved clinch knot, combining basic knowledge of how to tie a regular knot with an improved technique to make the knot even stronger. You begin by putting the line through the hook and then wrap the end of the line around the main line a total of six times. Wrapping the line that many number of times ensures the strength of the knot. The end of the line goes through the loop next to the hook. The difference between a normal clinch knot and this improved...

How To: Build confidence with improved presentation skills

Do your presentation skills need a little work? Being in front of a crowd or some potential clients may be one of the hardest things you will ever do, but staying confident makes all the difference. Losing any bit of confidence will result in your presentation falling flat and killing your self-esteem, and perhaps even risking your job. So, being confident is a must.

How To: Understand financial statements to improve business

Do you own a small business, but find yourself unable to understand the intricacies of your financial statements? You are not alone. This video features a small business coach explaining some of the intricacies of financial statements. The tips provided here should help you better understand your financial statements and use the information gleaned therein to improve the profitability of your business.

How To: Improve your dexterity for guitar playing w/ exercises

If you are just starting guitar or are trying to improve your skills then this is the video for you. In this video Andrew from Creative Guitar Studio will teach and show you, stretch and dexterity exercises to improve you guitar skills. You will also see left and right hand coordination exercises. The video starts with an add 2 chord and then follows up with 8 other exercises to improve you guitar skills. Some of these include timing, finger independence, chromatic string exercises, and finge...

How To: Tie an improved half blood knot

The Improved Half Blood Knot is basically a half blood knot with a little improvement. To make the knot more secure the end tag is locked in the final step when tying the knot. The Improved Half Blood Knot is a popular knot for attaching hooks, swivels and lures to the the fishing line. Watch this video fishing tutorial and learn how to tie and improved half blood knot on a fishing line.

How To: Do a stretching massage to improve flexibility

If you have a partner or spouse who loves you then wrangle them in to doing this extremely relaxing stretching massage. As the name implies, this massage involves another person helping to stretch out your muscles so the tension pent up inside disappears as quickly as a Stephanie Meyer vampire.

How To: Improve your golf stroke with putting drills

PGA Professional Rick Sessinghaus discusses three different tips that can help all golfers, from the amateur level to the tour professionals, can do to help improve their putting. The first tip focuses on improving hand and eye coordination by simply looking at the whole the proper way. The second tip deals with the reading the speed of the greens while putting. Finally the third and final tip helps the learner better read the line of the put. Rick believes following these three tips will hel...

How To: Use Finis freestyler hand paddles to improve technique

While most paddles are multi-purpose, the Finis freestyler paddles, demonstrated in this how-to video, only work with, well, freestyle. While it's annoying to lug around that much equipment in your swim gear bag, unique equipment forces you to focus on one specific thing at a time. The Finis freestyler paddle is best used for improving freestyle stroke and efficiency. Watch this video swimming tutorial and learn how to train with Finis freestyler hand paddles.

How To: Improve your individual defensive skills in basketball

This is great for coaches or players who want to improve their knowledge and understanding of your individual defense in basketball. Coach Kirby Schepp makes it easy for even beginners who are just learning this great sport. He explains it, his players demonstrate it, and a drill is shown so you can practice it on your own.

How To: Improve your rebounding skills

This is great for coaches or players who want to improve their knowledge and understanding of rebounding in basketball. Coach Kirby Schepp makes it easy for even beginners who are just learning this great sport. He explains it, his players demonstrate it, and a drill is shown so you can practice it on your own.

How To: Improve your lay ups in basketball

This is great for coaches or players who want to improve their knowledge and understanding of lay ups in basketball. Coach Kirby Schepp makes it easy for even beginners who are just learning this great sport. He explains it, his players demonstrate it, and a drill is shown so you can practice it on your own.

How To: Inflate a flat ball without a needle or pump

Well, you're all ready to play basketball, or dodgeball or football or kickball, but, your ball is flat. To make matters worse, you don't have a pump. To make matters even worse, you don't have the needle you'd normally use to inflate your flat ball. Well, this how to video shows you a simple life hack to get your balls up and bouncing again in no time. What you'll need is a can of compressed air, commonly used for cleaning keyboards, or other tech equipment. These cans come with plastic 'tub...

How To: Create a rusty, grungy checker plate texture in After Effects

You may not recognize the term "checker plate", but you've more than likely encountered it many times before. It's more commonly referred to as "diamond plate" and is the hardwearing, lightweight, non-slip metal stock with raised diamonds (or lines) that frequently adorn flight cases, stage decking and metal stair treads. This video will show you how to recreate that grungy look in After Effects.