Circuit Search Results

How To: Understand circuit bending

In this video, we learn how to understand circuit bending. Circuit bending is noodling around with circuitry to see how it sounds and get different noises out of it. When you go into a motherboard and see the circuits that are inside of it, these can make noise if you re-circuit them. This can help you be creative and turn the electronic circuit board into a canvas. This can let someone immediately create something out of this and use it as an art form. It takes trial and error to find someth...

How To: Do the Grant Green exercise circuit

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to the "Grant Green" exercise circuit. This exercise circuit contains exercises. The exercises are: 10 raps of donkey kicks, 20 reps of scorpions, 20 reps of iron cross, 8 reps of both lateral leg lifts with toe out and in, 5 reps of Rockies, 5 reps of donkey whips, 10 reps of lower body crawl, 10 reps of Australian crawl, 20 reps of pedestal lateral leg lift, 20 reps of groiners, 10 reps of hurdle seat exchange, 50 reps of Russian hamstrings, 20 reps...

How To: Install a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)

Ron Hazelton shows how to install a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI). First turn off the power to the electrical outlet at the circuit breaker or fuse box (check to make sure there's no power in the outlet!). Then remove the electric cover plate. Then gently remove the old outlet receptacle. Detach the wires from the old receptacle. Trim and re-strip the wires if necessary. Attach the wires to the GFCI receptacle per the instructions. Gently reassemble the receptacle and plate. Restore...

How To: Circuit hack and mod

In this video, we explain some techniques for getting electronic circuits to do things they weren't designed for. As an example, use a speaker phone as a speaker. Hacking items into better or different devices is way cool DIY circuitry. These are ideas of electronics that are cool to splice, rip apart and use recycled electronics for new projects.

How To: Circuit bend for beginners

Get bent with this instructional circuit bending video that provides a short introduction to circuit bending for the beginner. Circuit bending is taking any existing electronic device that is capable of generating audio signal and manipulating it and altering the schematics to produce some sort of sound other than the original intended sound. There are endless possibilities for the devices that can be used to experiment with your own circuit bend sounds.

How To: Glitch or circuit bend a Nintendo gaming console

By circuit bending low voltage electronic devices, you can transform your old unused toys into musical devices or to create visual manipulations. Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to bend an old classic Nintendo. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to circuit bend the NES in such a way that you'll be able to produce cool distortions while in gameplay. Remember to exercise caution when circuit bending.

How To: Strengthen legs with a leg circuit workout

If you haven't discovered circuit training you haven't discovered how to lose weight and burn calories in half the time you'd usually take doing any exercise. By doing strength training exercises in circuits, or rounds of repititions, you keep your heart rate up and blood pumping to all of your muslces so they stay pliable and active.

How To: Inspect an electrical panel or circuit breaker

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to properly inspect an electrical panel or circuit breaker in a house. Users should begin by taking off the cover(s) of the individual panels to see the wiring inside. Make sure the wire are connected and that there are no open or broken circuits. Users should look correlation of the circuit breaker size and the wire size to make sure the gauge of the wire can handle amp and heat that is generated. This video will benefit those viewers who want to lea...

How To: Change a circuit breaker

In this video, we learn how to change a circuit breaker. First, turn the main breaker off so there is no running electricity. Then, go to the meter area around your circuit breaker system. With these, there will be wires running all around the entire system. With most breakers, you can pull them right out from where they clip in. There will be a wire connected to this which you can remove. Do this, and then connect the wire to the new breaker. Snap this back into place and make sure it's secu...

How To: Do circuit Pilates exercises to improve your golf game

This clip demonstrates a useful circuit Pilates routine sure to take strokes off of your golf game. With Pilates, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. Whether you're looking to slim down or merely tighten up your core, you're sure to be well served by this home fitness how-to from the folks at Balanced Body Pilates. For complete instructions, give this free e...

How To: Use the feature keys for your circuit machine

In this tutorial, we learn how to use the feature keys for your Cricut machine. There are six feature keys on every cartridge. The first is the shadow feature key that create a matte to highlight your letter. The shadow blackout key creates a solid matte that doesn't cut out the holes in between the letters. The charm feature key puts a charm top on the top of letters. The sign feature key puts letters inside of a small sign post, making it one inch from top to bottom. The slotted feature key...

How To: Make Arduino circuit boards for robotics

This week on Make Magazine is a project with parts from the Arduino Starter Kit. Skip over building the Proto Shield. Otherwise, it's a simple build that doesn't require any soldering. Arduino is a speaking control for robotics. It can be used in other Make kits or robotic projects. This is a circuit bending and circuit board project that involves basic circuitry and wiring.

How To: Hide your redstone circuits for gates and other things in Minecraft

Minecraft is all about survival and building the coolest fortress in the land! But if you're looking for something that's a little more aesthetically pleasing for your gates without having to have all those redstone circuits everywhere, you're in luck! In this video you will learn how to hide your redstone circuit lines to give a more natural look to your gates and buttons!

How To: Make a light bulb glow with an electrical circuit

One of the basics of electronics is knowing how an electrical current works. For this video, you will need a 1.2V battery, a lightbulb, and 2 copper wires. First, take the wires and attach one end of each wire to opposite sides of the battery. Have a friend hold the wires there, or tape the wires down. Then, take the unattached ends of the wires. Take one wire and touch it to the upper part of the base of the lightbulb. Take the other wire, and touch it to the bottom. The lightbulb should now...

How To: Map electrical circuits in your home

If you are planning to add any new outlets, lights or appliances, it is helpful to have a map (or schematic drawing) of your electrical circuits. This will help you determine if you can tap into an existing circuit or if you need to run a new circuit from the breaker panel. In this tutorial, you will learn how to map out your houses electrical system, which will help you plan for future needs or possibly alert you to an existing circuit overload. Also, many municipalities require that your ci...

How To: This DIY Soft-Circuit Military Tech Lets You Power Electronics Using Your Clothes

It turns out that the popularity of soft circuit electronics has leaked out of the interwebs and into the hands of the U.S. military. Soft circuit electronics allow you to literally sew electronics circuits into fabric using flexible conductive thread instead of wire. Soft circuits can be used for all sorts of fun projects, like the TV-B-Gone Hoodie and the Heartbeat Headband.