Chance Losing Search Results

How To: Lose your pregnancy weight

Looking to shed that baby weight? In this three part tutorial learn how Iris completely lost her baby weight in one year and got back to wearing her pre-pregnancy clothes before her baby's first birthday. In the three parts of this advice session, the following topics are touched on: details of Iris' weight gain & weight loss, how she did it, what routines she followed, and how she found her motivation.

How To: Track Your Lost iPhone, iPad, or Mac Even When Its Offline — As Long as This Feature Is Enabled

Apple's latest updates to its operating systems add another security feature to its Find My service, so you have an even better chance at locating your lost iPhone, iPad, or Mac should it ever happen. As long as you have the option enabled, you can leverage other Apple users' devices to find yours on the map.

How To: Set Up Find My iPhone to Always Keep Track of Your iOS Device

While iPhones may be more expensive than ever, it won't stop us from losing them or having them stolen. Whether you have an iPhone 5S or an iPhone XS Max, there's a good chance it'll go missing at some time during your ownership. It could end up in a couch cushion or in the hands of a pickpocket, but no matter what happens to it, you need to prepare it beforehand for the inevitable.

How To: Get the Enchantment Overload achievement in Torchlight for XBox 360

Enchanting items in Torchlight is one of the many Diablo-like elements that make the game so damn fun, but enchanting a single item 10 times to get the Enchantment Overload achievement is really hard for no reason other than that every time you enchant an item it has a chance of breaking. This means that the chance of an item making it through 10 enchantments are slim, making this a hard achievement to get. This video, fortunately, will give you some handy tips on getting it done without spen...

How To: Screw with and prank people at the gym

If you're a regular gym-goer, you see a lot of strange things and people. Perhaps you've even seen someone pulling one of these pranks and wondered, "Why is this guy giving me a spot yelling about the Bible?" There's a good chance you were being messed with. Now is your chance to try out messing with people at the gym yourself. This video will teach you a bunch of great ways to prank exercisers without additional equipment or setup. Brilliant!

How To: Make a human form Midna costume from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

If you're a Zelda fan and are looking to do something different for your cosplay, or Halloween outfit, then there's a chance that you haven't tried being Midna in her human form after you complete the game Twilight Princess after reassembling the mirror. In this video you will get a full tutorial on how to create the costume from scratch including making the headpiece and trinkets yourself!

How To: Do a hip-hop dance to the song "Krazy" by Pitbull

The Pitbull song "Krazy" is a club dancing classic, and many people have choreographed their own dances to the song. This video will show you, in great detail, how to do one cool dance to the song choreographed by the maker of this video. It should look good any time you have the chance to perform it and improve your skills generally.

How To: Change a flat tire on your bike

If you are a serious bike rider, chances are you have had or will have a flat tire at a disastrous time during a ride at some point. Knowing how to change out the bad tire and tube (and having a spare to replace them with) can make all the difference in saving your ride. This video will show you how to change the tire tube on you wheel while on the trail quickly and easily, getting you back riding.

How To: Fold a floating origami boat

You may know how to fold an origami paper boat, but chances are you don't know how to origami a paper boat that can actually float. This video tutorial will show you the step-by-step instructions for each fold involved in the boat building process. You only need on sheet of paper for this floating boat, which means it's actually really easy to fold.

How To: Play dreidel

The dreidel, the small top that's among the most recognizable symbols of the Hanukkah season, is a fun game of chance to play with friends and family.

How To: Mix a Lost Cause cocktail

What better way to learn how to mix a drink than from a hot girl! This bartending how-to video teaches a cocktail recipe for a Lost Cause. You will need Malibu rum, gin, sweetened lime juice, and club soda. Follow along with this video mixology lesson and find out how to make a Lost Cause cocktail. Get your (alcoholic) drink on.

How To: Build a $25 camera crane

The guys at Indy Mogul show you the Camera Crane (turbo mini jib) that ANYONE can afford! Attach it to your tripod and that good looking girl in your English class might mistake you for George Lucas...not sure if that'll help your chances with her, though.

How To: Do exercises to reduce your breast size

In this video from modernmom we learn exercises to reduce your breast size. You can't lose weight in your breast the personal trainer says. But when you want to lose weight, and you get into an exercise program that is consistent, you will begin to lose weight, and our bodies shed pounds all over, and because there is lots of fat in the breast tissue, you will notice they will get smaller. There's no one specific exercise though. But doing a walking program and watching calories will make you...

