Clean Items Search Results

How To: Clean leather seats in a car

Leather seats are expensive. Keep them looking that way with a little cleaning and conditioning. You will need a hand-held vacuum (or one with an attachment nozzle), a bottle of leather cleaning solution, a soft, dry sponge, clean, dry cloths, a spray bottle of water, a bottle of leather conditioner with sunscreen, lemon juice, and cream of tartar. Watch this video car care tutorial and learn how to clean the leather seats in a car.

How To: Drain and clean a hot tub spa

This eleven-part video tutorial discusses how to drain and clean a hot tub spa. It goes over the process step-by-step from turning off the circuit breaker to restarting the spa. It also gives helpful tips on cleaning the tub, working with spa chemicals and avoiding air locks that will make the process a lot more smooth sailing even for a novice spa cleaner.

How To: Get the Enchantment Overload achievement in Torchlight for XBox 360

Enchanting items in Torchlight is one of the many Diablo-like elements that make the game so damn fun, but enchanting a single item 10 times to get the Enchantment Overload achievement is really hard for no reason other than that every time you enchant an item it has a chance of breaking. This means that the chance of an item making it through 10 enchantments are slim, making this a hard achievement to get. This video, fortunately, will give you some handy tips on getting it done without spen...

How To: Pack for mountaineering & backpacking trips

In this tutorial, we learn how to pack for mountaineering and backpacking trips. You will need a large backpack that fits your body, then lay out all of your items in front of you. Place your sleeping bag on the bottom of the backpack first, rolling it up tightly. Next, place climbing gear into the backpack and then fuel for the stove. After this, add rope to the bag, then a first aid kit. Next, add in a space blanket and some other clothing items you may need. Next, take a thermal foam pad a...

How To: Use FREQUENCY array functions in MS Excel

New to Microsoft Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this MS Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun and Mr. Excel, the 627th installment in their joint series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to create, edit and otherwise work with FREQUENCY array functions.

How To: Make cheap homemade cleaning solution for your PC

Are you sick of spending a ton of money on not so great cleaning supplies? Well, if cleaning the screens around your home are the problem, check out this tutorial. In this video you will learn how to make a super effective cleaning solution for your TV, PC, laptop, iPod screens, etc for about a dollar! This couldn't be easier to do, and your screens will be clear and shiny in no time.

How To: Get permanent marker stains out of your carpet

To follow along with this video, you will need a few supplies: a spray bottle filled with lukewarm water, a couple of clean white blotting towels, and a product called Legacy of Clean. To remove the stain you begin by applying a few drops of Legacy of Clean onto the stain. Use the blotting cloth to agitate the product into the carpet fibers by rubbing it a bit. Then find a new clean spot on the towel, place it over the stain and apply pressure from your fist to blot the stain. You will see th...

How To: Make musical instruments from household items

This SUPER cool video shows how to make some fantastic percussion instruments out of items you can easily find around your house, or for cheap around your neighborhood. From plastic pails, PVC pipes, tin cans, buckets, 45 gallon drums and more. This video is short, but very inspiring when you see what cool things you can build on your own. Musical instruments can cost thousands of dollars, but with this video you can make dozens of instruments from items around your home!

How To: Revamp your old and broken jewelry

In this tutorial, learn how to take old jewelry that is broken, out of style and otherwise unwearable and combine it with other household items to make hip, funky new accessories. You can use anything you find - broken items, trash, old pieces, coins, clothing items - anything! Have fun with it and maybe borrow some of Elizabeth's ideas.

How To: Find an item's relative position via MATCH in MS Excel

hether you're interested in learning Microsoft Excel from the bottom up or just looking to pick up a few tips and tricks, you've come to the right place. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, ExcelIsFun, the 43rd installment in his "Highline Excel Class" series of free video Excel lessons, you'll learn how to use the MATCH function to find the ordinal position (relative position) of an item in a list.

How To: Use an auto clay bar to clean paint contamination

In this how-to video, you will learn how to clean your car paint with a clay bar. This will help you clean contaminants, bug parts, and other debris from your paint. First, you will need a car to clean, a clay bar, and a lubricant for the clay. Split the clay into a smaller piece and mold into a bottle. Spray the lubricant on the area you are going to clean. Move from left to right and up and down over the section two or three times with the clay. Once this is done, wipe off the lubricant wit...

How To: Clean and sanitize the kitchen

Looking to give your kitchen a good cleaning this spring? Don't go out and spend a ton of money on sanitizing sprays and cleaning equipment. Cleaning and sanitizing your kitchen is easy, effective, and inexpensive, because everything you need is likely in your kitchen!

How To: Clean your basement

Clean your basement like a champ. The hardest part of cleaning a basement is working around all that stuff you’ve stuck down there. This game plan will help. Check out this Howcast video tutorial on how to clean your basement.

How To: Properly wash and clean your footbag

To play footbag, you only need a footbag (and some feet), but you can't kick that hacky sack around unless it's clean. Watch this video tutorial that will teach you how to properly wash and clean your footbag, to restore it to its original beauty. That little round 32 panel bag of yours won't draw any attention if it's not cleaned the correct way. See how!

How To: Say food items in Russian

Check out this Russian language tutorial video that covers the vocabulary for food items in Russian. Learn how to say juice, salt, sugar, meat, pancake, and vinegar as well as a few phrases including "Povtorite pozhaluysta" and "Konechno." Practice your Russian language skills with Rusky Ed as he covers the basic words for food items in Russian with this instructional language video.

How To: Clean your roof of black algae streaks

The most common culprit causing the black streaks on roofs is a blue-green algae called Gloeocapsa magma. Over the past 25 years this strain of algae has become more hardy and has migrated to less humid environments. It has now become a common sight on asphalt roofs across 80% of the United States. This Home & Garden how to video series shows how to clean your roof and get rid of the black streaks caused by algae. Learn how to inspect and use a cleaning system to get your roof looking brighter.

How To: Keep your pets' skin, teeth and fur clean and healthy

In this clip, learn how to keep your dog or cat clean as a whistle! Did you know that there are many methods of cleaning your pets these days? For example, if you have a pet who is afraid of the water try Quick Bath wipes instead of a full bath. This clip is full of advice on how to keep you pet bathed and healthy so that they live a long, happy life.

How To: Clean a microwave using only cheap, green products

The instructor shows us how to clean a microwave using green products in this video. First, take a microwave safe dish and pour some white vinegar into it. You will want to cover about 1 inch of the dish. Once in the microwave, turn on for around 2 minutes and remove the dish. Now, you take a wet wash clothe and rub ivory soap all over it. You can now clean the inside of your dirty microwave with the soapy clothe. Make sure once you're done scrubbing, you take a clean wash clothe and wipe all...