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How To: Dress nice and comfortable when working a DJ gig

Dressing appropriate yet comfortable as a DJ go hand in hand in this video.Although tuxedos or suits can be worn this particular DJ prefers a little more dressed down. With a dressy button down and a pair of white cotton Dockers, he explains he looks professional yet he's comfortable. Sitting as a DJ is a bad idea. So standing for several hours definitely requires a comfortable pair of shoes. The Clark pair shown are his choice and said to have great soles, and very comfortable. Two tips for ...

How To: Clean up your Windows registry & get rid of cookies

Some times malicious programs can infect your registry and fill it with lots of unwanted information. You may need to clean it to prevent the virus from causing any further damage to your computer or to even disable the virus. It is a very lengthy and complex process to do this manually. So you will need to use one of the powerful free tools available online. Hijack This is one of the most powerful program that can be used for this purpose. So go the website and download this free tool. Insta...

How To: Troubleshoot and fix Internet Explorer

In this video, Britec09 shows, "How to Fix and Troubleshoot Internet Explorer Browser Problems". First ensure that your computer is connected to the internet and your system is not infected by a computer virus, or any other type of infection, that will cause your computer to function incorrectly. First you should download Firefox to validate if the problem is with the internet explorer or the website itself. Second, you must check the version of your internet explorer. If it is old, update th...

How To: Attach a crimp and cover to jewelry

Crimp can be made easily and covered to the jewelry by using the following instructions. First purchase the proper supplies of crimping tool. This tool acts like pliers and is used by placing the bead in the appropriate slot at the tip and then squeeze the handle together. The multiple slotted tips are the key to the tool, and are needed to create a proper crimp. Then, select the proper crimp bead. The thin metal crimp beads come in a variety of materials and sizes. This will be used to secur...

How To: Win at arm wrestling

Darnit! Are you tired of getting slammed in arm wrestling matches? Before you switch to thumb wrestling, take a little time to hone your technique with this video including tips on how to win your next arm wrestling match.

How To: Prevent gas

While intestinal gas is a normal occurrence within the digestive process, it can also cause bloating, burping and flatulence. Follow these tips to remedy the problem.

How To: Train a dog not to pull with loose leash walking

This how-to video quickly outlines exercises to get your dog walking on a loose leash by your side. Put very basically, teach the dog what you want them to do! And secondly, stop reinforcing them when they pull! A clicker training method is used, but if you do not have one, you can always use a verbal marker like yes. However you will get much faster and reliable results by using the clicker. If you hold the clicker in the same hand as the leash, and keep the treats in the other hand, you wil...

How To: Grow daylilies

Our perennial gardening expert Martha Cycz tells you everything you need to know about daylilies, including how to incorporate them into your garden, how to position them for the right amount of shade and how to trim them without causing damage to the stems. She even discusses their root systems and suggests attractive color combinations. If you are unsure whether or not daylilies deserve to be in your garden, these videos will decide for you.

How To: Recognize poison ivy

Poison Ivy and Poison Oak are a problem throughout the United States. The resin on the leaves is what bothers us, causing acute dermatitis (a bad rash). If you happen to come in contact with it, quickly wash with hot soapy water, that should at least reduce the amount of irritation. Poison Ivy has three leaves and a little bit of red where the leaf merges with the stem. There is a new product made especially for eradicating Poison Ivy and tough brush. To use this product, spray the leaves tho...

News: Intestinal Viruses Directly Associated with Development of Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is an attack on the body by the immune system — the body produces antibodies that attack insulin-secreting cells in the pancreas. Doctors often diagnose this type of diabetes in childhood and early adulthood. The trigger that causes the body to attack itself has been elusive; but many research studies have suggested viruses could be the root. The latest links that viruses that live in our intestines may yield clues as to which children might develop type 1 diabetes.

How To: Do a beginner coin trick

Start off with a coin in one hand palm up, then you will rotate your hand palm down. Once you do this you will throw the coin from one hand to the next, causing the coin to "magically" switch hands. mover your fingers tightly together with the hand that first had the coin to try and play off that you are transferring the coin from the starting hand to the opposite.

How To: Control a squirrel problem

Squirrels are cute until they start causing damage to your home. This short video program helps you find answers to preventing squirrel damage. Watch this video animal care tutorial and learn how to control a squirrel problem.

News: Playing an Electric Guitar With 100,000V

Video: . I made this Tesla Coil using the myRIO and LabVIEW. It uses electricity to play the music, which can be Star Wars, Harry Potter or even Hunger Games! The music is played by the spark heating the surrounding air (causing it to expand) then the spark turning off (causing the air to cool and contract). This expanding and contracting cause's longitudinal waves - or sound waves.

Raspberry Pi: Physical Backdoor Part 1

This tutorial is one technique to use the full functionality of your Pi. The small size makes it ideal for inside hacks, but still has the capabilities of a average desktop or computer. I should mention that a tutorial that OTW has done, but I'm gonna take it a step further. OTW made a brilliant article, but only touched on the surface of the possibilities. I hope this article will both show you many the possibilities and also allow you to start causing havoc, but I'm planning on making this ...