How To: Recycle junk CDs and DVDs into a miniature disco ball

So, AOL might not be mailing as many internet CDs as they did in the past, but chances are you have a few of those junk discs lying around. Chances are you have tons of junk CDs and DVDs laying around, not necessarily from AOL. And now... it's time to turn them into something useful, or at least fun! Kipkay shows you how to build a mini-disco ball from those recycled discs, with scissors, hot glue and a styrofoam ball also needed.

How To: Create a compass in Minecraft

One awesome feature for Minecraft is the addition of the compass. It will always point you directly back to your spawn point in the game. This should help keep you from getting lost and losing your shelter or house while out exploring. In this video you will get a quick tutorial on how to build it using one red stone and four steel bars. Enjoy!

How To: Restore your tabs when your Firefox browser crashes

If you are a multi-tasker like many others and have multiple tabs open on your Firefox browser, you could run into a point where your browser crashes and lose all your tabs. Downloading the add-on BarTab will help you restore all the tabs you have lost. The add-on has customizable settings that let you configure it to what helps you best.

How To: Build a lost screw finder attachment

MAKE zine aims to bring the DIY aesthetic and mindset to all the technology in your life. They want you to break open things and put them back together in a better way. In this video, MAKE and KipKay show you how to build a lost screw finder attachment. It'll help you find any screw, including plastic ones that a magnet would not be able to pick up.

How To: Lose weight fast

Drop 8 pounds, tone without cardio, finally lose the baby weight or run 3 miles with ease--pick your plan and get your best body in just four weeks! The secret to weight loss is consistency. Don't yo-yo diet eating carbs and sugar! Don't workout for 3 hours one day a week. Try these quick weight exercises for slimming your figure.

How To: Play Zelda Lost Woods on violin

Watch this instructional violin video to learn how to play the "Lost Woods" song from the Zelda: Ocarina of Time video game on the violin. This tutorial video is great for violinist enthusiasts who love the video game. Find the sheet music for this song in the Downloads section of this user's personal website.

How To: Get credit when you have no credit

In this video, we learn how to get credit when you don't have any. Most credit agencies are now gathering information about younger people to figure out if they are allowed to get credit cards, which will help them build a credit score. There is a website, PRBC, where you can start a file and enter your information, and it can verify all the information you report. This information will be given to credit reporting agencies, and give you more of a chance to get credit. Next, you can get depar...

How To: Balance your plate to lose weight

In this tutorial, we learn how to balance your plate to lose weight. These are keys that dietitians say are the keys to losing weight. When filling your plate for a meal, always fill half of the plate with fruits or vegetables. Fill 25% off the plate with protein (meats) and the other 25% with grains or starchy veggies. This will help you lose weight and eat more nutritionally when you see more food on your plate, but it's healthier food instead of junk food. When eating breakfast, don't just...

How To: Rig 2 lures to fish at the same time

Fishing is already tough for some, especially those with not much experience. But in this next tutorial, not only can beginner's better their chances of catching soemthing, its a technique that can be done easily by most. The video will show you how to rig 2 lures to fish at the same time. It may sound difficult, and for some it is, but it helps better your chances of coming home with a big one. So good luck, pay attention, and enjoy!

How To: Maintain heart health for women

Learn how to maintain your heart health at any age! Great advice for all women because the younger you are the better chance you have at protecting your heart and preventing heart disease. Starting at age 30 you should start getting cholesterol test just to keep yourself in check. Once you hit 40 you should start scheduling stress echo cardiograms which can indicate if there are problems with your heart. Once you reach 50 you really need to be aware of the signs and symptoms of a heart attack...

How To: Calculate your body mass index (BMI)

How do you know if you should lose weight is a question people often ask. For the most part the need for weight loss should be determined by how you feel in your own body. There are some calculations that doctors use to determine if you need to lose weight. One of those calculations is BMI or Body Mass Index. BMI is based upon a fairly difficult equation. BMI is figured by multiplying your weight by 703 then dividing by your height squared. A body mass index over 25 is considered overweight. ...

How To: Start a car without needing the key

Please only use the information in this video if you have lost your own car key or you are helping out a friend who has lost theirs! If you need to start a car without the key, this tutorial shows you how to find the wires in the steering column to find the eight cables underneath. Here's what to look for and then what to do so you can get your car running and go to where you need to be.