Chasing Search Results

Roundup: The 5 Best Capacitive Gloves for Using Your Smartphone in the Cold

For some of us, winter puts the brakes on apps like Pokémon GO since smartphone screens usually only respond to bare fingers. Nobody wants to be that guy who caught frostbite chasing a Sneasel. When you use normal gloves, the display's sensor simple doesn't activate, so that doesn't help any. Fortunately, several options for touchscreen-friendly capacitive gloves are on the market to help you through this last blast of winter.

How To: Essential Minecraft PVP Tips

In Minecraft, a large aspect of the game is PVP (Player vs. Player Combat). A hardcore Minecraft fan will remember that back in Beta 1.8, combat was switched up, and it really changed the game around. Here are some tips on what a two-year Minecraft player has to say.

How To: Need More Time on a Work Assignment or School Project? Corrupt Your Files to Extend Your Deadline Without Question

You have an assignment due, whether it's homework for school or a project for work, but you've only got a few hours left. There's no way you're going to finish in time and do a good job, and you don't want to turn in anything incomplete or half-assed. While it may seem you're out of luck, there's a simple way to buy yourself more time.

How To: Remember These Popular App Store Games? They're Still Alive to Play Today

The App Store has been around for almost 14 years now, and during that time, we must have seen over a million games come and go and stay and expand. But only a tiny fraction of those games have become blockbuster sensations because of the mighty App Store's reach on iPhone and iPad, and many of the first big hits are still alive today for you to relive the good ol' days of mobile gaming.

News: The Shock Collar Maze

Create an invisible fence maze and place a shock collar on one of the guys to see if they can get through the invisible maze with minimal (or maximum) pain. While he is going through, feel free for the other guys to come and push him outside the invisible fence. Maybe even have angry dogs chasing after him to add extra incentive to move quickly.

How To: Catch surface-feeding fish with a popping cork rig

One of the most exciting times you can have fishing is when you can get in the middle of a school of surface-feeding fish like black bass or white bass or stripers. If you can manage to cast off into them, you're guaranteed to get a bite. And one way to improve your chances… the popping cork rig. Wade Bourne of MyOutdoorTV shows you how to fish a popping cork rig.

How To: Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

What should you do in case of a major zombie outbreak? Many of the best survival techniques follow the same logic as to how you should prepare for major natural disasters; stock up on food and medical supplies, have an escape route, and form a community of people you can work with. When you're dealing with the flesh-eating undead, it also helps to invest beforehand in full body armor, weapons, and basic parkour lessons so that you know how to scale walls and jump across buildings when a horde...

News: Holy Pac-Man! DIY Light Painting Saber Is Pure Awesome

A few months ago, we showed you a pretty awesome light painting project that visually captured invisible Wi-Fi signals around town using a Wi-Fi detecting rod filled with 80 LEDs. With some long exposure photography, the results were pretty amazing. This project was inspired by those crazy Norwegians, but this build lets you do something even more amazing—capture pictures of colorful written text and drawn images, frozen in midair.

News: Ka$hA TaKe$ ThE To0p

As far as new artists go, 2010 more or less belonged to this 23-year-old Nashville native, who released her hit debut, "Animal," in January, then followed it up last month with a nine-track mini-album, "Cannibal."

Red Dead: Bring back a live bounty easily

Bring back a live bounty without chases. There is always a bandit pursuit whenever you try to bring in a live bounty in Red Dead Redemption. If you kill the initial wave of bandits, more appear seconds later. They can kill your horse or your bounty, and if you can't outrun them, it's going to be a very messy return.

How To: Create an Automatic Animal Harvester in Minecraft

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. Harvesting items from animals no longer requires wasting precious time chasing after them. During last Saturday's Weekly Workshop, we built a few different kinds of animal harvesters that worked in different ways, but for this guide we will be building the most compact and easy to use harvesters we made over the weekend.

Weasel Out of a Ticket & More: Life Lessons from the Creator of COPS

In 1988, John Langley created COPS for the fledgling FOX network. 23 years later, the show is still running. It is the Energizer bunny of prime time television. Since John has followed more police officers and witnessed more crime than any human being on earth (absolutely no question), I had to ask some advice for hypothetical unwanted encounters with the men in blue.

How To: Fish for bass using a square-billed crankbait

If you're bass fisherman, then you know that the lipless crankbait is the bait you want in your fishing box. It's great for catching roaming fish chasing bait fish. However, there is an alternative you could use— a square-billed shallow running crankbait. They both are used in the same situations, but sometimes the billed crankbait will outperform the lipless crankbait. Wade Bourne of MyOutdoorTV shows you more about the square billed crankbait in this video.

News: hahaha i got 2 really bomb ideas

alright my first idea is to go to a ski mountain wearing ridiculous stuff and looking retarded and then go on a chairlift and halfway at a spot you would hang off the chairlift and make them stop the chairlift and get everyones attention and then just drop and ski away or something like that haha (of course a height that you wont die from dropping from) and my second idea was to go to a fitness center/gym or anywhere that has a lockeroom and run around naked chasing eachother and falling in t...

News: Fake cop

someone dress up as a fake cop and then start arresting people and put like two in the cop car and make it seem like if you were chasing a rober and ten get off the car and some dude gets in and leves with the ar with the people in the car and his calling his buddies saying his leaving los angeles to go to texas and they just say it was a prank.