Common Mistakes Search Results

How To: Build a classical acoustic guitar from scratch

If you've always wanted to build your own Classical Acoustic guitar, this video series can get you started! You will watch he starts with some simple blocks of wood and an idea and crafts a great classical guitar! He will also show you his mistakes along the way and his own fixes, so that way if you make the same mistake, you will have an answer right there!

How To: Flash the four most common types of Xbox 360 console disc drives

Do you want to be able to play games for free on your XBox 360? If you have some time and patience, hacking the console is probably the next step for you, and the first step in that is flashing your disc drive. This will delete it's native firmware, which does not recognize burned discs, allowing you to load your own custom firmware that does. This video series will teach you everything you need to know to flash each of the major types of disc drives used in the XBox 360, and have you well on...

How To: Spell and grammar check text in Firefox and Chrome

Why invest time and energy proofreading everything you write when your web browser can do it for you (and quite competently at that)? With Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome (and the After the Deadline browser extension), setting up automatic spell and grammar checking is an easy task. This home-computing how-to from Tekzilla will walk you through the process. Avoid careless mistakes and needless embarrassment with this how-to.

How To: Build a $25 camera crane

The guys at Indy Mogul show you the Camera Crane (turbo mini jib) that ANYONE can afford! Attach it to your tripod and that good looking girl in your English class might mistake you for George Lucas...not sure if that'll help your chances with her, though.

How To: Handle mistakes while singing

In this video, Ian Castle tells us tips on how to handle mistakes while singing. The key to making sure you are staying in great focal condition is to warm up and warm down. Next, make sure you don't do too much talking on the day of a performance. Also, don't drink alcohol on the day of or day before you have a performance, as this can alter your voice and make it coarse and dehydrated. Remember to drink plenty of water and avoid breathing in cold air. Also, purchase a portable steam inhaler...

How To: Replace a car's rear disk brakes

If you're looking for a tutorial where mistakes are made but are used to help add experience, this is it. In this three part video tutorial, you'll find out how to replace a car's rear disk crakes using the right tools and know-how. This can be tricky, so pay attention, and try not to repeat the mistake that was made in this video. So good luck and enjoy!

How To: Say "goodnight" in Polish

Learn how to say "Good night" in Polish in simple and easy steps. 1. First find out the correct Polish word for the English word "Good night" which is "dobranac". 2. Now spell out Polish correctly without any spelling mistakes. 3. Try to speak out the word slowly and ensure you pronounce the Polish word exactly. 4. Practice it a few times until you pronounce it correctly without any mistakes.

How To: Spell check documents with TinySpell

TinySpell is a handy program to correct your spelling automatically. Download and install TinySpell. TinySpell is a little handy program for your typing. Just open notepad for example. Then make a mistake like: Hello theree. When you look in the bottom right corner of your screen, you'll see the TinySpell icon. Right click on it and click on Open spelling window, it will tell you what you've done wrong. In the window you'll see theree turned red. Click on the button next to "theree" and selec...

How To: Find the greatest common factor, GCF

In this tutorial the instructor shows how to calculate the greatest common factor, or GCF. While computing greatest common factor, you are pulling out the smallest exponents of any common factors along with the factor. Finding the greatest common factor is similar to finding the least common multiple. When given any numbers to find the greatest common factor, the first step in the general procedure to be followed is to break each number down into its factors. You need to break down the number...

How To: Easily remove tattoos in Photoshop

Hidden features of the Patch tool revealed as we wipe out some nasty looking tattoos. Use Photoshop CS4 to fix the tattoos or body scars with the Patch tool. Remove your ugliest mistakes with the Patch Tool, a tutorial from TutorialBucket.

How To: Paint a Chinese dragon

Watch this instructional painting video to paint a dragon with India ink and watercolor on Chinese rice paper. Use negative space to create a ghostlike effect. This fluid style of painting takes lot of practice and does not allow for mistakes. Every brush stroke counts. Get out some newsprint to practice painting these majestic dragons.

How To: Make a light sensing robot

Mousey the junk bot is a light sensing robot made out of an old computer mouse. Bre Pettis of Make Magazine goes over how the pieces are installed and talks about some mistakes that he wishes he could have avoided. This project requires a drill, a dremel, and soldering skills.

How To: Make a clip-on tie out of duct tape

Sometimes, you just have to wear a tie. But you don't have to sacrifice your personal style. This video will show you how to make a clip-on tie out of duct tape that you can customize however you like. No one will mistake you for a square in this duct tape clip-on tie.

How To: Add fractions with unlike denominators

In order to add fractions that are not alike, you will need to find the lowest common denominator. This is the least common multiple of the fractions. To add 2/3 plus 1/5, you will need to find the lowest common denominator. Here, it is best to think of all of the multiples of the denominators. If it helps, make a list. For 3, it is 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, etc. For five, the multiples are 5, 15, 20, 25, etc.

How To: Field dress a deer using only a knife

So you shot a deer, now what? Time to field dress the animal and make the most of your prize. Throughout the process it is important to keep your incisions precise, so as to avoid any messy mistakes. This instructional video will also teach you how to tell the age of the deer by the condition of its teeth.

How To: Tie a common snell fishing knot

Check out this fishing tutorial video that demonstrates how to tie a Common Snell fishing knot for Line to terminal tackle knots. Just follow the simple steps as outlined in this instructional fishing video and learn how to tie a common snell fishing knot. Tying knots is a breeze with this tutorial video. So start reeling in the big fish!

How To: Fix some common errors that happen when using jailbreakme to jailbreak devices

Jailbreaking iPhones, iPods, and iPads with is one of the easiest hacks ever creataed, and is completely legal. That doesn't mean it works perfectly every time. If you're having problems using jailbreakme, don't give up! This video will show three ways to fix common errors that happen during the jailbreaking process, and will hopefully help you to finish up and start enjoying your jailbroken device.