Childhood Search Results

How To: Make corn dogs from scratch at home

Who doesn't love a corndog? They remind us of childhood and going to the county fair or beach. Well, luckily with this video's help, you won't have to leave your house for one of these summertime treats. Check it out and make your own, step by step.

How To: Play kick the can

Here's a classic throw-back to times past with a timeless game of kick the can. Just because you don't need expensive equipment doesn't mean you can't have tons of fun. You can play this game just about anywhere.

How To: Do a proper cartwheel

Cartwheels are so much fun! Who doesn't love to twirl around? If you don't know how to do one of these fun moves, check out this video! Step by step, this tutorial will teach you how to relive your childhood or release your inner gymnast.

News: Intestinal Viruses Directly Associated with Development of Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is an attack on the body by the immune system — the body produces antibodies that attack insulin-secreting cells in the pancreas. Doctors often diagnose this type of diabetes in childhood and early adulthood. The trigger that causes the body to attack itself has been elusive; but many research studies have suggested viruses could be the root. The latest links that viruses that live in our intestines may yield clues as to which children might develop type 1 diabetes.

News: EtherWars Brings Real-Time Strategic Space Battles into the Living Room

If you want to quickly understand EtherWars, imagine a game like StarCraft where you build out your base on your living room floor instead of on a computer screen. Before we had computer games to help us imagine what space wars might feel like, we played with toy ships and used our imaginations. EtherWars combines those two elements by replacing toys with holograms that actually react to your choices.

How To: Make Slimy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Ooze at Home

It's been a minute since Michael Bay released his tragedy of a remake of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. As a huge fan of the cartoon and the movies from the '90s, I have made it a point to not watch the latest this franchise has to offer—I'm certainly not in the business of ruining my childhood. But the awfulness of the remake aside, the TMNT resurgence means I'm celebrating the comeback of everybody's favorite teenage reptiles. Thankfully, Todd's Kitchen has a tutorial for mutant ooze that's ...

News: Girl Plays Super Mario Bros. Theme on Ancient Chinese Instrument—& It Sounds Exactly the Same

Super Mario Bros. is one of the most renowned games in history. It helped resurrect a dying video game industry in the mid-'80s and still remains one of the best-selling video games of all time—one reason why the new NES Classic Edition is so popular and impossible to get these days. Its simple story of a plumber trying to rescue a princess resulted in a video game empire for Nintendo.

Mario Live Wallpaper: Classic Side-Scrolling Action for Your Home or Lock Screen

Nothing else quite sums up my childhood like Super Mario, the Italian plumber who constantly had to defeat Bowser to save Princess Peach (aka Princess Toadstool) from danger. While it's easy to relive the classic gameplay on your Android with Nintendo emulators, not everyone has time for lengthy quests. Instead, you can get your Mario nostalgia fix with a live wallpaper for your home and/or lock screen.

DIY Elsa Costumes: Icy Halloween Looks for Frozen's Snow Queen

When I was young, I wanted nothing more but to be able to freeze things just like one of my favorite X-Men characters, Iceman. Now, Disney's most successful animated film to date, Frozen, brought another icy childhood favorite to the scene—The Snow Queen. And with Halloween right around the corner, all of the princesses out there can get their chance at being ice royalty. While Princess Anna and Olaf the Snowman were the biggest characters in Frozen, Elsa is one of the movie's most memorable ...

How To: Deter Data Thieves from Stealing Your Flash Drive by Disguising It as a Broken USB Cable

Having a flash drive is more or less a must, but the biggest downside is that they often get stolen, and it's not hard to figure out why. They're small, so they easily fit into pockets, and a lot of people store valuable information on them. Want to pretty much guarantee no one takes yours? Disguise it as a broken USB cable like Windell Oskay of Evil Mad Science Labs so it just looks like a piece of junk to would-be thieves. The materials are pretty simple: a flash drive (the smaller the bett...