Classe Jamais Search Results

How To: Do step aerobics

Step aerobics are performed for cardio fitness and weight loss using an elevated platform. Classes are offered for all skill levels. Learn how to do step aerobics in this exercise tutorial. When doing step aerobics you should get an aerobic stepper, use entire foot to step up & down, keep an eye on the step, tap it out to rest and be safe. With this how to video you can do step aerobics for a more effective workout.

How To: Get 15 Adamantine Ore in 30 minutes in DDO

This is a tutorial video for the video game Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO). In his first tutorial video, the cleric Zomm Lightfinger takes you through the quest "Relic of the Sovereign Host" in order to obtain 15 adamantine ore in less than 30 minutes and for less than 1000 platinum in expenses. The step-by-step commentary enables players from almost all classes to acquire their ore and forge one of the fabled Nightforge items in less than an hour. Additional discussion of high-level cleri...

How To: Do power yoga

Power yoga is a fitness-based approach to classical yoga. Power yoga classes focus on strength and flexibility. Learn about Power yoga in this yoga video lesson. Take action: expect athletic yoga, employ powerful poses, and hold poses longer. Cindy Mastry, the instructor in this how-to video, has practiced yoga since the age of eight, and also has a background in Jazz and Ballet. Active in the fitness industry for nearly twenty years, she teaches aerobics, kickboxing, and yoga at many fitness...

How To: Get gil, XP, and JP quick in Final Fantasy Tactics

Final Fantasy Tactics for the Playstation marked a different type of RPG game in the prestigious Final Fantasy series. Modeled after the War of the Roses, this game incorporated war-like stratagems in combat. Unfortunately, this made the task of leveling up and accruing gii a fifteen to thirty minute endeavor every time. Take a look at this tutorial and learn how to get gil (money), XP (experience points), and JP (job points) quickly so you can get the job classes you want.

How To: Create and manage items and loot in the StarCraft 2 Editor

Starcraft 2, like it's predecessor before it, has a very robust level editor that allows you, the DIY modder, to create nearly any scenario within the bounds of the Starcraft 2 engine that you could imagine. We have compiled videos on how to do all sorts of fun things with it, from making RPG's and Tower Defense games to just making you dream Starcraft 2 level. This video will teach you how to work with items and loot in your custom levels. You'll learn how to create items, create ancillary i...

How To: Move like a hip hop dancer

This video is for true beginners with no hip hop dance experience. People with no dance skills come to me all the time wanting to learn how to dance. In addition to classes, I teach private lessons, mostly to guys who don't want to look dumb when they go to a dance with a girl. The key is to learn how to feel the music and move to it like a hip hop dancer does.

How To: Enroll kids in ballet classes

Our expert will give you tips on what to look for in a ballet studio, including why it's important to check the studio floors, bathroom, and teachers certification. Get tips on finding out about a ballet class style and competition level as well. If you have a child interested in ballet dancing or simply want to find an after school activity, let our expert introduce you and your child to ballet classes.

How To: Cut a cigar the best way

Many people ruin a good cigar by a badly placed cut. YouTube user Cigaraficionadovideo is here to help. First in order to understand the cutting mistakes you must first know how a cigar is put together. A hand made cigar is held together a the tip by, what is called, a cap. When cutting this cap you want to do it above the shoulder. Be carful here because a bad cut a little lower could result in the wrapper falling it apart can lead to a mouth full of tobacco which will pretty much ruin your ...

How To: Make your first iPhone app with Xcode

In this video from XcodeMod we learn how to make an iPhone app with Xcode. Open up XCode and go to File...New Project. Pick what kind of app you'd like to save it as and come up with a name to save it as and save it to your desktop. Open the Classes folder and go into the AppDelegate.H. In the space above @end, type - (IBAction) buttonTapped to create a button. Save that, copy that line and paste it where you want the button in your appdelegate.M. Now in Resources folder open the Mainwindow.x...

How To: Hypnotize someone

Hypnosis can be used to manage pain, relieve anxiety, conquer phobias, prepare for childbirth, and cure insomnia, among other things. With a little practice and some simple techniques, you can amuse your friends or help them break a habit through hypnosis. Learn how to hypnotize someone with help from this how-to video.

How To: Understand the Dewey Decimal System

Feeling lost inside a library? The Dewey Decimal System is a logical and popular book classification system for libraries and schools helping you to easily locate any book or periodical you need. Fool these steps to better understand the Dewey Decimal System.

News: How to Write Better Code

Programming is an essential thing in hacking/pentesting, and at times, I do not feel that it is being addressed enough here, at Null-byte. I understand that this is a forum dedicated for hacking, but I'll address some of the stuff I feel is muy importante about programming. I am not a professional programmer, but I do have experience and I do want to share some of the stuff professionals have taught me.

How To: Keep an Eye on Your GPA with Pointo for Android

Even though my high school days are long behind me, I still find myself waking up in a cold sweat worrying about what my GPA is and what college I'm going to be able to get into. During those days I had to rely on coming up with my own equations to figure out my GPA between grading periods—including AP and honors course, as well as weights for pluses and minuses—but now there are smartphones to do all that thinking for me.

How To: Transition from cactus arms to cigarette girl in yoga

The yoga cactus arm movement helps establish stability underneath the shoulders and upper arm area for inversions and back bends. This yoga how-to video demonstrates how to use the cactus arm movement to transition into cigarette girl action. Cigarette girl action is a name that Kira Ryder, our yoga host, has assigned to a movement she uses in her yoga classes. Watch and learn how to transition from cactus arms into cigarette girl movements in yoga.

How To: Exploit Java Remote Method Invocation to Get Root

In the world of technology, there's often a trade-off between convenience and security. The Java Remote Method Invocation is a system where that trade-off is all too real. The ability for a program written in Java to communicate with another program remotely can greatly extend the usability of an app, but it can also open up critical vulnerabilities that allow it to be compromised by an attacker.