Chat Site Search Results

How To: The Easy Way to Clean Up Your WhatsApp Chat Logs

One of the downsides of living in an unprecedented age of connectivity is the near-constant bombardment of information. WhatsApp, the go-to messaging app for people the world over, is just as susceptible to buildup of useless media files, thanks to awesome features that allow us to communicate in multiple ways, such as broadcasting to friends and family. Luckily, the app makes it easy to remove old and unwanted data from your iPhone or Android.

How To: Create a simple chat application with WinSock in Visual Basic 6

In this clip, you'll learn how to create simple chat applications with WinSock in VB 6. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular event-driven program language & IDE or a seasoned developer merely looking to improve your chops, you're sure to find benefit in this free Visual Basic programming lesson. For more information, including a complete demonstration and detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Implement two-way chat with the Winsock control in Visual Basic 6

In this clip, you'll learn how to set up two-person chatting with Visual Basic 6. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular event-driven program language & IDE or a seasoned developer merely looking to improve your chops, you're sure to find benefit in this free Visual Basic programming lesson. For more information, including a complete demonstration and detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Set & Remove Nicknames in Facebook Messenger Chats for More Personalized Conversations

For the most part, people use real names on Facebook. That's all fine and well for keeping tabs on those you know, but it can make friendly Messenger chats feel oddly formal. Skirt around this stiffness by giving your friends nicknames in Messenger for Android and iOS, so your conversations reflect the way you and your friends communicate in real life.

How To: Use Pidgin as an IRC client

This video shows how to enter an IRC chat with a program called Pidgin, which is normally an instant messaging client. First, you should open Pidgin and open the protocol IRC, selecting or creating a username and changing the server to in order to connect to the Linuxjournal channel. After connecting to the channel, wait until you are connected. At this point, you should still not be able to see anything, so you have to go to "Add Chat" and join a channel, in this case #Linux...

How To: Change the Chat Color in Messenger Threads to Personalize a Conversation

Blue has defined Facebook's color scheme since its inception. Both Facebook's main app and Messenger theme are blue, which means your chat bubbles, like emoji, and menu bar items are also. While certainly a satisfying color for chat, you may get sick of it after a while, especially when it's in every thread. Luckily, Facebook lets you customize the color of individual Messenger chats.

How To: Protect your online reputation

With social networking systems, YouTube comments chains, chat rooms, bulletins boards, Twitter updates... It seems as if almost everyone has at one time publicly stated an opinion on the Internet. Nearly half of all prospective employers research job applicants online. Make sure that what you’re posting today doesn’t cost you a dream job tomorrow!

How To: Use Skype to communicate via video chat

Skype is an easy to use, safe, and affordable way to keep in touch with people inside the country and outside. This video tutorial will show you how to download the software and set it up so you can call anyone or communicate via video chat. Enjoy!

How To: Hack together the DIY video chat robot

Sparky is a wireless, web-based video-chat robot from the Gomi Style crew. You can learn how to make your own Autonomous Telepresence robot using spare computer parts, some old toys and a bit of custom software (that we provide at This robot is operated with a Make controller circuit board. Sparky is a retired electric wheel chair with a monitor as a head.

How To: Change the Owner of a Telegram Group Chat to Pass the Torch to a Different Member

Group chats are fun, effective ways of staying in touch with the many people in our lives. Whether it's the local friend chat or the group from work, we rely on these groups to keep connected. Running one of these group chats, however, can be a monster task. If you're feeling overwhelmed with administrative responsibilities, why not pass on that burden to another member of the Telegram group?

How To: Invite People to Messenger Group Chats with a Link So They Can Join Right Away or Wait on Approval

While some of our group chats should probably remain private and closed off, others will only get better with more people. Whether you're organizing an event and need a headcount or you want to share a funny YouTube video with a large crowd, you can add all the friends you wish to on Facebook Messenger by sending them a unique link.