Cleansing Cream Search Results

How To: Make your own butter from heavy cream

You can buy heavy cream or whipping cream at the grocery store, and then mix it in an electric mixer at home. Set your mixer to medium high (and make sure you've set up a shield of plastic wrap to protect against spatter!) and mix for five minutes. Then pour and drain, and you've got homemade butter!

How To: Make strawberry and cream soda pop cupcakes

Watch this video to learn how to make an unusual dessert. Do you love strawberries? Do you love cream soda? Well, two great tastes meet in this strawberry and cream dessert. It'll be more sweet than you can stand! Watch this video to learn how to make this delicious strawberry and cream cupcake dessert.

How To: Make a spiritual bath

In this video Krazyboy shares his method of creating a spiritual bath. Krazyboy suggests that while spiritual baths are often known to help cleanse the soul, you can also imbue it with an intent (such as love, luck, success). The idea behind a spiritual bath is cleansing and white. A nice feature of spiritual baths is being able to customize it, including ingredients that feel right to you. To begin, fill a large bowl about half way with holy water/new moon water/spring water. Next, add a cou...

How To: Make Cascos de Guayaba (guava shells w/ cream cheese)

This video shows how to make Cascos de Guayaba con Queso Crema (guava shells with cream cheese). Ingredients: 1 15 oz. can of Guava Shells, and 1 15 oz. package of low-fat cream cheese. To make Cascos de Guayaba con Queso Crema (guava shells with cream cheese): Drain Guava Shells. Remove Guava Shells from syrup and put it into plate. Add 1 teaspoon cream cheese into each Guava Shell. Lightly drizzle syrup over top of Guava shell with cream cheese.

How To: Mix a banana cream pie cocktail

A great recipe to make a delicious drink called a banana cream pie cocktail. The drink is made using one ounce of coffee cream or half and half. A half ounce of your favorite vodka. A half ounce of cream de banana which is sweet flavored liquor. Then a half ounce of white or cream de cocoa which give the a subtle chocolate flavor. Shake in a martini mixer and pour it into the ingredients into a glass. The easiest and the best step is to enjoy the drink which takes just like banana cream pie yum!

How To: Mix a Boston Cream Pie cocktail

Instead of deciding between dessert and an after dinner cocktail, why not mix up a drink that's better than dessert, like the Boston Cream Pie cocktail. You will need, vanilla vodka, Bailey's Irish Cream, Godiva white chocolate liqueur, and powdered cocoa. Watch this video mixology tutorial and learn how to make a delicious cocktail that tastes just like a slice of Boston Cream Pie.

How To: Make an ice cream cake

Celebrate a birthday or anniversary with a homemade ice cream cake. Watch how to make this delectable dessert and buttery cookie crust. For this recipe you will need: oreo cookies, butter, favorite flavor ice cream, and whipped cream.

How To: Make homemade ice cream

In this series of dessert recipe videos, our experienced chef and caterer shares his secret for making delicious home-made ice cream. You will learn the steps in preparing strawberry and vanilla ice cream, with the added bonus of almond pralines to spice up the vanilla!

How To: Make lemon ice cream

In this video, we learn how to make lemon ice cream. First, grate the zest of one lemon into a large mixing bowl. After this, cut the lemon in half and squeeze them into the bowl. Now, pour in 200 g caster sugar and mix together. Now, take 450 ml of cream and beat it with an electric beater or hand whisk to make the cream for the ice cream. Now, combine the two bowls together and mix them with your hand until well combined and smooth. Pour into a dish and keep in the freezer until hard, then ...

How To: Make a sundae-in-a-pan ice cream cake

This video is about how to make an ice cream cake. First step is to lay the first ingredient which is the Ice Cream Sandwiches on the pan. Then, start spreading the cool whip on top of the Ice Cream Sandwiches. The next ingredient is the chocolate syrup. Just simply squirt it on top of the cool whip. Then, the next ingredient is the candy bar. After wards, crush the candy bar before opening it. After it is being crushed, start pouring the bits all over the cake. The remaining big chunks from ...

