Cat's Urine Search Results

How To: Care for common cat medical problems

Caring for cats is a full time job, especially if they have diseases or are injured. Learn some basic information to care for cats with urinary problems, heart diseases, and dental illnesses in this free video series that includes how to give cats medication.

How To: Give your cats medication safely and easily

Cats are notoriously difficult when it comes to medication. It seems like while you can trick a dog into eating medicine, a cat will see you coming from a mile away. In this video, Dr. Lauren will show you the easiest way to get your cat to take medication. Follow along and avoid scratches and screaming the next time your kitten is ill.

How To: Train your cat to play fetch

Who says you can’t play fetch with a cat? You just have to make it worth Fluffy’s time. You will need a cat, patience and rewards. Tip: Don't yell! Cats don't respond well to loud noises. Don't use "no" during training, as this should be reserved for important things like not shredding furniture.

How To: Treat and care for your diabetic cat

Does your kitty cat have diabetes? If this is unfortunately the case, check out this tutorial. This video is very informative and will walk you through the entire process so you can help your scared kitty feel calm and relaxed when you administer the needles. Make sure your cat lives a long and healthy life despite her disease with these tips.

How To: Toilet train the cat

Information provided by Karawynn Long's website and her cat Misha. This is one of a few excellent cat training videos. You'd be amazed at what those felines can do. Poop in the toilet is just the beginning. Feline pine is eco-friendly and great for apartments & flushable!

How To: Trap an entire colony of cats

In this how to video Alley Cat Allies demonstrates how to trap an entire colony of cats. This video walks you through all the steps involved in planning, organizing, and implementing a full scale, entire colony trapping. It is important to trap all the cats in a colony at (or around) the same time to lower the amount of time and resources devoted to that particular colony. This video includes information on the equipment you will need, tricks of the trade for hard to trap cats, and advice to ...

How To: Train your cat to live together happily

This video training tutorial shows effective cat training tips that can transform antisocial cats into lovable pets. Cats need certain instruction to adapt to the routine and life in a household, and it's up to the pet owner to teach a cat how to behave. Learn how to train a cat by watching this instructional video.

How To: Keep your cat off of your furniture

Cats are the most popular pets in America, and everyone loves a soft and cuddly kitten. But, one of the biggest drawbacks to having a feline friend is that where we see a brand new sofa - they see a scratching post. In this clip, get some useful tips for helping your cat stay away from the furniture and redirect their scratching impulses. In this pet video Marc Morrone will show you the best way to keep cats off the furniture so they don't destroy them with their claws.

How To: Make a mean cat like you

Got a nasty cat that you're trying to make nice with? Even though cats can be fickle, they can still be won over. This simple trick will help you win over the neighbor's, friend's or even your own pet cat. Watch this video tutorial and find out how to make a mean cat like you.

How To: Annoy a cat in a nice way

Is your cat annoying you? Fight back, without being mean. This little trick is more of a way with nicely playing with you cat, and some cats might even enjoy it. Learn how to annoy a cat without hurting or abusing them by watching this video tutorial.

How To: Give your cat a pill

Learn how to care for your pet with help from VetVid. See how to give your cat a pill. Dr. Mike will show you how you can pill your feline. There are some cats that can be very difficult to pill, so it might be a good idea to start off with trimming your cats nails. Some aggressive cats may actually have to be wrapped up in a blanket or towel, to help prevent scratching.

How To: Evaluate a women's body toxins

In this video, we learn how to evaluate a woman's body toxins. The best way to do this is to evaluate your life and your career. Different careers can expose you to toxicity. Another thing is test that your doctors can give you, that look at urine, blood, and saliva for toxic substances. These are not for everybody, just a certain population. But, the accuracy of these tests have not yet been proven scientifically. Not everyone needs to go on a detoxification diet, but it certainly can help y...

