Comic Book Search Results

How To: Design and draw a female comic character

Fancy comic books, but don't have the skills to make them yourself? Comic book artists do nothing but draw all day, so it's no wonder they're good at it. But you may need a little more help, and this five-part series will help you along your journey into developing comic characters, specifically the female variety. Photoshop is used in the videos, but you don't need a fancy drawing application to get started. Just pull out the old paper and pencil and follow along. There's a ton of great info...

How To: Create a speech bubble in Photoshop

In this Photoshop tutorial video from Tasktutorial, the host leads you through the process of creating a speech bubble in Photoshop. As you watch this video and follow along with the host, you will learn how to create a speech bubble, like they use in the comics. You will also learn how to add color and blur effects to it, to give it a more three dimensional feel, as well as how to use the stroke effect to give it that comic book outline when you're done.

How To: Draw Supergirl from DC Comics

Ever since Supergirl was introduced in the DC world of comics she has always been the youthful, ambitious protagonist that everyone knew to respect. Her strength and value made her entrance on the scene a remarkable one, even though she never got too much limelight. This video is focusing on portrait of female character design for manga, video game, and comics basic. The process shows BASIC drawing and sketching video series of comic book characters that will help you gain knowledge of anatom...

How To: Get Wonder Woman's Look for Halloween — 4 Different Makeup Styles from Comics to Movie

Wonder Woman is going to be everywhere this Halloween, and you know it. One way for your rendition of Diana to stand out among an (Aegean) sea of Wonder copycats is to shy away from the classic high-glamour makeup style that Gal Gadot wears in the recent movie. You can still put on your tiara and carry your golden lasso all the same — you just need to go with a unique comic-book style makeup. With the help of licensed esthetician and self taught makeup artist Lex, instead of looking like you ...

How To: Create Marvel-style logos using Flash CS3

Marvel's recent string of wildly successful films based on its wildly successful comics have ushered in a whole new era of comic book films. All of the Marvel films have a very cool Marvel logo effect during their opening credits. This video will teach you how to create the same effect for your logo at home using Flash CS3. Now your superhero movie will look much more authentic and professional.

How To: Make the repulsor arm prop from Iron Man

Iron Man, and to a lesser extent it's sequel, represent the best of the new comic-book-movie boom and have rejuvenated the popularity of one of Marvel's most interesting characters. Do you want to make a Tony Stark costume, or dress someone you know in one for a film or party? This video will show you how to make one of the coolest and most important parts of the Iron Man ensemble: the repulsor arm ray gun.

How To: Draw a basic SpiderMan

This how-to video demonstrates a how to create an image of the comic-book superhero Spiderman in a basic generic pose. The artist, Xia Taptara, sketches out the basic figure, then gives advice on how to practice drawing tricky features like musculature, hands etc. as he adds more definition using a darker line. As the drawing progresses, Xia Taptara offers tips on perspective and more.

How To: Draw cartoon faces step by step

Learn how to draw cartoons faces and expressions with a few simple lines. A professional comic strip in a book or a newspaper carries an idea across using a minimal amount of lines. Use a calligraphy pen to draw thin lines and thick lines with a single pen. This allows you to draw faces expressively and quickly.

How To: Draw a manga/anime girl

"Miki Falls" manga creator Mark Crilley presents a real time tutorial showing how to draw a seated girl, taking his drawing from the rough sketch stage to finished inking. [correction: The Micron Pigma pen is mistakenly said to be available in comic book stores; it is in fact much easier to find in art supply stores)

How To: Download the Superman mod for GTA Vice City

Add a little comic book superhero to your Grand Theft Auto game! This video shows you the Superman mod for the game, where your character runs around dressed like the classic Superman, in blue and red Spandex. You can download the mod here or here. The download is completely free and perfectly safe for your computer.

How To: Sketch a dragon

For all those who have always wanted to sketch a dragon, here is one video which will give you step by step instructions on how to draw one. Dragons are creatures who breathe fire through their noses. The video is a quick watch and learn tutorial and anybody with a desire to possess a dragon sketch can master it in minutes. Use the sketch in comic book illustrations, animate it, or use it as a design on your favorite t-shirt.

How To: CreateSin City-style images in Adobe Photoshop

In this clip, you'll learn how to create a Sin City comic book effect within Adobe Photoshop. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular raster graphics editing software or a seasoned professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the program and its various features and filters, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this free video guide.