How To: Make a mini ice cream cone for a dollhouse

Garden of Imagination shows you how to create a very small ice cream cone out of polymer clays. The lady shows to add some texture to the cone before adding the ice cream portion on to the top of the baked cone. There is even a cherry on top of the lovely small ice cream cone when you are finished. This tutorial is a slow and close up view of making this ice cream cone. The perky voice and calm explanation of the process makes this video simple and easy to follow along to and to create your v...

How To: Make homemade whipped cream

Learn how to make a perfectly homemade whipped cream by Insightful Nana. Put the bowl and the beater on the freezer to chill. Pour 1 cup of cream into the bowl, whip the cream until it gets firm. Add 3 tablespoons of sugar and a teaspoon of vanilla into the cream, mix it. Whip the mixture together until you get soft peaks. You can use any type of flavors or extracts.

How To: Make delicious fried tempura ice cream

The chef's name appears and music plays and a woman's voice tells the ingredients for fried tempura ice cream. A woman appears and mixes tempura batter in a bowl with ice water. She tells you how to form ice cream balls and wrap them to place in the freezer for an hour. She them returns to show you how to wrap the ice cream with angel food cake after which you dip in batter and fry. Finally serving it on a garnished plate. Watching this video will help you successfully make and serve fried ic...

How To: Double down breath to stop smoking, de-stress, detox

Sadie teaches us how to double down breath to stop smoking, de-stress, and detox. A great place to go is to your bathroom, people won't bother you for at least five minutes while you're in here, allowing you to calm down. This will help bring yourself back to center and cleanse your mind, calming down your brain waves. Start by breathing in for four counts through the notes, allowing the ribs to flair wide. Hold this for a moment, then exhale on eight counts from your mouth. Squeeze the belly...

How To: Make Cream Cheese Brownies

On the Fourth of July, we like to celebrate by consuming lots of rich, savory (and unfortunately, belly engorging) food, including barbecued meats, hot dogs, and chips. So when it comes time for dessert, you're usually craving something less flavor-popping and spicy.

How To: Get luminous skin with toothbrush exfoliation

Do you want skin that looks and feels softer than a baby's bottom? Or how about skin so glowy and luminous it looks like you got a full eight hours of sleep (even if you didn't)? Well, you don't need to say sayonara to your bank account by dropping major cash on spa visits for facials to achieve beautiful skin.

How To: Make a homemade clay facial mask for oily skin

Nili Nathan shows you how to make a homemade clay facial mask for oily skin. To make your own clay mask, do the following: You will need 3 tbs of green clay. Mix with some hot water, about 3 tbs. Add 2 drops of Rosemary essential oil, 2 drops of lemon essential oil. Mix well with a fork, until it becomes a paste. Add more hot water if needed. Apply evenly to your face and neck, leave on for about 7 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Enjoy the deep cleansing, healing effect.

How To: Make a summery Suntan Lotion cocktail with rum

Bartending expert Derrick Schommer gives a graphic demonstration on how to make a Suntan Lotion cocktail with rum. Derrick informs us that this is a very simple cocktail, its ingredients being 1 oz. each of coconut rum, amaretto and cream. All three are shaken well together with ice, and then strained into a lowball glass full of ice cubes. In closing Derrick advises that instead of the regular thick cream, it would be better to use the thinner lye cream, since regular cream would make the co...

How To: Make (Wheeler Del Torro) vegan peanut butter ice cream

In this tutorial, we learn how to make vegan peanut butter ice cream. To make this, you will need: 2 c soy milk, 3/4 c peanut butter, 1/2 c brown sugar, and 1 tbsp vanilla extract. First, place a saucepan over high heat and add in soy milk, brown sugar, and peanut butter. Heat until it's boiled, then remove and add in the vanilla extract. Combine everything together until well mixed together and pour into a bowl. Freeze in an ice cream maker using instructions that came with it. Once this is ...