How To: Protect yourself from bed bugs in a hotel room

This "Good Morning America" insightful video reveals the truth of hotels room, and what you can do to protect yourself. You'll meet those silent vampire'esque creatures known as bed bugs, you'll even see urine stains on the wall. But, of course you want to be able to travel and see the world without the fear of encountering any of these pesky things. So, you'll learn some helpful tools to help prevent or kill these little bugs for an enjoyable stress free trip and stay.

How To: Manage a kitten and cat in the same home

The Kitten Connection Video Series from Purina will help you welcome your new kitten into your life with confidence! Board Certified Veterinary Behaviorist and pet expert Dr. Karen Sueda shares her best tips and advice in these 13 exclusive Purina Kitten Chow videos. Watch them now to get your new relationship off to a healthy, happy start.

How To: Perform a Nesbitt Young bladder irrigation in nursing

Going to school to be a nurse? Then one of the many techniques you will learn is how to irrigate a bladder. In this nursing how-to video our host demonstrates how to do a Nesbitt Young irrigation. This type of bladder irrigation demonstration is not a CBI, continuous bladder irrigation, it is an intermittent irrigation. However it does use a continuous infusion of sterile solution into the bladder, most often, using a three-way irrigation closed system with a triple-lumen catheter. Infrequent...

How To: Litter train your cat or kitten with Dr. Garrison

To help litter train your cats you want to have one more litter box than you have cats. So if you have two cats you want to have 3 litter boxes. You want to have the boxes in locations where it is easy for the cats to see what is going on around them. When they are using the litter box it is a very vulnerable time for them. Having them in the open helps them to feel more secure. Experiment with different types of boxes and litter to see what your cat likes. To get them oriented to using the b...

How To: Train Your Cat to Do Her Business Outside

Tired of cleaning up after your cat after she goes to the litter box? Why not take that litter box outside? In this video, you'll be shown how to train your cat to go outside. The only thing you have to do is slowly move the location of her litter box until it's outside!

How To: Bathe a cat

In this video, you will learn the safe way to give a cat a bath. (Not that cats usually need baths--they are actually pretty good at grooming themselves).

How To: Give your cat a shot of medicine, safely

Cats are notoriously bad at taking medicine, especially if it comes in the form of a needle. In this clip, Dr. Lauren will teach you how to give your furry friend an injection for things like diabetes and other illnesses. So, follow along to avoid the scratches and do it the easy way!

How To: Tie a cat's paw fishing knot

Know your knots! With this free video tutorial, you'll learn how to tie a simple cat's paw fishing knot. To tie a cat's paw, you need to make sure the lines are crossed. The knot is easy to tie provided, of course, you know how to go about making it. For an easy-to-follow, step-by-step overview of how to tie this useful fisherman's knot in a minute's time or less, watch this free video knot tyer's guide.

How To: Make oatmeal raisin asparagus cookies

Jolene Sugarbaker of The Trailer Park Cooking Show has a crazy new recipe that she wants to share with everyone. It's called oatmeal raisin asparagus cookies. Sounds interesting? Jolene insists that they are delicious. Learn how to make these oatmeal raisin asparagus cookies by watching this episode. These cookies are filled with essential vitamins and nutrients that you can't get from just any cookie. Your guests will never be the wiser that these cookies even contain asparagus in them. Alth...

How To: Trim the nails on your cat

Your cats nails are always growing, and they can easily grow too long, which can cause problems. Indoor cats can catch their nail on the carpet, resulting in bleeding or possibly injuring the actual toe. Toenails that are too long can always result in an infection. Learn how to care for your pet with help from VetVid. See how to trim the nails on your cat with this video tutorial.

How To: Give subcutaneous fluids to a cat

Your veterinarian may, at some point, prescribe some SQ fluids, or subcutaneous fluids to your cat. There are many reasons for having an SQ fluids prescription. But if you have a cat that needs these, you're going to have to learn how to give the fluid to your cat. Learn how to care for your pet with help from VetVid. See how to give subcutaneous fluids to a cat with this video tutorial.