Cleansing Susceptible Search Results

How To: Build a garden tool shed

he age-old “shtick” about a rake handle smacking you in the face when you step on the teeth isn't funny. It's happened to me more than once. One of the problems is improperly storing rakes, hoes, shovels and other long-handled tools. They can be hung up in a garage or garden shed, but usually end up right at the door, where they fall down, and again become a dangerous problem. The garden tool shed shown solves the problem of long-handled tool storage and at the same time provides a separate s...

News: This Genetic Defect Could Be Why Typhoid Mary Never Got Typhoid Fever

Whether or not a microbe is successful at establishing an infection depends both on the microbe and the host. Scientists from Duke found that a single DNA change can allow Salmonella typhi, the bacteria that causes typhoid fever, to invade cells. That single genetic variation increased the amount of cholesterol on cell membranes that Salmonella and other bacteria use as a docking station to attach to a cell to invade it. They also found that common cholesterol-lowering drugs protected zebrafi...

How To: Get rid of acne naturally

Learn how to get rid of acne in this free instructional video series on natural skin care treatments and acne remedies. Our expert will show you tips on how to exfoliate the skin, cleanse the pores, and protect face from fine lines and wrinkles.

How To: Add Interactive Live Wallpapers to Your Nexus 7, Samsung Galaxy S3, or Other Android Device

When it comes to live wallpaper for your Android device, the choices are pretty much limitless. Anything from a planet's elliptical orbit around the sun to a school of fish swimming across your screen are just a click and a download away. With the advancement of smartphones, live wallpapers have greatly improved. What once used to be a bit of snow falling down the screen has now evolved into very complex animations, with some that are even susceptible to your interaction with them.

News: Windows 8 Reports Your Downloads to Microsoft, But Is It Really a Security Threat?

Security researcher Nadim Kobeissi has discovered that the Windows 8 SmartScreen feature, meant to screen downloads for malicious software, actually reports the data about which applications users are installing to Microsoft. He also says that "the Microsoft server is configured to support SSLv2 which is known to be insecure and susceptible to interception." The two main concerns are the ability of law enforcement to subpoena Microsoft for the information and of hackers to intercept user data...

How To: Learn about enema equipment

Enemas have been made fun of frequently in pop culture (remember Blink 182's "Enema of the State" CD cover?), but they're very serious and useful treatments in the medical world. Whether you need to treat constipation, encopresis, or need a colon cleanse, enemas help get rid of congestion in the lower intestinal tract.

How To: Eliminate last minute pimples with home remedies

This video is about how to get rid of pimples. It's a nightmare to wake up and discover a big, red pimple right on your face. Here are some tips to help you out. 1. Do not touch, or try to squeeze or pop the pimple. This can cause pain, redness, swelling, and even infection. If you keep doing it another possible problem that can develop is scarring which can be permanent. 2. Wash your face gently with a mild, medicated soap and water (the water should be warm, but not too hot). Do this for 30...

News: Like Peaches? Protective Virus Could Save Millions of Dollars in Fruit from Fire Blight

Peach trees and other related plants are susceptible to the devastation caused by fire blight, a contagious bacterial disease. Once contracted, infected trees have to be burned to contain the disease and prevent spread to nearby trees. Increasing resistance to antibiotic treatment has sent scientists in search of alternative ways to deal with the bacteria and prevent its catastrophic damage.

News: Banks Around the World Hit with Repeated DDoS Attacks!

In recent weeks, major bank websites around the world have experienced outages after being have been hit with Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Although few, if any, of these banks have been totally knocked offline, these DoS attacks have dramatically slowed the response time of their websites to legitimate customers. The most recent victim was the Royal Bank of Scotland. Due to this attack, RBS customers were unable to access their accounts for about an hour last week.

How To: The Easy Way to Clean Up Your WhatsApp Chat Logs

One of the downsides of living in an unprecedented age of connectivity is the near-constant bombardment of information. WhatsApp, the go-to messaging app for people the world over, is just as susceptible to buildup of useless media files, thanks to awesome features that allow us to communicate in multiple ways, such as broadcasting to friends and family. Luckily, the app makes it easy to remove old and unwanted data from your iPhone or Android.

How To: This Simple Trick Will Keep Your Bread Fresher Longer

Fresh loaves of bread from the bakery are both delicious and often free of the preservatives that come with buying sliced, bagged bread off the supermarket shelves. However, these same loaves of bread tend to become stale much more quickly when sliced. It's quite the dilemma, especially for those who want to avoid throwing away and wasting stale bread (or are tired of turning said stale pieces into breadcrumbs or croutons).

How To: Keep Comcast from Using Your Router as a Wi-Fi Hotspot

In a era where cyber security is becoming increasingly important, Comcast has decided to use its customers' routers to provide hotspot access to the public. A new program, outlined by Dwight Silverman over on the Houston Chronicle website, seeks to provide Xfinity customers with city-wide Wi-Fi hotspots by using, well...other customers' wireless routers.