How To: Draw Jean Grey (Phoenix) from Marvel's X-Men

X-Men is one of the oldest and still coolest comics from the Marvel universe. So many likable characters and story lines that it's a blast to read. Many fans of the comic book have their favorite characters, but one of the most popular is that of Jean Grey or Phoenix. She has an interesting story and great mutant powers. So in this sped-up tutorial, you'll see how to draw Jean Grey in your X-Men outfit. So good luck, pay attention, and enjoy!

How To: Draw Captain America

In this video, learn how to draw Captain America. This tutorial will take you step by step through the process of drawing a realistic looking superhero. Gain knowledge of anatomy and dynamics in the positioning of a realistic figure. In a few simple steps you will be on your way to drawing this classic comic book character with the help of artist and illustrator, Xia Taptara.

How To: Draw an anime or manga female in motion

This video goes back to basics, using regular pencil, pen and colored pencils to create a manga female figure. He begins by drawing basic lines and shapes of the torso with pencil, then adding legs, arms and marking the joints. He adds detail to the body and fills in the shapes of the muscles. He then adds the head shape and fills in the facial details and hair before adding detail to the hands and fingers. He continues with the clothing, before going over all the lines with a black ink pen. ...

How To: Make a comic

Dive into the world of creating crappy looking comic art. Muhahahaha! Um. Ahem. Yep. So check out this instructional comic video that provides some tips to getting started drawing your comics. Learn about the necessary supplies and follow the step by step instructions outlined in this comic tutorial video sequence and start creating your own comics.

How To: Draw matching cartoon eyes and eyebrows

Drawing eyes is often the most difficult part of nailing down a comic book or manga character, but also the most vital part. Eyes really animate a face, so it's important to master all types of eyes if you wish to become a good artist. This tutorial will teach you how you can contain the eyes and eyebrows in the same plane, or basic shape, to make sure they align evenly. When this sort of method isn't used, often people will draw eyebrows that are disconnected from the rest of the eye.

How To: Get the Poison Ivy Uma Thurman inspired makeup look

Poison Ivy is a villainess in the Batman comic books, a seductive femme fatale with poisonous blood and the ability to control plants. She makes excellent inspiration for a Halloween costume. Make you sexier and more beautiful. Hair: Poison Ivy is portrayed as a beautiful redhead, contrasting with the green of her outfit. Buy a red wig or use hair dye to dye your hair red. Body: Purchase a cheap green leotard, bodysuit, or swimsuit, along with 30 or so fake ivy leaves. Using a needle and thre...

How To: Draw manga body proportions

In this video, "Miki Falls" manga cartoonist Mark Crilley shows how to draw body proportions for manga comics. Characters in manga proportions are often proportioned differently than characters in American comics, with larger heads and more childlike bodies. This video show you how to get manga bodies right.

How To: Make your own Sally Jupiter costume from the original Watchmen (The Minutemen)

For all the massive comic book geeks out there (be proud!) some of you may be very familiar with Sally Jupiter from the amazing Alan Moore graphic novel, The Watchmen. For those who watched the movie, that counts too. If you're looking to recreate her old costume from her time with The Minutemen, check out this three part video series! In it you will get a full tutorial on how to create every aspect of the costume on the cheap as well as sowing the dress and more!

How To: Design and draw a soldier with a gas mask

This speed-drawing tutorial demonstrates how to draw a futuristic soldier character with a flamethrower and a gas mask on your computer. It moves very quickly, but if you can't keep up you can reference the artist's step-by-step sketches where he breaks down the steps he takes in copious detail. The background is intentionally vague so that you can fill in whatever you like, most likely a post-apocalyptic setting of some kind. A good view for any comic book, fantasy, or science fiction artist.

How To: Draw Jean Grey from X-Men

Idrawgirls has another great tutorial for you. Everyone remembers Jean Grey from X-Men, one of the most powerful superheroes in the comic book. Watch this tutorial to learn how to draw her the right way. Follow line by line as idrawgirls shows you how to sketch Jean Grey in a powerful pose.

How To: Create a spray paint stencil in Photoshop

Photoshop is a useful software program that allows its users to make any photo look better or different using a couple of easy techniques. You can turn one of your favorite photos into a comic book, add some clouds in a cloud free sky, and even show you and your favorite celebrity sitting next to each other side by side. In this video you'll be taught the steps of making stencils using the tracing method and brush tool in Adobe Photoshop, version CS3. Enjoy!